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This paper deals with the topic of child protection in Irish primary schools, and reports on a recently completed survey of newly qualified teachers’ knowledge of and familiarity with their school's child protection policies and procedures. The study was undertaken by means of a questionnaire survey, and conducted with 103 teachers from different schools. The child protection roles and responsibilities of schools are clearly spelt out in national guidelines. However, the findings from this research indicate that compliance with the requirement to inform new staff about the guidelines and ensure that they have read them is weak. This is evidenced by the data concerning the teachers’ reported knowledge of, and familiarity with, their school's child protection policies. Half of the respondents did not know if their school had a child protection policy or not. Of those who were aware of their school's child protection policy, only just over half had read it. Well under half of the respondents knew if there was a Designated Liaison Person (DLP) with responsibility for child protection in their school. Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of respondents reported uncertainty or lack of confidence in being able to identify suspected child abuse. The paper draws on international research on child protection in education to provide the context for a discussion on the factors that influence schools’ motivation and willingness to collaborate as key protectors of children's safety and welfare, and makes recommendations for policy makers, school managers and frontline staff.  相似文献   
This study addresses three types of sex differences in relational communication. Male and female respondents completed an assessment of gender‐role measuring agency and communion and read four scenarios with messages attributed to male and female sources. Respondents rated the relational dimensions of affiliation and dominance. Female sources are judged higher in affiliation. Sex and agency interact with situation for perceptions of affiliation. Situation and communion affect judgments of dominance. Individuals higher in communion perceive less dominance. The results provide insight into dominance and affiliation as competing frames for interpreting situations.  相似文献   
对高师体育院系学科实验教学改革的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验教学是培养新世纪高素质创新人才的重要途径之一。本文从建立高师体育院系实验教学新模式、优化实验教学内容、改革实验教学方法和手段、完善实验室体制等方面探讨了高师体育院系实验室教学改革的一些途径。  相似文献   
信息社会的高速发展,信息已成为经济建设的战略资源。面对信息技术的飞速发展,图书馆的服务方式和服务内容已发生了重大变化。图书馆要适应这种需要,并在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,更好地为经济建设服务,关键在于人才。本文论述了信息时代人才在图书馆发展中的重要作用以及图书馆如何迎接时代的挑战,为社会的经济发展提供优质的信息服务。  相似文献   
<河岸>中的库东亮是生活于当代中国的"零余者",他的自我放逐反映了当代中国人因文化之"根"失落而产生的一种普遍漂泊感.库东亮对文化革命的拒绝宣告了人的主体意识的回归,这使他的寻根成功有了某种可能.这个人物是苏童对20世纪"零余者"形象的丰富和发展.  相似文献   
人的全面发展是人类社会不断进步的内在动力和永恒主题,因此教育应该以“立人”为中心,即培养全面发展的人,这也是立国之本,蔡元培先生、鲁迅先生都提出过这种主张。钱理群先生则从语文教育入手,强调立人教育理念。但是多年来,我国教育的着力点始终停留在追求升学率上,必须予以匡正。  相似文献   
与20世纪80年代相比,90年代报告文学在“人学”方面,更着重向人情、人性与人生的深层掘进;在哲理诗情与散文化方面,表现出“史诗”特色、悲剧意识和崇高与壮美;在语言方面,也取得了新的成就。  相似文献   
李金发是中国“象征派”诗歌的先驱,是中国诗坛的“一支异军”,但他反映的落后闭塞的客家山村实行“盲婚”简陋旧习的小说《一个女性的三部曲》跟20世纪20年代乡土文学有异曲同工之妙却未引起文坛的广泛注意,本文将对其创作进行比较研究。  相似文献   
对现实的人的终极关怀是马克思哲学的价值旨归。对人生存境遇的历史关注,对资本主义社会人之本质异化问题的探究,特别是对实现人的全面自由发展和人的彻底解放地历史性考察,是马克思哲学理论体系中核心问题。  相似文献   
格调论唐诗学走向深化的主要标志,是对唐诗体格的精微辨析,以及对唐诗演变进程的清晰勾画。与此同时,唐诗范型全面细化和接受视野走向开放;在处理诗人才情与唐诗格调的关系时,对才情重视的程度和理解的深度,远超此前的格调论者。整个过程不断趋于精微、不断走向完善,但也标志着格调论唐诗学逐步走向蜕变。  相似文献   
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