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Despite little improvement in the socio‐political predicament of Okinawa since its reversion to Japan, culturally there has recently been something of an ‘Okinawa boom’ in mainland Japan. This has involved a huge interest in Okinawa and Okinawan cultures in mainland Japan and an increasing ‘consumption’ of Okinawan goods and cultural artefacts. One of the symptoms of this trend has been the growth in the last five years or so, in the number of films set in Okinawa. Many of these films present conventional stereotypical images of Okinawa and, whether wittingly or not, have contributed to the ‘cosmetic operation’ of Japan’s multiculturalism by providing a utopian vision of Okinawanness and erasing Okinawa’s problems from the screen. However, an Okinawan filmmaker, Takamine Go, critically challenges such stereotypes and Japan’s cosmetic multiculturalism. This paper focuses on Takamine’s Untamagirū (1989 Takamine, Go. 1989. Untamagirū  [Google Scholar]) and Tsuru‐Henry (1999). It examines the cinematic strategies mobilised by these films – the use of different languages, allegorical implications, complex montages of image and sound, and the departure from conventional narrative realism. These strategies, it will be suggested, not only enable the films to explore complex forms of public memory and history but also to challenge the notion of a homogeneous Japan and its ‘quasi‐orientalist’ gaze towards Okinawa. The paper then proceeds to argue that Takamine’s films should not simply be regarded as a ‘regional’ variant of Japanese cinema but as a ‘specifically Okinawan cinema’ that both overlaps with and opposes a ‘national’ Japanese cinema.  相似文献   
品牌命名,作为一种特殊的语言,它反映了一定的文化。在跨文化的营销活动中,品牌命名的好坏将直接影响商品的竞争力。本文试从中西文化差异的角度来分析化妆品品牌的命名,一则希望帮助人们清楚地认识到影响中西化妆品命名不同的根本原因,二则希望对化妆品厂家和商家给自己的产品命名提供一些启示,使其化妆品能吸引目标受众者的眼球并刺激其消费欲望。  相似文献   
目的是为了解黄冈市美容行业现状及发展趋势。方法:对黄冈市下辖11县市注册美容机构进行问卷调查,并汇总分析近三年美容消费记录。结果:黄冈市近三年美容机构与从业人员数量呈线性增长趋势,年增长率达20%-30%,服务项目迅速拓展,较多与医学密切相关的项目纷纷涌入市场;市民的美容消费也逐年递增,年增长率达30%-35%,年轻人群与老年人群增长较快。消费者已不仅仅满足于单纯生活美容,美容结合保健、养生、皮肤病的治疗与护理占87.3%;目前从业人员中无医学学历者达97.1%,以助理与初级职称居多(占97.5%),中级职称者只占2.5%(80/3219)。结论:黄冈市美容行业前景广阔,预计未来五年将以中级与高级人才为主;大量医学学历人才必将成为未来该行业的核心力量,开展医疗美容技术专业教育刻不容缓!  相似文献   
经济的高速发展使人们的物质生活越来越丰富,广告在商品经济中发挥着重要的作用。本文从文化价值观的角度对中西化妆品广告进行分析,发现中国的化妆品广告崇尚自然,突出群体行为和权威性;西方的化妆品广告则强调领先的科技和实验数据,鼓励发扬个性。  相似文献   
利奇(Leech)的礼貌原则不仅在日常交际,而且在广告交际中发挥着不言而喻的作用。透过化妆品广告语篇,首次透视它们所凸显的礼貌意味,探讨化妆品商家是如何灵活运用其中准则,向消费者推销自己的产品,从而脱颖而出。分析和探索礼貌原则在化妆品广告语篇的发挥规律发现,得体准则凸显最为突出,而谦逊准则在化妆品广告语篇中凸显极少,因其与得体准则的凸显有些冲突。这些发现可以帮助化妆品广告设计者创造出更符合消费者心理的广告语篇。  相似文献   
系统功能语法创始人韩礼德(Halliday)指出他建构功能语法的目的是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架,这个框架可用来分析英语中任何口头语篇或书面语篇。拟从功能语法的角度对“雪完美”(Sewame)这一品牌化妆品的外包装文字进行解读、分析,试图更科学、客观地透视化妆品外包装文字这一特定语篇体裁的特点,揭示语篇结构与语篇体裁之间的相互作用关系。  相似文献   
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