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1366年,朱元璋发布《平周檄》,讨伐张士诚。在檄文中,朱元璋斥责张士诚不忠于元、诈降、不贡钱粮等。而事实上,张士诚第一次降元是运用策略的一种表现,其真实目的为反元。第二次降元复反,则是他逆历史潮流,妄图割据称雄的狡诈之举。十年少贡钱粮,客观上使吴地百姓得到了实惠。与整个元朝和明初的高压重赋相比较,在张士诚统治期间,苏州人民的赋税相对来说有较大程度的减轻。  相似文献   
黄忠晶 《重庆师专学报》2008,27(2):50-52,99
从《庄子》全书的总体内容看,“上无为而下有为”的思想不是庄子的思想,它应该是夹杂在《庄子》一书中的其它思想流派的东西——是儒家的甚至法家的南面术,与庄子的思想是格格不入的。庄子的思想应该是“无为不治”。建立在“无为不治”的思想基础上,庄子对仁义,即通常的社会规范制度进行了猛烈的抨击。  相似文献   
Hurricane Katrina exposed to the world the side of America that is often ignored or forgotten—the side of America where people live in poverty and struggle to meet their most basic needs. This article focuses primarily on children in Mississippi and highlights the effect that poverty has on children’s well-being at an early age and future academic success. It also provides evidence for the importance of funding high-quality pre-k programs and parental training to ensure they begin the process of preparing their children for success, not only in Mississippi but in the other states that are leaving their children behind. Finally, with the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind in 2007, recommendations are made for refocusing the premise of the law from accountability and high stakes testing to meeting the needs of all children so they can truly be successful in school.  相似文献   
目前,因校园伤害事故引起的学生与学校之间的人身损害赔偿纠纷日益增多,受到社会的广泛关注.文章着力分析了校园伤害案件的几个焦点问题,包括学校与未成年学生之间的法律关系、校园伤害案件的责任承担原则、学校过错的判断标准;详尽地阐述了在司法实践中对一些疑难问题的处理原则,以期对中小学应对和预防校园伤害事故提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
论嵇康音乐艺术理论的美学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以现代美学作为审视角度,梳理与研究了嵇康的音乐艺术思想。论文认为,嵇康的《声无哀乐论》集中地表现了魏晋时期音乐艺术美学思想,由传统儒家功利实用审美态度转向崇尚自然,注重个人内心情感体验,以及尊重音乐艺术自身特殊规律的审美倾向。本文共分四部分,即嵇康的艺术人生倾向;《声无哀乐论》与养生论;以“心”为乐之体,以“声”为乐之“用”;“曲变虽众,亦大同于和。”  相似文献   
“怀才不遇”是一种精神上的失望和痛苦。无论是乱世和盛世 ,那些古代的文士们常常感到怀才不遇。这种心态既来自外部 ,即社会 ;也来自自身 ,即自己的心理和性格。这种心态 ,对文人来说是一种苦难 ,但这种苦难也成就了他们 ,使他们的创作达到辉煌  相似文献   
忻城县学(也称儒学)由兴至废,历时57年,受教育者寥寥无几。莫氏袭官后500余年,县学废而不立,史称“忻城土县例不建学”即沿例不建县学)。自第四任土官后,始建官家私塾,又建社学、义学,“诗书之声渐出蛮乡”,使“边城之地,QinQin乎向化”。第十二任土官制定《教士条规十六例》,是忻城迄今为止发现的明、清时期莫氏土官有关教育文化思想理论比较完整的文献,也是其他土司记载教育文化史料文献所罕见的。从中可以略窥古代汉儒学在忻城的传播手壮民族接受中原教育文化熏陶的一个侧面。莫氏袭官实行愚民政策,搞文化禁锢,实施“文致治平”。  相似文献   
道教对唐代政治产生了深远的影响,主要表现在君臣之道理论、道教的政治理性、御史监察制度和道教与唐代政治的关系调适上。本文从道教与唐代政治关系的视域进行分析,它将更好地帮助我们理解唐代政治清明和臣子的力谏精神。  相似文献   
华裔小说家汤亭亭在她第一部带有自传性质的小说《女勇士》的开篇为读者讲述了一个“无名女子”的故事,这一形象一直被评论界看作是“弱女子”的典型悲剧形象,与后来的“花木兰”以及“我”形成对比。运用雅克·拉康的镜像阶段理论,分析其在文本及华裔所面对的现实世界中所产生的镜像作用,使我们从这面“无名女子”之镜中看到华裔真正形象,从而完成华裔身份的重新建构。  相似文献   

Religion in Britain is in overall decline and ‘no religion’ is growing, but one-third of schools in the State sector in England and Wales are ‘schools with a religious designation’ (‘faith schools’). Historically, these were Protestant and Catholic Church schools, but new faith schools have been established by Churches and other faiths. Governments of all parties have encouraged this development, chiefly on the grounds of increased parental choice and improved quality.

The research presented here provides evidence about the operation of faith schools in the English city of Leicester in 2016, particularly from the perspective of those choosing a school. The main objectives are (1) to indicate the diversity of faith schools, (2) to show how they present themselves to those looking for a school: their admission requirements and level of educational attainment and (3) to reflect on the claim that faith schooling offers more and better choice and quality. Leicester is selected for its size and diversity; it is small enough to study with the resources available to us and is one of the most multi-ethnic and multifaith urban areas in England. Research was carried out between February and July 2016 and offers a snapshot from that year.  相似文献   
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