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根据文化资本积累主体的不同,将文化资本分解为居民文化资本、企业文化资本以及政府文化资本,选取1997—2019年统计数据对中国省际三种文化资本分别进行测度,并基于双向固定效应基准模型对三种文化资本影响自主创新和模仿创新的关系进行检验.研究表明,居民与政府文化资本均偏向对自主创新有显著的促进作用,而企业文化资本对模仿创新...  相似文献   
改革开放推行30余年问,市场化的浪潮已经席卷中国各个领域,公共管理也受到了巨大的冲击。这种冲击并非中国所独有,早在上个世纪下半叶,西方各发达国家均相继兴起新公共管理运动等改革。在内外环境的影响下,公共服务作为中国公共管理的核心内容,率先转向市场化。但是,由于中国社会、制度环境还不够成熟,中国整体的市场化转型并未完全实现,公共服务市场化的过程中仍不免出现种种f.q题。针对我国公共服务市场化的现状、存在问题进行深入分析.并结合我国实际情况提出相应的解决对筻。  相似文献   
生存问题是目前戏剧发展过程中亟待解决的首要问题.戏剧改革必须走市场化道路,以市场运作为先导,以艺术水准的提高为标杆,以弘扬和传承民族艺术为宗旨,以吸引观众为手段,从而达到"双赢"的目的.铁岭市民间艺术团在辽宁省第八届艺术节上推出的秧歌戏《杨柳情》应该是当下戏剧改革的典范之作,值得其它戏剧种类借鉴.  相似文献   
公共服务市场化是当代各国行政改革的核心主题。近年来我国也开始了公共服务市场化改革步伐并取得了一定的进展,但也存在着诸如市场化的广度和深度不够与政府责任缺失等问题。展望我国公共服务市场化改革前景方面,在强调公共服务市场化改革要有中国特色、以人为本等原则的同时着重从发展适应我国国情的公共服务市场化理论、加强公共服务市场化的制度建设等方面来解决我国公共服务市场化存在的现实问题。  相似文献   
利率市场化一直是我国金融货币政策的重点和热点问题。利率作为资金的价格,其市场化的过程波及经济主体的方方面面。对于国有企业而言,预算机制、融资结构等的变化需要其转变经营方式,通过硬化企业预算与信贷约束机制,理顺与政府及银行之间的关系等举措来保持企业长足发展。  相似文献   
The Australian media’s interest in education, as in many Anglophone countries, is frequently dominated by concerns about boys in schools. In 2002, in a country region of the Australian State of Queensland, this concern was evident in a debate on the merits of single sex schooling that took place in a small local newspaper. The debate was fuelled by the inclusion in this newspaper of an advertising brochure for an elite private girls’ school. The advertisement utilized the current concerns about boys in schools to advocate the benefits of girls’ only schools. Drawing on research that suggests that boys are a problem in school, and utilising a peculiar mix of liberal feminism alongside a neo‐liberal class politics, it implicitly denigrated the education provided by government co‐educational schools. The local government high and primary school principals, incensed at this advertisement, contacted the paper to refute many of its claims and assumptions and to assert the benefits, to both boys and girls, of their particular schools. A letters to the editor debate then followed an article representing these government school principals’ views. These letters were from two private school principals. This country newspaper thus became a medium through which various school principals engaged with the current boys’ debate, and research associated with it, in order to market their schools. This paper examines this particular newspaper debate and argues that, in the absence of nuanced, research based, and thoughtful policy responses to gender issues, many school policies on gender are being shaped through and by the media in ways that elide the complexities of the issues involved.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和分析比较法,从社会学角度对中国排球联赛改革与发展进行了分析,认为:走商业化与职业化的途径,是提高我国排球运动整体水平的必由之路;做好俱乐部和联赛管理、市场运作、新闻宣传等方面的工作,是保证中国排球联赛经久不衰的重要手段;同时也提出了以中国排球联赛为依托,备战2008年北京奥运会,提高中国排球运动整体水平的奋斗目标.  相似文献   
本文以竞争性的市场的分配状况为基准,分析了中国市场化进程中各种非市场性因素引起收入差距的机制。这些因素包括从非均衡走向均衡的市场机制、城乡二元的社会经济体制、分割的劳动力市场、财税制度、所有制差异、对外经济制度等。打破劳动力市场的分割,形成统一的竞争性的劳动力市场、社会保障体系,推进金融体系的市场化,完善并扩大直接融资比重,财税体制从以间接税为主转向以直接税为主,改革土地制度,强化农民的土地财产性权利等都会有助于改善中国的长期收入分配状况。  相似文献   
产业技术研究院是促进技术产业化的有效载体,被认为是中小企业公共技术创新与服务的支撑力量。近20年来,我国先后成立众多产业技术研究院,在推进科技成果转化过程中取得了不少有益的探索,但公共技术服务平台建设方面依然严重不足。本文结合我国当前产业技术研究院现状案例,分析其公共技术服务规模有限的困境,提出在市场化运营的创新机制下发挥公共技术创新服务的对策建议,对于当前解决我国中小企业技术创新转型升级的难题具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This paper aims to investigate the marketization of higher education (HE) as it manifests itself in the concept of Student life on Danish HE websites. Taking Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as its starting point, this paper critically examines this particular practice of marketization by making a single-case study of the pages called Student life at the biggest university in Denmark, Copenhagen University (CU). The findings show that these page elements of social life are intensively and routinely used to soften up the more demanding aspects of being a university student, and that this involves a significant positive evaluation of life as a university student. The paper addresses the potential problems related to the findings in order to contribute to further discussion and reflection upon issues centred around the marketization of HE on university websites and around the construction of what it means to be a student today.  相似文献   
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