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为有效地改善教学氛围,实现教与学的共鸣,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中主动获得发展和创新,结合教学实践,从培养学生的观察能力,学习迁移能力以及比较和概括能力等三个方面论述了中学数学教学中培养学生创新能力的一些方法和途径.  相似文献   
This article discusses friendships and peer groups of migrant and minority ethnic youth in schools in England and Spain, and critically considers them in relation to existing notions of ‘peer social capital’ and bridging (heterogeneous) and bonding (homogeneous) peer networks. The article argues for an extended understanding of peer social capital and discusses the complex composition and outcomes of bridging and bonding peer networks. It critically discusses both facilitators and barriers to friendships experienced by migrant and minority ethnic youth in schools, and considers them in relation to school practices.  相似文献   
史诗是一种古老的民间叙事体长诗,记叙了各民族有关天地生成、人类起源的传说,以及关于民族迁徙、民族战争等重大事件,史诗是一个民族的开拓者们的创业史和远古的生活史。国外的史诗主要是英雄史诗,中国各民族的史诗,按传承和流布的地域、历史民族地理区域和经济文化类型可分为南北两大系统。北方民族主要以长篇英雄史诗见长,南方民族的史诗则以创世史诗为主,还有一些反映民族迁徙的史诗和部落战争的英雄史诗。  相似文献   
武陵山区是中国典型的少数民族聚居地区。推动武陵山区少数民族人口城市化的进程.需要努力消除一些不和谐因素,实行大中小城市及小城镇共同发展的道路,要加大就业培训和素质教育的力度,进一步建立健全社会保障制度。  相似文献   
“钉子户”问题成因及推进和谐拆迁的对策措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市化的加速,在征地赔偿问题上,政府、开发商与拆迁户未能达成一致,导致拆迁户不愿意拆迁,成为所谓的"钉子户"。有效化解"钉子户"问题,要针对成因,注意处理商业利益与公共利益等问题,加强法制建设,强化行政监督,关注民生,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   
Migration not only entangles people, cultures and societies but also histories and memories of diverse groups across national and cultural boundaries. The article focuses on mediated memory cultures of migration both theoretically and empirically. The first part discusses how cultural memories of migration in cross-medial flows of remediation can entangle ‘mnemonic imaginations’ of diverse groups within societies across time, cultures and media. In response to the conceptual framework of ‘entangled media histories’ this theoretical part explores entangled media histories of migration from the angle of memory studies. The second part of the article gives selected case studies. They reveal how media have historically mediated migratory memories and how they make use of this media history in contemporary productions. The examples are two Swedish documentary films of 2011 and 2015 and two German television documentaries of 2015 and 2016. With this theoretical and empirical approach the article shows how media actively contribute to debates about contemporary migration movements by the help of time-travelling migratory memory and media history.  相似文献   
The study reported in this paper focuses on the narratives of six adult Third Culture Kids (TCKs) who lived in multiple countries during developmental years. It explores their childhood experiences with mobility and the impact that multiple shifts in location, culture, and language have had on their adult lives. The results indicate that they come to terms with their identities, which are closely connected to multiple cultures and countries. Participants reported a desire to maintain nomadic lives, which may have been impacted by the multilingual competence and nuanced cultural understanding they gained through mobile upbringings. They also commonly expressed a desire to build social relationships with other individuals with migrant backgrounds. The results demonstrate the necessity of supporting the growing community of TCKs in maximizing the potential benefits of cross-cultural experiences while helping them navigate the challenges of identity, transition, and relocation.  相似文献   
学术界对"靺鞨七部"的存在状态与历史迁徙存在较大争议。在收集整理前人研究成果的基础上,提出"历史观点(民族观点)—时代观点—个人观点"三步历史研究方法,认为靺鞨七部乃是"由多个部落组成的七个联合部落的合称,靺鞨七部不能完全涵盖隋唐时期‘靺鞨’名族的所有部落",并在其基础上探究了靺鞨七部的历史发展、演进及原因。  相似文献   
五河民歌的音乐风格呈现南北兼容的过渡性特征,其成因可从地理、历史、气候等方面去分析。地理位置上,五河县地处安徽省东北部淮河中游下段,属于南北过渡地带,音乐上呈现南北过渡性质;历史上,动乱、灾荒、迁徙等人口流动也促进了对五河民歌交融性特点的形成。  相似文献   
未来5—10年重庆劳动力资源呈现“存量保持高位、增量负增长、构成老化加剧”的格局,但在产业升级、劳动迁移的背景下,相对于劳动力需求劳动力供给是充足的。我国逐步成熟的劳动力市场配置机制能有效促进劳动力供需的基本平衡,不宜夸大当前及未来的“用工荒”形势与“刘易斯拐点效应”的负面影响,它只是各地经济快速扩张和同质化竞争过程中的“成长痛”,与当前区域劳动力供给变化并无因果关系。面对普工的“用工荒”,不应简单地通过引入外来的普通劳动力来化解,而应通过技术进步、产业转型升级以及提高存量劳动力资源利用率(劳动参与率)予以应对;“刘易斯拐点”的来临,既是推动经济发展方式转型的外在动力,也是普通劳动者和低收入家庭提高生活水平的大好机会。  相似文献   
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