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Push Hand is an advanced training technique for the Yang-style old frame 108 forms Tai Chi Chuan. It is performed by two practitioners. To clarify how people use forces during Push Hand training, it is important to review the ground reaction force (GRF). Here, we quantify the characteristics of the GRF during Push Hand training. Kinematic data and GRF data from 10 Tai Chi Chuan practitioners (29.9 ± 7.87 years) were synchronously recorded using a three-dimensional motion analysis system (200 frames · s?1) and three-dimensional force plates (1000 Hz). The resultant GRF for both feet for the 0%, 50% and 100% phases of attack and defence were compared to body weight using a paired-samples t-test. The differences in the resultant GRF between the 0%, 50% and 100% phases of attack and defence were tested by one-way repeated-measures ANOVA. The significance level was set to 0.05. The total resultant GRF was almost equal to the participant’s body weight in push hand. This result was consistent throughout the entire push hand process. Our results revealed that the GRF was comparable to the body weight, implying that practitioners do not push or resist their opponents during the push hand process.  相似文献   

Developed from traditional Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi exercise includes different forms and interactive Push Hands but biomechanical analyses have focused on the former only. To analyse the techniques of Push Hands, an experienced master was asked to defend pushing by four opponents. Movements were videotaped and digitized using a motion analysis system. Surface electrodes were used to record the electromyographic activity of ten muscle groups. Two force plates were used to measure the ground reaction force on each foot. Inexperienced individuals performed the same procedure to serve as the control group. The results indicate that the master adopted a postural adjustment to maintain balance. A clear shift of body weight from the front to the rear foot and mediolateral displacement of the centre of gravity was observed. Low electromyographic activity was observed in the upper body muscle groups, while high electromyographic activity was observed in the right rectus femoris and very high activity in the left rectus femoris during the defence. All inexperienced participants lost their balance in resisting pushing. It is concluded that the Tai Chi defensive technique includes a subtle postural adjustment that slightly changes the pushing force direction, and allows the rear leg to resist the incoming force.  相似文献   
试论池莉市民小说中的大众庸常价值取向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章立足于池莉的市民小说,对小说中作者非常认同和肯定的大众社会中市民生活及他们的价值观念进行了分析,分析主要从“不谈爱情”和受制时间两方面展开。池莉市民小说中的爱情故事充分注重日常生活的逻辑,爱情这个永恒的话题在大众社会中被平庸无奈的生活消磨着,在金钱和性的双重枷锁的挤压下显得虚妄和奢侈,显示出来的价值趋向是放弃高尚的情感追求,以非常世俗化的功利化的眼光来看待男女之间的关系。池莉的小说中充分关注当下中国现实生活中的时间问题。池莉精心刻镂的市民大众的庸常价值趋向,表现出一种消解价值和意义的倾向。  相似文献   
文章通过对池莉小说《云破处》的解读,揭示舒缓、平和、宁静生活所掩盖下的人生的灰色和真实,认为它彻底否定了男权神话、推出了破坏性女性形象、告别了传统叙事手法。  相似文献   
当代知识分子的挽歌——《沧浪之水》重读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《沧浪之水》描写了知识分子寻求新的立世姿态与言说方式的探索过程,来自历史的,现实的诸多因素推动着他们做出选择。池大为的命运可视为一曲当代知识分子的挽歌。其间,也折射出了作者那种忧患与真诚的创作初衷的矫情与做作。  相似文献   
本文从话语构建的角度对比分析了东西方历史文本《史记》和《剑桥中国史》对同一历史事件"商鞅变法"的历史叙述异同,指出两者在文本内容和形式上的差异主要表现在立足点、叙述深度和时间指示、结构编排、叙述语选择上。而后本文探讨了对比分析所反映出的历史叙述"曲解故事"的基调和其通过深层话语空间所展现的价值判断立场,特别对客观史实叙述中的主观认知倾向进行了讨论,认为历史叙述的意义并不是普遍意义上理解的客观展现过去的事实,而是通过话语构建的方式传承民族文化中的价值观立场。  相似文献   
在台湾女作家琦君的创作中,涉及女性婚姻爱情的作品数量众多。琦君以女作家特有的细腻敏感表现了旧式婚恋中女性命运的不幸。与同时期的其他作家作品相比,琦君的表述较为宽容、淡定,以理性节制情感,在客观上形成一种哀而不伤,怨而不怒的独特风格。这与其自身的家庭环境、教育背景、宗教信仰不无关系。  相似文献   
曹操作为中国文学史上一个颇受争议的人物形象,他的雄才伟略为世人称道,然而他作为一个"挟天子以令诸侯"的奸雄,却被历代文学家所诟病。本文将以《世说新语》为蓝本,通过对曹操这一人物的形象分析,从多层面、多角度进行分析和探讨,力求还原一个历史上真实的曹操。  相似文献   
从结构和认知的角度剖析了现代汉语中“吃+NP”类表达模式,认为该类表达为结构构式,其内部存在构式压制现象,主要表现为题元角色的抑制或凸显。本文试以“吃食堂/食堂吃”为例,主要依据“语义相容原则”,在动结构式、“把”字句构式与成分嵌入句构式中观察几种不同的构式压制现象。  相似文献   
太极拳是一种重要的修身养性与预防疾病的拳术,它具有科学的健身机理。在高职院校师生中开展太极拳健身可以强壮身体,健康心智,促进学校的和谐与稳定。  相似文献   
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