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Using the General Social Survey from 1972–2014, we examine variation in attitudes toward retaining controversial materials in libraries. Previously controversial topics have become much more widely accepted. We find that other controversies remain, showing how global conflicts become intertwined in local cultural controversies, and how the perceived threat from particular groups informs public concern with disseminating information from those groups. We find that more frequent library users are somewhat less likely to want to remove controversial books from the shelves, although some of these relationships are explained by variation in the respondent’s age, race, and other characteristics.  相似文献   
This study examined political journalists’ definitions of public opinion and how these definitions influence the structure of political news stories. After considering prior conceptualizations of public opinion, a scale of two distinct definitions of public opinion was created, consisting of the optimist’s and the pessimist’s definitions. Using a survey of political journalists in the United States, these public opinion definitions were significant predictors of the use of particular sources in political news stories. Importantly, the two definitions had opposite influences on the use of opinion polls, shedding light on the discrepancy in use and perception of poll results in political news.  相似文献   
“十二五”以来,公共图书馆事业发展出现了“中部洼地”现象。主要表现是:资源占有与服务人口不相称;发展速度相对趋慢;均等化水平低;可比服务成本上升。实现公共图书馆事业发展“中部崛起”,主要应从以下几方面着力:国家宏观政策的调整;强化地方政府主体责任;加快县域公共图书馆总分馆体系建设;拓展和深化“图书馆+”与“互联网+”;完善评价标准的导向作用;抓住促进贫困地区公共文化服务体系建设的历史机遇。表5。参考文献4。  相似文献   
为促进福建省青少年体育工作,运用文献资料法、实地调查法采集了福建省体育局青少处近几年工作总结文献资料,利用参与福建省后备人才基地评估机会开展实地调查,对全国青少年基础数据年度统计福建部分数据进行分析,研究发现福建省青少年体育近年来取得实质性进展,青少年体育公共服务体系初具雏形,后备人才在训规模基本稳定,并形成福建特色.研究提出了注重职能转变、有效动员社会力量以及推动体校转型发展等建议.  相似文献   
Big data, like MOOCs, altmetrics and open access, is a term that has been commonplace in the library community for some time yet, despite its prevalence, many in the library and information sector remain unsure of the relationship between big data and their roles. This editorial explores what big data could mean for the day‐to‐day practice of health library and information workers, presenting examples of big data in action, considering the ethics of accessing big data sets and the potential for new roles for library and information workers.  相似文献   
文章从理论上分析了在公共管理过程中,公共权力的异化是如何导致腐败的。这其中,不仅有人的原因,更有制度的原因。针对当前腐败现象的严重危害,以及公众对腐败的不满,文章着重从人和制度方面提出了一些控制监督公共权力的建议。  相似文献   
美术作为素质教育的一个重要组成部分,在高等学校教育中显得尤为重要,探寻一些可行性教学方法对于高校公共美术课教学来说已势在必行。“审美、欣赏法”、“锦上添花、雪中送炭法”、“目击法”以及“实用型成就法”在教学实践中效果良好,可以为高校公共美术课教学提供一些参考。  相似文献   
在英国步入“福利国家”的历史进程中,各项社会立法的提出、确立、不断完善是其主要途径之一。其中,在英国工业革命期间的几项社会立法无疑处于这一社会立法轨迹中的起始阶段,有其渊源关系。其他位和作用应予以肯定。  相似文献   
农村公共食堂是"大跃进"和人民公社化运动中极"左"思潮的产物,是人民公社供给制的载体。从1958年下半年到1961年5月,它在"吃饭不要钱"等天堂般的宣传和政治高压下一哄而起,适应了"组织军事化、行动战斗化、生活集体化"的"大跃进"需要,但很快就出现难以为继而加以调整,由领导人的偏爱和一意孤行而强行恢复,并得以苟延残喘,后又由大兴调查研究等实事求是之风而一哄而散,给农村、农业、农民带来了灾难性的后果。江苏农村公共食堂是全国农村公共食堂的一个缩影,存在着浪费粮食、降低社员生产积极性、浪费劳动力、不利于发展家庭副业、不节省烧柴、不利于团结、生活不便等自身难以克服的缺点,又是当时农村以"共产风"为主要特征的"五风"盛行根源之一,为群众所深恶痛绝。与全国其他省份相比,江苏在"大跃进"中,以江渭清为首的省党政领导很快走向务实,江苏农村公共食堂很快就出现了数量急剧减少、固定食堂少、农忙食堂多、食堂规模小等特点。庐山会议后,江苏公共食堂恢复率低,又以"调整"为名解散了很多食堂,特别是从1961年2月经毛泽东的同意江苏首先在全国解散公共食堂,这也是"大跃进"期间江苏省"非正常死亡"人数较少的原因之一。  相似文献   
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