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指出莎士比亚戏剧作品历来备受推崇,而萧伯纳的莎评代表的是另一种声音。通过对萧伯纳的莎评作简要的梳理,以实例来说明萧伯纳对莎士比亚戏剧作品所持态度不同于多数莎评家。  相似文献   
An examination of experiences as a counselor in the Philippines suggests at least three important domains of difference in the counseling process: the content of problems, modes of relationships and presumed causes of difficulties. Filipino counselees in a university setting struggled with family control, and rebelled against a double standard of morals. They found it difficult to trust a counselor who was not part of the extended family and they attributed their difficulties to external, social rather than intrapsychic factors. In light of these cultural differences counselors must respond to their problems as Filipinos perceive them and explore ways of changing the social environment of the client. This is in contrast to the strategy of North American counselors who seek to change the client's methods of dealing with himself.  相似文献   
First published in 1958, Elizabeth George Speare's Newbery award-winning novel The Witch of Blackbird Pond remains an immensely popular teaching tool in U.S. social studies classrooms today. Speare's story—which describes the challenges an orphaned daughter of wealthy Barbadian planters faces when she begins life anew in the Puritan colony of Connecticut in 1687—continues to capture educators' attention because it emphasizes themes such as tolerance of difference, abhorrence of slavery, support of heterodoxy, and a commitment to liberty, justice, and freedom that bolster contemporary American values. But while literary critics have praised the book's historical accuracy, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, like all works of historical fiction, reinterprets the past. In reinterpreting the events of 1680s Connecticut, Speare reveals much about the McCarthy-era 1950s in which she wrote, and indeed, much about the issues and concerns capturing 21st-century educators' attention. As this article argues, both teachers and students would benefit from examining the ways in which history and myth interact in the novel, creating a rich commentary on the 17th-century past, the 1950s in which Speare wrote, and today's 21st-century present.  相似文献   
卢炜 《丽水学院学报》2004,26(6):67-69,90
全文以中外著名戏剧家萧伯纳与老舍为个案,进行戏剧叙事比较。从叙事的表层即文本叙事立场与视角、表现手法和叙事策略方面力图追溯文本的深层原因,探索中西艺术对话的可能性和必然性。  相似文献   
作为19世纪法国文坛上与雨果比肩而立的浪漫主义文学大家,乔治.桑在世界范围内一直享有广泛的文学声誉。近年来,欧美学界掀起了乔治.桑研究新热潮,国内外国文学领域也呈现出普遍重视态势。全面梳理八十多年来中日读者对乔治.桑的接受历程,不仅有助于透析其在特定社会文化语境及人们期待视野中的演变动因,为进一步推动其流播的多维和深化提供谱系学的借鉴,而且也是拓展研究空间、寻求新的突破的必要前提。  相似文献   
波利亚数学教育理论的现代启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
乔治·波利亚对数学教育的研究与贡献举世瞩目,他在数学教育上的成就主要包括解题理论、数学教学理论和教师教育理论3个方面,这3个方面的理论对我国现代的数学课程与数学教学改革,数学教师的培养与培训都有着十分重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
乔治.爱略特为《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》铺设的洪水结局一直受到评论家们的质疑,最具代表性的是利维斯,他将那场洪水连同麦琪对斯蒂芬的感情视为乔治.爱略特不成熟的表现。本文将从圣经神话原型分析的角度探讨洪水结尾以及兄妹俩最终在死亡中和解的隐含寓意,从而透视到乔治.爱略特在《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》中表达的个人与社会和谐统一的现代思想。  相似文献   
乔治·爱略特是英国维多利亚时期著名的女小说家,其在中国的研究是从20世纪开始的,针对近年来涌现的一系列论文进行综述,并提出相应看法。  相似文献   
魏源在征引《瀛环志略》一书的内容时,为何要将徐继畲多处记述和颂扬华盛顿的文字删而不录,是史学界颇为费解而至今没有解决的问题。文章从《海国图志.后序》入手,发现魏源是以高理文的《合省国志》作为最可靠的资料来介绍美国情况的。进而通过比较发现,徐氏在“志略”一书中对华盛顿在美国独立战争中和美国民主政制创建过程中的活动和作用的介绍评价与《合省国志》有很大程度的出入,读者从中获得的认识也就大不相同。文章认为,魏源为了保证所辑资料叙事和观点的基本一致,不得不将徐书中颂扬华盛顿的文字舍去。此外,魏源以《合省国志》为本极力推崇美利坚民族而较少推崇华盛顿个人,更有其深刻的思想动因。  相似文献   
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