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This paper examines the confluence of global, regional, and national politics in the lead up to the 1991 Pan-American Games hosted by Cuba. Cuba’s contentious selection as host was wholly underpinned by the international politics of the time. Once selected, the preparations for the Games in Havana were surrounded by an unprecedented domestic economic crisis fueled by shifts in global politics. This paper analyzes how international politics informed the hosting of the 1991 Pan-American Games, and shaped the political challenge the Cuban government faced in hosting such an event. The Revolution’s use of sport domestically and internationally came to the forefront in its efforts as host and the results of those efforts proved to be providential given the emerging political economic contexts during and in the ensuing years after the Games.  相似文献   
运用SWOT分析法等对现阶段中国橄榄球运动的发展现状及其内部优势与不足、外部机遇与挑战进行分析研究。结果表明:橄榄球运动在我国大陆地区发展进程较慢,其主要原因包括该项目起步较晚、群众基础较差、硬件设施资源不足、运动文化冲突等因素,但该项目发展上升空间较大。  相似文献   

The making of the 2007 Pan-American Games, held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, marked the beginning of the long transformation that this city would undergo in connection to sports mega-events. This paper revisits how the 2007 Pan-American Games were largely produced under the promise that its legacies, particularly the infrastructural ones, could be effectively mobilized in order to strengthen the chances of bringing the Olympics to Brazil for the first time. Whereas this rhetoric has proven somewhat successful in helping the city to secure the right to host the 2016 Olympics, the alleged connection between both events has shown to be much more limited than its proponents had initially advertized. In reality, most of the venues constructed for the Pan-American Games had to be thoroughly renovated for the Olympics, while some of them presented structural problems and/or failed to meet the standards imposed by international sports federations.  相似文献   

Canadians have been involved in every edition of the Pan-American Games since they were inaugurated in Buenos Aires in 1951. That participation has provided thousands of Canadian athletes, coaches, and officials memorable international experiences. But the focus of Canadian involvement with the Pan-Ams has been the staging of games as a strategy for city building, city branding, and infrastructural investment. This paper examines the Pan-American Games of Winnipeg in 1967 and 1999 and Toronto 2015 as exemplars of that strategy. It argues that with the successes of those games, major games hosting has become virtually an article of faith of Canadian sport policy.  相似文献   

The Olympic Games of the modern era are powerful global mediated events. Olympic cities receive an overwhelming examination by world media. As the 2016 Olympic host, Rio de Janeiro has been given an enormous amount of attention, both by the international media and researchers who looked at the urban spaces of Rio, the struggles over the hegemony of the city and the social meanings the Olympics bring to the host city’s citizens. However, studies over the historical relationship between Rio, sport and media are rare. This paper addresses the historical uses of the term Olympic by Brazilian media during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. By looking at the main articles in the newspapers of these periods, we examine the extent to which ideologies over sports have changed the way the Olympics were represented in Brazil’s national imaginary. We demonstrate how the use of expressions associated with the Olympics historically generated a closer appreciation of these events by the public. We also show how political authorities appropriated the Olympics for their own benefit. The paper concludes by asking whether or not the historical lessons from the early Olympic ideas in Brazil have been learned by the 2016 Rio Games organizers.  相似文献   
“样板戏”是特殊历史年代的政治产物,无论从情节、题材、内容的选择上,还是人物形象的塑造上看,“样板戏”都带有深重的意识形态烙印。从政治文化的角度来审视“样板戏”的生成、发展、改编的过程,可以为反思这一艺术形式提供广阔的批评视野。  相似文献   
中华武术和奥林匹克运动无论从起源、发展轨迹、民族性格,还是从具体操作来看,都是两个难以相容的主题.北京申奥成功与武术入奥、武术发展并不能画上等号,为求入奥而削足适履的武术项目不利于中华武术文化在全世界的传播,武术入奥求发展弊大于利.  相似文献   
于洪武校长的办学思想和成功的办学经验,对推动民族中等教育的发展具有积极的意义。该校始终明确自己的定位,坚持办出特色;构建了一个既适应学科体系,又注重社会需求,更突出学生特点的课程体系,以求学生能得到全面发展;以科研为先导,积极开展教育科学和教学研究。  相似文献   
经过我们8个多月的查访,初步断定:北师大藏<脂砚斋重评石头记>(以下简称师大本),整理者为收藏并校补己卯本的陶洙(心如)先生,师大本上的一些朱笔批语为周绍良先生补录.师大本的整理时间,通过两个参照点(即周汝昌先生1949至1952年间将甲戌本的录副本借给陶洙;另据周绍良先生回忆,陶洙1952或1953年时,将自己整理的庚辰本卖给了现在的中国书店)可以推断为1949至1953年之间.  相似文献   
京津冀地区古为广平卑湿的大陆九河之域 ,今属黄淮海大平原水力资源不足最为严重的地区。为此 ,国家确立了南水北调工程。此工程方案 ,有其可行之处 ,但应作较为全面的考察。如古代黄淮之间的鸿沟水系及江淮间以巢湖为中心的水路通道 ,历史上为沟通南北的主要路线 ,发挥过重要的作用 ,当前即应予重点研究考察。  相似文献   
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