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《大学》作为成圣的方法,在宋明时期具有极为重要的地位。王阳明早年实践朱熹的“格物”方法,不得其解,之后坚定了儒学的立场,主张“仁者浑然与天地万物同体”,却无具体方法。在“龙场悟道”之后,王阳明开启了回归自我身心的学术路向,因朱子学者的困扰,故主张以“诚意”解读《大学》,刊刻《大学》古本。他提出“致良知”,一方面强调“良知”乃人人皆有,另一方面又强调“事上磨炼”,实则是“仁者万物一体”与“格物”在现实世界的统一。  相似文献   
在当前的职业道德建设范式中,"管教式"和"说教式"各有优缺点,从理论上讲必须重构职业道德建设范式。转型社会高尚职业道德的形成和维系依赖心理契约,贯彻契约原则是发展市场经济的内在要求,"浙江最美现象"为职业道德建设营造了良好的社会风气,这些是将心理契约运用于职业道德建设的客观依据。加强职业道德建设是解决我国当前职业活动中道德滑坡问题的迫切需要,只有从心理契约视角探究职业道德建设的有效措施,才能从根本上解决职业道德缺失问题。  相似文献   
"一带一路"高校智库是指以"一带一路"政策研究、决策咨询为主要职责的高校智库,能为"一带一路"倡议实施提供智力支持、人才支撑,并起到"二轨外交"作用。我国"一带一路"高校智库具有以下特征:从区域分布上看,覆盖地域广泛,但以北京和"一带一路"重点省(区市)、节点城市居多;从学科专业类型上看,主要分为综合型和专业型;从建设主体上看,高校独建与多元共建兼有。目前,我国"一带一路"高校智库建设面临影响力偏低的主要困境。要破解这一困境,需要依托学科建设并做到科学管理,需要协同合作研究并保持相对独立,需要多元传播思想以高效转化成果。  相似文献   
A large body of research has examined students' conceptions of evolution and their relationships to acceptance of evolution. Proficiency in statistical and probabilistic reasoning has long been considered to be an essential feature of evolutionary reasoning, yet almost no empirical work has explored these putative connections. The RaPro instruments have recently been developed to measure statistical reasoning in the contexts of mathematics (RaProMath) and evolution (RaProEvo). Our study provides additional validation of these instruments using Rasch analysis and quantifies the contribution of statistical reasoning to both understanding and accepting evolution. We recruited a large sample (N = 564) of undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory biology course at a large public research university in the United States. Students completed a suite of published instruments that assessed statistical reasoning, evolutionary understanding, and evolutionary acceptance. Our findings indicate that validity inferences derived from RaPro scores generalized to the new sample, and that proficiency in statistical reasoning explained 28% of the variance in evolutionary knowledge and 19% of the variation in evolutionary acceptance. The inclusion of demographic variables into the model significantly increased the explained variance in acceptance. Notably, the variance in evolution acceptance explained by statistical reasoning was comparable to that of thinking dispositions or evolutionary knowledge reported in the literature. This work provides the first large-scale evidence of the role of statistical reasoning in evolutionary knowledge and acceptance and motivates future work to explore how statistical literacy should be integrated into evolution education efforts.  相似文献   
After the fall of Suharto in May 1998, mass rallies yelling anti-Malaysia sentiment broke out several times in a number of major cities in Indonesia. The rallies were triggered by various conflicting issues involving the two countries. Every time a mass rally against Malaysia happens, memory of “Konfrontasi” is recalled, as is seen in the use of “Ganyang Malaysia” (Crush Malaysia) rhetoric, whereas during the Suharto era, the narrative of the historical episode of “Konfrontasi” was constructed in the tone of criticizing Sukarno’s “Crush Malaysia” campaign as an escape from the internal economic crisis, rather than as an expression of nationalist sentiment. However, as this article addresses, there is a gap between the “national memory” as is constructed by the history school textbook and “popular memory” as is embodied in society. Beneath this “popular memory,” as this paper contends, there is a sort of nationalist sentiment in the sense of longing for “national pride” as projected upon the “persona” of Sukarno.  相似文献   
《西京杂记〔所记内容多为无关宏旨的逸事琐闻,体例上一事一叙,篇幅短小,故应属于传统目录学意义上的小说,但该书一些条目记事具体完整,人物描写鲜明生动,已初具现代文体学意义上的小说雏形。  相似文献   
家庭是社会细胞,对家庭结构的入微解析,便是对社会群体的解析。《空中庭园》从位于东京郊区某住宅区的普通四口之家入手,用不紧不慢、细腻逼真的笔触描绘了寻常家庭成员间的爱情与亲情、依赖与信任、隐瞒与猜疑,提出了对传统家庭的质疑。家庭成员关系的异化现象反映了家庭伦理和现代社会下人性的真实与人生的困境。  相似文献   
借助王希杰先生的零度偏离观对《狂人日记〔中的语言实例进行分析,可知在失常心理的作用下,狂人眼中的世界经常是不符合实际的,具体说来有:对自然界事物的认识不切实际,认为周围的人都想要吃他;认为人与人之间是吃人的关系等。狂人对原发性妄想的不实认识进行的主观归因和错误推论使自己在病态的心理世界中越陷越深。  相似文献   

Chen Yingzhen has been regarded as Taiwan's utmost representative leftist intellectual. This article tries to reconstruct Chen's historical significance in Taiwan's “sixties” in a broader perspective. The 1960s in Taiwan was a peculiar period. While there was a global youth rebellion, Taiwan's postwar baby boom generation, who had just been re-educated as Chinese, were going through a cultural “renaissance”. They started to put into practice what they had learned and to realize their creativities in all aspects—taken as a whole, these efforts could be understood as this generation's attempt to achieve self-realization. Chen Yingzhen and his works served as a significant initiating and guiding force during this time. The fact that there were no dominating ideologies during this period allowed room for this wave of creativity to flourish.  相似文献   
Some scholars specializing in racial issues attempt to explain ethnic “identity” and its awakening as the intrinsic logic that runs through Stuart Hall’s academic life. My paper disagrees with this explanation and finds three problems in it: first, it has not fully understood the applicable object of Hall’s politics of “identity,” thus it leads to the inappropriate employment of the theory; second, it does not fully recognize the involvement of Hall’s academic research, and exaggerates the effect of Hall's early experience on the development of his academic thoughts; third finally, there is a tendency to use essentialist reductionism in the attempt to find an essential Hall or the essence of Hall. I argue that one needs to comprehend three key words in order to understand the “guarantee-free” Hall, that is, “resistance,” “openness” and “articulation.” Therefore, if one wants to grasp Hall’s “identity,” one must go back to the social history and its evolving process where Hall existed.  相似文献   
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