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This article focuses on the series of 11 books about a young female pilot, Worrals of the WAAF, by W.E. Johns, creator of Biggles. The Worrals books were published from 1941 when recruitment for the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force was falling. Johns chose to ignore that the WAAF supported pilots through their work on the ground and did not themselves fly. The article discusses how historians of education can draw on fiction in order to identify aspects of informal education, especially during wartime, when so many children’s formal schooling was disrupted or non-existent. Drawing on Erica Jong’s 1970s metaphor of “flying” as representative of female freedom, it is possible to read Worrals’ character as a role model for teenage girls. The conundrum of why Johns chose to put Worrals in the WAAF, rather than in Air Transport with the likes of Amy Johnson, is further explored in the light of evidence that a number of WAAF were seconded to the SOE. It concludes that fiction read alongside a range of other evidence offers a rich source for the historian engaged in a search for the gendered nature of education beyond the classroom.  相似文献   
二战后,美苏主导的雅尔塔体系代替了凡尔赛体系,欧洲安全局势发生巨大变化。虽然美苏等国占领和分裂德国消除了长期以来德国对欧洲乃至世界的安全威胁,但是,争夺德国的矛盾使美苏等国走向了危险的军事集团对峙,而两大阵营的全面冷战又使得德国问题的解决更加困难。通过将两德分别拉入各自阵营,美苏完成了对欧洲势力范围的划分,新的力量均势的建立有利于欧洲安全局势的稳定,但成为欧洲安全平衡中心却使德国的分裂长期化。  相似文献   
多样性是第二语言教学的核心特征之一,学习者、教师、学习环境以及教学方法等都具有这一特征。这是构建第二语言教学理论时必须面对的现实和挑战。遗憾的是,对外汉语教学界还没有充分认识到多样性问题及其在理论上的意义。本文以多样性和教学法以及教材编写的关系为例说明,对多样性的深刻理解,有助于解决理论建设当中有争议的问题,有助于推动学科研究的健康发展。  相似文献   
在变系数二阶线性齐次微分方程具有某种特殊解结构的情形下,进行了可积性判据研究,获得了这些方程可积的充分条件.  相似文献   

As was true for many school districts across the United States during the early decades of the twentieth century, Houston Independent School District sought modernization through a multimillion dollar building program and curricular reform. Houston's new course of study, heavily influenced by the theories of child-centered pedagogy, received widespread praise from curricular experts at the nation's top schools of education. In the 1920s, Houston was a segregated, southern city that, in many ways, shared the conservatism of the region. Nevertheless, Houston's superintendent, E.E. Oberholtzer, was able to overcome resistance from taxpayers and teachers to successfully implement his program. Corporate élites from the petroleum industry, among the biggest boosters of progressive educational reform in Houston, believed that a child-centered curriculum would develop the leadership skills and creative ability needed to train white-collar workers for the expanding economy. Those left behind, primarily students of color, were further disadvantaged in the changing job market. Jim Crow was an essential component to the success of the reform policies in Houston. As twenty-five per cent of the population, African-American students deserved twenty-five per cent of the district's revenues. Segregation allowed the district to use almost one hundred per cent of the money for curriculum reform on only seventy-five per cent of the population. Nevertheless, Houston manufacturers were dependent on unskilled black labor and were hit hard by the exodus of the Great Migration. Thus, corporate élites could not be too blatant in their discrimination against African-Americans. The pro-industry school board responded to the threats of migration and the demands of Houston's vociferous black press by building two new modern African-American high schools, refurbishing "Old Colored High School," and vastly improving the number and condition of elementary schools for black children. Yet, although these new schools did represent a vast improvement over black education before Oberholtzer's arrival in Houston, in the face of massive expenditures and dramatic improvements in white education, the material gains of black students lagged far behind the educational opportunities for white students. While the new, child-centered curriculum excluded black students (except for the heroic efforts of individual black educators), curriculum development excluded the vast majority of teachers. White teachers lost considerable power over pedagogical decisions in their own classrooms as they faced onerous, top-down directives. The district maintained control over teacher education by opening a junior college in 1927 to train white teachers according to the new pedagogy. Many white teachers resented the district's efforts to tie salary raises to increased educational qualifications, even for experienced teachers. In 1928 conflicts with the superintendent contributed to the growth of new memberships in the all-white Houston Teachers Association. In response, the school district passed a significant salary increase for white teachers that was funded partially by reducing the automatic annual increases in black teacher salaries. Intense job competition within African-American schools kept black teachers from protesting their discriminatory salaries and treatment. Ironically, many black teachers, excluded from training in child-centered pedagogy, welcomed additional educational opportunities. Black teachers themselves fought for the creation of Houston Junior College for Negroes, although the new college failed to receive adequate funding. Thus, the school administration modernized white schools by denying new educational opportunities to black students and teachers. While many scholars have criticized the supposed "advantages" of progressive education, in Houston, at least, progressivism operated as another form of unearned white privilege.  相似文献   
《纳粹德国的兴亡》是德国托尔斯腾·克尔讷写的一部关于二次世界大战中德国社会状况的历史著作。该书从普通平民的视角出发,一改传统著作从战争和政治角度描写二战德国的历史,深刻揭示了纳粹德国兴起的社会原因和民众的生活状况,保留了大量的生活细节,为研究德国历史提供了详实的研究资料。该书通俗简练,真实生动,写法新颖,影响深远。因此,能在记录二战德国的众多历史著作中脱颖而出,为教育警示后人、反思德国二战原因起到了积极作用。  相似文献   
随着天保工程的实施,木材产量不断调减,天保二期工程东北、内蒙古重点林区木材产量由天保一期的1058万立方米调到618.4万立方米,产量下调了42%。木材减产将造成木材生产季节作业,采运机械闲置,木材生产劳力过剩,木材产品收入和职工收入降低,工业原料不足,木材生产组织形式不适合等问题,为了解决这些问题,临江林业局2009年至2012年两年时间对枝桠材及刨花板原料进行了二次挑选,实践证明时伐区剩余物二次挑选,是企业创效增收、提高伐区利用率的有效途径之一。伐区剩余物二次挑选一是可节约木材,提高森林资源的利用率。二是可增加企业效益。三是可安置生产富余职工,增加职工收入。  相似文献   
目前以Second Life(SL)为代表的虚拟世界在互联网上广泛流行并引起学术界的诸多争议。通过界定SL的定义、介绍与其相关的概念,探讨高校图书馆利用SL开展虚拟参考咨询(VR)服务的目的性、服务时间、问题类型、服务方式和服务内容等,指出融入SL过程中开展VR应注意的问题。  相似文献   
针对学界质疑对比分析理论的客观现实,指出对比分析理论应对学习者的语言系统作综合性系统化的比较研究,并以汉英两种语言的思维文化为个案进行对比分析,以此为基础提出了"二语"条件下汉语思维能力的培养策略,旨在促进学习者英汉思维系统的转换,提高学习者的汉语思维能力。  相似文献   
19世纪70年代以后,以电能、内燃机动力以及新兴化学工业为主要特征的第二次工业革命在欧美资本主义国家展开。德国是第二次工业革命的主导国家。德国在电气、内燃机、化学工业和炼钢工业等四个重要领域均取得了重大成就,出现了一大批科学家和科学成果,并居于世界领先地位。第二次工业革命推动了德国经济飞速发展。20世纪初.德国的工业总量超过了所有欧洲国家。德国第二次工业革命的特点是:第一次工业革命和第二次工业革命交错进行;迅速将科学理论、发明转化为生产力,并大力发展新兴工业;轻重工业同步发展。  相似文献   
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