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Automatic Chinese text summarization for dialogue style is a relatively new research area. In this paper, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is first used to extract semantic knowledge from a given document, all question paragraphs are identified, an automatic text segmentation approach analogous to Text'filing is exploited to improve the precision of correlating question paragraphs and answer paragraphs, and finally some "important" sentences are extracted from the generic content and the question-answer pairs to generate a complete summary. Experimental results showed that our approach is highly efficient and improves significantly the coherence of the summary while not compromising informativeness.  相似文献   
陈樵是元末浙东理学家,他终身不仕,隐居著述,以振兴程朱理学为己任,惜其学术著作皆遗,惟存诗歌《鹿皮子集》四卷。他的诗以咏物、咏怀诗为主,描述了其隐居生活环境,表达了他淡泊独善的追求;他的诗中唱和赠答诗占了很大的比重,这些诗涉及现实内容较多,体现了传统儒家思想对他的影响;另外他还有一些理趣诗、咏史诗等。他的诗歌艺术受时代影响,总体上学唐复古,但不同的体裁表现不同:七言近体学陆龟蒙,七言古体学温庭筠,乐府诗歌和当时以杨维桢为代表的“铁崖派”相呼应,力追李贺。  相似文献   
唐传奇作者之"史才"不等同于历史学意义上的史学才能,却又与史学联系密切。从唐代史官制度与文学之关系的角度来考察,小说家"史才"当从"假小说以寄笔端"中求取,其实质包孕史学传承、历史意识生成、历史笔法借鉴等涵义。  相似文献   
电视公益广告的价值取向与编辑风格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视公益广告是一种特殊的电视传播形式,它发挥着重要的社会传播与教育功能,展现出独特的价值取向,而电视公益广告因编辑风格的不同在电视传播中呈现出不同的形态和效果。  相似文献   
Background: In Self-Determination Theory (SDT), a well-validated macro-theory on human motivation, a distinction is made between internally controlling teaching practices (e.g. guilt-induction and shaming) and externally controlling practices (e.g. threats and punishments, commands). While both practices are said to undermine students’ motivation, they would do so through somewhat differential motivational processes. Unfortunately, the relevance of the conceptual distinction between internally and externally controlling strategies has not been examined systematically. In the context of sport and physical education (PE), most studies on controlling teaching have either measured controlling teaching in an undifferentiated way or have focused on one particular feature of controlling teaching.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide a more fine-grained picture on the differential de-motivational effects of internally and externally controlling teaching strategies in the domain of PE.

Participants: A total of 925 students with an average age of 15.80 years (±1.99) coming out of 92 classes taught by 22 different PE teachers participated in the present study.

Data analysis: Data on perceived controlling teaching style and students’ motivation were analyzed within a multilevel framework from both a variable-centered (regression analyses) and person-centered approach (cluster analyses).

Results: We found evidence for a distinction between perceived internally and externally controlling teaching. Both teaching styles were strongly related to each other (r?=?.54). At the level of zero-order correlations, both internally and externally controlling teaching related negatively to students’ intrinsic motivation and identified regulation and related positively to introjected regulation, external regulation, and amotivation. However, when both teaching styles were included simultaneously as predictors of motivation in the regression analyses, only internally controlling teaching predicted poor quality and low quantity of motivation. A cluster analysis revealed different profiles of perceived controlling teaching style, with two profiles being characterized by either high or low levels of the two types of controlling teaching and other profiles displaying elevated or reduced levels of one of the types of controlling teaching. This person-centered analysis confirmed that particularly students who perceive their PE teacher as internally controlling are likely to report poor-quality motivation.

Conclusion: Controlling teaching (and internally controlling teaching in particular) is related to maladaptive motivational outcomes. As such, it can be advised to PE-practitioners to refrain from using controlling strategies when teaching students. More research is needed to identify the conditions under which teachers’ behavior is perceived as externally and/or internally controlling.  相似文献   
体育非物质文化遗产是我国传统体育文化的重要组成部分,对体育非物质文化遗产的保护和传承具有重要的意义。本文运用文献资料法、田野调查法对福建地术拳的传承发展的历史、现状及传承模式和传承路径进行梳理和归纳。研究发现福建地术拳并非单纯沿用传统的自然传承模式,而是在近一个世纪的传承过程中逐渐摸索出一条“以政宣武,以商养武,以武助商”的具有自我特色的传承模式和“六进”的传承路径。  相似文献   
贺树 《出版科学》2016,24(2):32-35
把高质量的译本奉献给读者,是从事外国经典译著编辑的终极目标。在编辑外国经典译著时一定要忠于原文,与译者交朋友,勤查各类工具书,重视读者意见,注意自身素质的提高,关注各类翻译赛事以发现和培养优秀译者。  相似文献   
历来为正统的固守礼教者谓为"淫"的《郑风》实则是先民本然情感无掩饰的流露,在内容的言略意丰与形式的新颖独特上都昭示出独特魅力。《郑风》所展现的独特价值大抵与郑国秉承的传统文化习俗、在春秋初国力强盛之于思想文化之影响及其本身地理交通经济状况有关。  相似文献   
学风建设深层问题的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校学风建设要以学生为中心,一切从学生的根本利益出发,对学生全面负责。通过深化教育教学改革,充分调动学生学习的积极性、主动性、创造性并培养学生优良的道德品质是学风建设的根本目的。  相似文献   
孙光宪是五代《花间集》中的一名重要词人。在《花间集》中,孙光宪的风格区别于温、韦,也区别于其他作家,呈现出气骨遒劲的审美风格,主要体现在情感的力度、浑然的结构、精警的语言和阔大的意境等四个方面。孙光宪不仅开创了气骨遒劲的美学风格,而且对南唐词和宋词的发展有很大的影响。孙光宪在唐宋词史上应该占有一席重要之地。  相似文献   
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