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《汉语文选》课程是内蒙古民族大学蒙古学学院面向蒙汉双语专业开设的学科核心课程。随着课堂教学改革的深入推进,如何转变传统的教学观念、探索新的教学方法、优化教学手段、提高学生学习兴趣,是《汉语文选》课程亟需解决的问题。从以下几方面对该课程教学进行了探索与改革:第一,多种教学方法合理并用,营造师生良性互动的课堂氛围;第二,创建以"第一课堂"为主,"第二课堂"为辅的教学模式;第三,改革传统考试模式,建立科学合理的考核模式;第四,组织编写符合时代发展和学生需求的新教材。  相似文献   
汤亭亭是美国当代最具影响的华裔作家,其作品已进入美国当代文学经典。她的创作将真实和虚构有机结合,富有深度的象征意义。她以自己独特的叙事话语,完成自己及华裔属性的确立。基于这样的前提,从文类角度分析她的传记成分较重的作品,以探讨汤亭亭创作中的意识形态倾向。  相似文献   
《全宋文》网罗宏富,是一项规模浩大的基础文献积累工程,它的编辑与出版极大地推动了宋代历史与文化的研究。但由于古代史籍浩繁,要将散布于其中的全部宋文网罗殆尽绝非易事。在查阅《永乐大典》本《湖南方志》时发现《全宋文》所收录宋文存在一定的缺漏,就其中的11篇宋文分别予以整理,包括赵岍、王暨、陈缜、卢仲隽、张声道、黄诰、刘坦、赵师恕各一篇,还有两篇作者失考,卢康时残文补全一篇。  相似文献   
彝族自古以来就有自己的语言和文字,流下了大量弥足珍贵的文献资料。彝族学者普璋开从事彝族文字工作30余载,收集整理了大量文献,特别是其退休后的10余年间,翻译出版了大量文献,实践着他的彝族文化传承之路。  相似文献   
由苏州大学文学院和江苏教育出版社主办的《填平雅俗鸿沟-范伯群学术论著自选集》首发式暨学术研讨会,于2013年5月25日上午在苏州南林饭店举行。与会者对范伯群先生半个世纪来的重要学术成果进行了梳理,并给予了高度的评价,同时还围绕文学的雅俗论发表了各自的观点。  相似文献   
The library community has long been an advocate of free access to publicly funded research, yet Congress regularly considers bills that would prevent the public from accessing such information. In an age where bills such as Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) are brought forth only to receive heavy criticism from all parts of society, this article investigates the potential impact the Research Works Act (RWA) might have caused on academic publishing. While the RWA was defeated, similar pieces of legislation will rise again. As librarians, we must be aware of such acts to prevent the damage they seek to impose.  相似文献   
《毛泽东选集》第1-5卷总共有221个标题,结构上包括专有名词、短语及单句三种结构,并对其数据进行统计分析;语言的使用具有标记性、专指性和称名性三个特点,结构方面则以大量采用名词短语及双音节结构为特点;最后从语体和读者两个方面探讨了影响《毛泽东选集》标题确定的因素。  相似文献   
The Working on What Works (WOWW) approach, which is based upon Solution-focused Brief Therapy, was implemented in a mainstream primary classroom over a 10-week period. The focus was on improving behaviour and relationships in class. Results demonstrated an improvement in teacher ratings for targets set by the class teacher compared with baseline. Pupils also set, and rated themselves on class targets. Observation of pupils, and their class-ratings, demonstrated a positive impact for these targets. Longer term follow-up suggested that this positive impact was maintained. It is concluded that WOWW had a positive impact on behaviour and relationships within this classroom.  相似文献   
Working on What Works (WOWW) is a solution-oriented classroom management intervention. Following an outline of Berg and Shilts’ WOWW programme in the United States, this paper reviews and evaluates WOWW, which has been implemented as a classroom intervention strategy in a Scottish local authority since 2007. Qualitative analysis of the comments of children and teachers from 12 classes suggests that WOWW may be an effective classroom management intervention that helps teachers to feel more confident and also produces tangible improvements in the way children work and behave. Children also report positive differences in how they perceive their class and teacher.  相似文献   
文章以《全唐文》《唐文拾遗》《唐文续拾》《全唐文补编》《全唐文再补》《全唐文又再补》为依据,统计出唐代近113位作者创作的306篇题画文(阕名23篇)。文人题咏的社会风气、人物画的成熟以及山水花鸟画的渐盛都为唐代题画文的繁荣创造了条件。唐代题画文或穷形尽相。或感慨身世。多以画为重心,兼及与画作直接关联的人或事,体现出鲜明的记事性和写实性,舒元舆《录桃源画记》可为典型。唐代题画文,无论作家还是作品的数量都超过了唐代题画诗,更应受到学术界关注。  相似文献   
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