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性犯罪被害人司法救助研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性犯罪被害人是急需救助的弱势群体,而救助性犯罪被害人是司法机关的职责之一。与其他刑事被害人相比,性犯罪被害人精神损害尤为严重,精神损害赔偿的要求合理而强烈,为此司法机关应修改相关司法解释,赋予性犯罪被害人精神损害赔偿权。同时,在司法实践中保障她们的知情权和参与权;鉴于性犯罪被害人的敏感与脆弱性,司法机关在救助时应尊重其人格、保护其隐私。  相似文献   
The current scales for self-blame are not suitable for school bullying scenarios and most lack validity. This study used a self-developed scale to measure bullied victims’ tendency to self-blame and further examined whether victims and bully/victims exhibited different tendencies toward self-blame under both bullied and generalized scenarios. The study consisted of 1,320 student participants from grades five to nine. The research instrument was a self-constructed bullied-victim self-blame scale (BSS), and the results were analyzed using the Rasch rating scale model. The Rasch results showed strong evidence of BSS reliability and validity. The results indicated that participants’ self-blaming tendency scores were positively correlated with depression (= .31). In addition, participants’ self-blaming scores in relational bullying were higher than those in verbal and physical bullying. The self-blaming tendency of bully/victims under bullied scenarios was higher than that of victims, but no difference was found between bully/victims and victims for generalised scenarios. The participants’ tendency to self-blame under generalised scenarios was significantly higher than under bullied scenarios. The tendencies of various roles to self-blame under different scenarios and the self-blaming counselling strategies for victims are discussed at the end of this study.  相似文献   
安定有序是和谐校园的基本要求,也是学生成长成才的前提条件。要达到预防犯罪、预防大学生被害的目的,须建立起以犯罪预测机制和被害人危险评估机制为基础、大学生被害预防教育机制为重点、大学生被害救助机制为保障的系统的大学生被害预防体系。高校是承担人才培养、科学研究等职能的教育机构,也承担对大学生安全管理的职责,是大学生被害预防体系构建过程中的重要参与主体,起着无可替代的作用。  相似文献   
环境污染事件频繁发生,不仅给受害者带来健康危害,而且受害者的权益也得不到及时的救济。究其原因,是由于受害者在遭受环境污染侵害后的利益表达机制不畅造成的,即和解难、调解难、诉讼难、监督难。因此应当为排污企业和受害者之间促成和解创造条件,明确政府环境责任,完善行政调解机制,进一步加强司法救济力量,充分落实公众的环境参与权。  相似文献   
One of the most difficult problems that educators face today is dealing with bullying. This pervasive issue occurs in classrooms, lunch rooms, unsupervised areas, on playgrounds, and through electronic media. Based on the principles of protecting the child and establishing a safe environment for all students, this paper investigates the causes and consequences of bullying, and provides information on essentials needed by schools and teachers for effectively dealing with bullying in schools.  相似文献   
通过对四川地震灾区人员心理状况的调查发现:灾区人员均存在一定程度的不良心理反应,半数以上的灾区人员需要重点进行心理辅导;灾区人员的心理健康状况存在显著的性别、文化程度以及角色上的差异,女性不良反应多于男性,文化程度越高的灾区人员对灾难的不良反应相对较少;在心理救援中应更多关注地震中的受伤者及死者家属。因此,应针对地震后灾区人员产生的诸多心理问题,加强人们对地震知识及相关内容的了解,注重开展专业的心理救援工作,建立有针对性的干预模型,加强心理评估工作,以为将来发生的灾难事件提供参考依据。  相似文献   
At around the same time in 2010, the German government and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany each set up a critical incident reporting system (CIRS) to gather information on child sexual abuse that had taken place within the Church. The objective in both cases was to solicit stories from victims and former victims and allow them to have input into a review process. The existence of these two similar systems, one initiated by the institution involved in the abuse and the other by an independent entity, provided an opportunity to compare the background and motivation of victims who chose to communicate through one channel or the other. Data were obtained on a total of 927 individuals, 571 through the church CIRS and 356 through the government CIRS, who had reported that they had experienced childhood sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church. Some differences were found between the two groups in terms of gender, the reported frequency of abuse, and the desire for compensation. These differences highlight the need for an effective complaint management system to offer not just one but complementary channels of communication. In addition, the findings confirm the feasibility and value of a CIRS approach and the use of so-called ‘citizen science’ in politically driven review processes.  相似文献   
《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释对于刑事附带民事诉讼中被害人权利实现之救济机制存在诸多缺陷。应从完善被害人权利实现方式以及刑事附带民事诉讼审理程序等方面着手,重构应然状态下刑事附带民事诉讼中被害人权利实现之救济机制。  相似文献   
长久以来,注重对犯罪人权利的研究与保护,却忽略了刑事被害人的权利研究和保护。二战以后,研究犯罪人的权利保护对预防犯罪的无力以及纳粹党人的残忍行径使得刑事被害人的权利保护研究受到空前重视。我国对刑事被害人的权利研究还很不成熟,要从对刑事被害人的权利进行结构上的分析,提升对我国被害人的权利保护研究的水平。  相似文献   
本文从比较法的视角,考察了被害人补偿制度的历史渊源、理论基础和制度模式,讨论了我国建立被害人补偿制度对于贯彻以人为本,建设和谐社会的重大意义和可行性,以期对我国相关制度的建立、完善有所裨益。  相似文献   
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