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作为典型的传统学科,古代文学及其相关课程教学可以而且应当不断融入现代内涵,在传统与现代之间找好平衡点,使之既不脱离传统文化特色,又不失当代意义.同时,适当融入地域文学成分,不但可以丰富古代文学教学内容,而且可以进一步培养学生对传统文化的情感,提高其人文素质.略述古代文学教学中的点滴体会,即如何引导学生研读文本,如何引导...  相似文献   
毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)规定了一个国家未来数年的文学艺术秩序、标准和原则,在社会革命体制的调整与重构期,赵树理应运而生。他把农民作为小说真正的主人公,并将其以崭新的面貌呈现在文学视域里。但我们研读赵树理解放战争时期和建国后的作品,就会发现其创作实践与《讲话》强调"文艺为工农兵服务"、"与工农兵结合"的内在精神少有契合而多有错位。这种不容忽视的错位,一定程度上影响了赵树理及其作品的命运。  相似文献   
中国现代文学史教学的“乡土化”即:加大地域乡土作家的份量,以其亲近性激发学生的兴趣;突出地域性因素,以其差异性深化对作家作品的理解;从地域文化角度剖析作家作品,拓宽研读文学的视野。而“立体化”即是强调“博物馆意识”、“大文学史意识”,由单向思维转向多向思维,由单一讲述变为讲述与图像、音像、实物、实地考察相结合的多样形式。  相似文献   
杜牧在晚唐柳宗元的接受处于低谷的时候,唱出了"李杜泛浩浩,韩柳摩苍苍"的诗句。共鸣理论认为,当接受主体与接受对象的审美契合度越高时,共鸣效应越大,文学接受越易发生。由于杜牧在自身气质、政治热情、文学创作及情感经历上与柳宗元存在高度的契合,所以也对柳宗元诗文的共鸣要多于他人。这是杜牧欣赏接受柳宗元不可忽视的内在原因。  相似文献   
中国文明是从内部因素和理性的推理来求证世界,西方文明是从外部因素和实践的求证来理解世界。因此,决定了它们各自传承延展的思想文化内容和特征不同,导致了生长在不同地域与社会关系、文化氛围中的中西方人对生命和人性的本质理解之描述也就必然出现差异,进而决定了文学艺术与影视艺术在追求与表现上的差异性。  相似文献   
20世纪50年代至新世纪的小说文本映现了乡村革命、建设的复杂嬗变,村干部从圣徒殉道到家长治村再到新乡绅致富,乃至今天的村霸、村官下派、大学生村官,广袤土地上亦民亦干的人物系谱是中国当代文学的独特贡献;成为中国社会变迁的表意结构,成为确证中国革命、社会历史变迁的知识框架、认识装置,并与后者形成内在呼应,彰显革命的曲折道路。  相似文献   
外国文学史课程是大学中文专业必修课之一。通过梳理外国文学史教学中的阅读链条,构建良性循环阅读体系,以阅读实践推动"知识性阅读"向"学术性阅读"的转变,推动外国文学史教学走向深入。  相似文献   
教学实践证明,"导学式"课堂教学模式作为一种创新教学法,已被广泛运用于教学,在《外国文学》教学中恰当运用"导学式"课堂教学模式,能有效解决当前《外国文学》教学上存在的诸多问题,从而实现创新教学,大大提高高校《外国文学》教学的有效性。  相似文献   
The rise of social media has led to changes in how entrepreneurs carry out their day-to-day activities. Studies on social media and entrepreneurship are relatively new and fragmented in their focus, however there is increasing interest from academia and practitioners for further research and investigation within this area. This study systematically reviews research carried out in the domain of social media and entrepreneurship. A total of 160 papers, published between 2002 and 2018 were synthesised to identify critical theories and research methods used in the domain. Based on the extent review, an integrative framework was developed to identify relationships amongst elucidated constructs. While most papers investigated the factors that drive social media adoption and use by entrepreneurs, it was found that the use of social media by entrepreneurs had transcended marketing and it is now used in business networking, information search and crowdfunding for their business. This has led to significant impact with improved firm performance and innovation enhancement being the essential outcomes. The literature review and framework further understanding of social media and entrepreneurship research, providing a useful basis for future studies and informs practice in this area.  相似文献   
Internet‐based science learning has been advocated by many science educators for more than a decade. This review examines relevant research on this topic. Sixty‐five papers are included in the review. The review consists of the following two major categories: (1) the role of demographics and learners' characteristics in Internet‐based science learning, such as demographic background, prior knowledge, and self‐efficacy; and (2) the learning outcomes derived from Internet‐based science learning, such as attitude, motivation, conceptual understanding, and conceptual change. Some important conclusions are drawn from the review. For example, Internet‐based science learning is equally favorable, or in some cases more so, to learning for female students compared to male students. The learner's control is essential for enhancing students' attitudes and motivation toward learning in Internet‐based science learning environments. Nevertheless, appropriate guidance from teachers, moderators, or the Internet‐based learning environment itself is still quite crucial in Internet‐based science learning. Recommendations for future research related to the effects of Internet‐based science learning on students' metacognitive reflections, epistemological development, and worldviews are suggested.  相似文献   
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