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The scholarly journals in professional and scientific fields serve the function of communicating new knowledge and informed discourse on the major issues affecting the field of counseling, and editorial board members (EBMs) serve as gatekeepers of what information will be communicated. The ability of EBMs to make sound judgments directly affects the quality of research and scholarship published. This study analyzed one important EBM qualification, the scholarly productivity of the editorial board members of three major American counseling journals (The Counseling Psychologist [TCP], the Journal of Counseling Psychology [JCP], and the Journal of Counseling and Development [JCD]). An analysis of the productivity rates of editorial board members on these journals was conducted using the PsycINFO database. The results indicated that editorial board members of JCP have significantly more experience publishing than members of TCP and JCD. The differential publication rates of editorial board members suggest that these three journals place different emphasis on scholarly productivity as part of their selection criteria for editorial board membership and may reflect that the three journals have different missions and serve different clientele. These findings have implications, not only for the profession of counseling in the United States, but also for the international counseling community.This article is dedicated to our esteemed colleague, Stephen G. Weinrach, who died after a long and courageous battle with leukemia on April 24, 2004. This article was the last that Steve was working on prior to his death. It was his brainchild. The contributions that Steve made to the counseling profession over the years are inestimable. He was truly through his numerous writings and professional association activities the “conscience of the couseling profession.” He is dearly missed.  相似文献   
《超越市场与超越政府:道德力量在市场经济中的作用》一书首次提出并论证了道德调节在经济运行中的特殊作用,显示出深刻的学术价值、独特的结构体系和清新的语言风格。该书与作者80年代以来对道德的经济学意义和经济的人学价值的探求一脉相承,实际上是为实现“经济学”向“后经济学”的切换发出了一个积极信号。  相似文献   
辛派词人论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“辛派词人”以辛词为榜样 ,有意识地学习苏轼 ,其词作具有共同的爱国思想倾向。“辛派词人”之形成 ,与辛弃疾巨大的人格魅力与歌词艺术魅力密切相关。他们的政治主张与实践活动、个性与表现等等诸多复杂因素 ,都融合到了歌词创作之中 ,形成独特的风貌。而且 ,“辛派词人”为了表述自己的政治主张 ,共同选择了“以文为词”、议论纵横的表达方式。因此 ,“辛派词人”自然形成了豪迈奔放、恣肆粗狂的创作风格  相似文献   
知识经济时代对编辑创新的要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识经济时代的核心和灵魂是创新。编辑工作也只有不断创新,才能跟上时代的步伐。这就要求编辑工作者做到以下几点:更新思想观念,强化编辑意识;积累文化知识,优化知识结构;理论联系实际,创造特色精品。  相似文献   
清初学者谷应泰主编的《明史纪事本末》,是一部纪事本末体名著,在清代史学上占有重要的地位。此书取材广泛,突破了以往纪事本末体史书专据一部史书改编而成、史料来源单一的局限,较为完整地反映了明代历史之大势。书中大量的史论,反映出重视总结历史经验、经世致用的宗旨,见解深刻,也颇具特色。  相似文献   
在上古神话传说体系中,女娲的形象从传世文献的角度考察。由战国中后期诗人笔下外在形象尚不确定的“女神”,到西汉文献中始与伏羲并列为“至德遗于后世”,崇尚“虚无纯一”的“圣王”;随着两汉之际“三皇”之说的复兴,由东汉前期“伏羲、神农、燧人(或祝融)”的“三皇”说,演进为东汉后期“伏羲、女娲、神农”的“三皇”系列,标志着女娲“圣王”形象的最终形成。  相似文献   
沈德潜在对唐诗四期作出评论的同时 ,揭示出唐诗格调流变的轨迹 ,特别对以李、杜为代表的盛唐诗给予极高的评价。“格调”论的立场使沈氏对唐诗流变的审视表现出鲜明的个性色彩 ,同时也导致他对中晚唐诗的评价有失偏颇。作为唐诗研究的重要一家 ,他的观点可资借鉴  相似文献   
对于明清之际小说评点的研究, 或侧重于对其评点源流的探寻, 或关注作者在评点中表现的文学观念, 评论者总会不自觉地以严格的文学批评或文学创作为标准来要求或评判小说评点, 这样的评论方式从某种程度上说忽略了明清小说评点的本真状态。本文希望通过对评点的叙事学分析, 并引入西方新批评来展开平行讨论, 以此观照小说评点的独特形态并尝试解读评点家们的“文心”。  相似文献   
信息时代科技期刊编辑素质谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息时代科技期刊编辑应具备良好的思想政治修养和法律常识,具备扎实的专业知识及广泛的邻近学科知识,同时还应具备多能力、多元化的编辑能力。这是科技期刊编辑最主要的素质。  相似文献   
对篮球意识的理论分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文采用文献研究法,从篮球意识的概念、内容、影响因素、评价及如何培养等方面,对篮球意识进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   
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