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从马克思女性主义出发去分析汤亭亭的小说《女勇士》,并阐释了该理论在小说中的应用与体现。同时指出,女性无论在哪个私有制社会形态中都会受到阶级压迫和父权制的左右而处于社会的边缘地位以及华裔女性是如何在美国主流文化对女性的塑造中找寻自己的话语权的。  相似文献   
将有限表现模限制在平坦维数≤1,得到有限平坦表现模及其性质,利用有限平坦表现模类给出了其Ext-正交模即FFP-内射模,刻画了右F-凝聚环与右F-正则环。在环的几乎优越扩张S≥R下,证明了S为右F-凝聚环当且仅当R为右F-凝聚环,S为右F-正则环当且仅当R为右F-正则环。  相似文献   
2004年诺贝尔文学奖得主耶利内克的小说《钢琴教师》描写了一种异化的母女关系。母女二人如共生体般密不可分,却又相争相斗,互相伤害。女儿的人性受到压抑、摧残。作家通过描写母亲对女儿的全方位压制,对人性受压迫主题进行夸张和典型化处理,鞭辟入里地批判了现实社会。  相似文献   
科学发展观视野下大学生就业问题思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自20世纪90年代末高等教育由精英教育转入大众化教育以来,高校毕业生走上了自主择业之路,就业形势日趋严峻。导致大学生就业难的因素比较复杂,既有社会和学校的原因,也有学生本身的原因。要破解高校学生就业难的困局,必须以科学发展观为指导,强化政府相关职能,科学设置招生专业,加强学生能力的培养,转变学生就业观念,积极做好就业信息服务,促进招生就业良性循环。  相似文献   
在短篇小说《森太太》中,作者裘帕·拉希莉描写了印度裔女主人公森太太移民美国后的特殊生活经历,体现出三方面的主题:即森太太与自然的紧密联系、森先生对森太太的压迫、主流社会对森太太的排斥,进而反映出作者的生态女性主义意识。文章从生态女性主义视角分析文本,旨在阐释小说在和谐人与自然的关系、解放女性、争取种族平等问题上的诉求。  相似文献   
As people develop a meaningful understanding of racism, they also experience shifts in their appraisals of self and others as members of an unfairly stratified society. Consistent with the premises of Helms' (1995) racial identity theory, these shifts can be explained as transformational processes that have relevance to matters of morality and peace advancement. Individuals who operate at advanced levels of racial identity development overcome the confinements inherent in a racism Zeitgeist and in so doing, learn to accept themselves and others more authentically. This theory can prove crucial to peace promotion in children because it espouses to nurture the integration of self within the broader spectrum of humanity. Educators who transform their selves can also transform their educational practices by disrupting cycles of socialization that adversely influence children's identity formation. They can also contribute to the creation of new structures of socialization. In this paper, I describe this theory and how it applies to peace education.  相似文献   

American Indians and Alaska Natives are underrepresented as social work students, social work educators, and within the profession in general. In addition, many historical and socioeconomic factors have contributed to disproportionality in higher education attainment between these students and those within other ethnic groups. Compounding the challenges, many students in reservation communities lack access to programs that provide social work degrees. Faculty based in a small university in the upper Midwest delivered a BSW program to students in a tribal community over a 3-year period and share pedagogical lessons learned from their students and the literature.  相似文献   
<简·爱>男主人公罗切斯特同简·爱、苔丝等其他人物形象一样,已经脱离作品而存在,早已成为整个人类文化的象征符号.论文从时代背景出发,结合权利话语理论,从男权文化的视角重新审视罗切斯特,从而得出结论一方面,他始终受着社会权利话语的威压,是父权文化的牺牲品.但同时,他又对妻子伯莎及恋爱中的简·爱充当了不光彩的压迫者的角色,成了夫权文化的帮凶,是一个打着时代文化烙印的复杂而矛盾的人物.  相似文献   
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