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新闻作品创优是媒体人追求的目标。广播新闻作品选题要重大,要有针对社会意义的新意,有开掘的余地;要精心策划素材,采访到位;要选准报道角度,同时做到细节处理到位,笔头到位;要实现理念、事实与技巧的有机统一,就能创作出好的广播新闻节目,展现时代强音并引起听众的共鸣。  相似文献   
新闻教育质量高低将会影响到我国未来新闻行业的发展水平,因此高校在进行相关教学时应该要制定出比较科学的教学方案,从新闻教学实际需求出发,为社会培养更多优秀的新闻人才。随着我国社会经济的发展,高校新闻教育面临着巨大的挑战,学校需要制定积极的应对策略,从而提升其教学质量,为学生以后新闻知识的学习奠定基础。本文通过对当前我国新闻教育面临的挑战进行分析,并探索相应的改革措施,增强我国新闻教育水平。  相似文献   
对晚清中国时局及革命动员的表达,有政论、小说、诗歌、戏曲、杂文等文学形式,但图像新闻却以艺术的形式,别具一格,在文化尚未普及的时代,成为呈现时政及革命动员的最直观、最有效、最锐利的武器。《江汉日报》的图像新闻,如同其所刊发的各类文体一样,自始至终,承担着反帝反清,宣传革命的使命;其报道的范围广泛,视野宏阔,高瞻远瞩,具有宏观性和全局性;其报道的主题主要集中在中国面临的局势、外国列强对中国的侵略与掠夺、腐败的封建专制制度以及文武官吏的百面丑态,具有鲜明的政治性。在策略上,运用立体的和连续的报道方法,增强舆论力度;在形式上,图像直指现实政治和现实社会,通俗易懂,具有直观性。其图像新闻大胆、泼辣、犀利,具有鼓动性、革命性和战斗性。  相似文献   
作为内容教学法的一种重要实践方式,新闻英语教学增强了大学英语课堂趣味性,提高了学生学习积极性,扩大了学生视野,进一步提高了学生的英语听说读写能力。本文论述了新闻英语教学模式的具体践行方式,探讨了其对大学英语课堂的积极作用,并提出了如何在日常大学英语教学中更好地完善该教学模式。  相似文献   
Digital information exchange enables quick creation and sharing of information and thus changes existing habits. Social media is becoming the main source of news for end-users replacing traditional media. This also enables the proliferation of fake news, which misinforms readers and is used to serve the interests of the creators. As a result, automated fake news detection systems are attracting attention. However, automatic fake news detection presents a major challenge; content evaluation is increasingly becoming the responsibility of the end-user. Thus, in the present study we used information quality (IQ) as an instrument to investigate how users can detect fake news. Specifically, we examined how users perceive fake news in the form of shorter paragraphs on individual IQ dimensions. We also investigated which user characteristics might affect fake news detection. We performed an empirical study with 1123 users, who evaluated randomly generated stories with statements of various level of correctness by individual IQ dimensions. The results reveal that IQ can be used as a tool for fake news detection. Our findings show that (1) domain knowledge has a positive impact on fake news detection; (2) education in combination with domain knowledge improves fake news detection; and (3) personality trait conscientiousness contributes significantly to fake news detection in all dimensions.  相似文献   
The spread of fake news has become a significant social problem, drawing great concern for fake news detection (FND). Pretrained language models (PLMs), such as BERT and RoBERTa can benefit this task much, leading to state-of-the-art performance. The common paradigm of utilizing these PLMs is fine-tuning, in which a linear classification layer is built upon the well-initialized PLM network, resulting in an FND mode, and then the full model is tuned on a training corpus. Although great successes have been achieved, this paradigm still involves a significant gap between the language model pretraining and target task fine-tuning processes. Fortunately, prompt learning, a new alternative to PLM exploration, can handle the issue naturally, showing the potential for further performance improvements. To this end, we propose knowledgeable prompt learning (KPL) for this task. First, we apply prompt learning to FND, through designing one sophisticated prompt template and the corresponding verbal words carefully for the task. Second, we incorporate external knowledge into the prompt representation, making the representation more expressive to predict the verbal words. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that prompt learning is better than the baseline fine-tuning PLM utilization for FND and can outperform all previous representative methods. Our final knowledgeable model (i.e, KPL) can provide further improvements. In particular, it achieves an average increase of 3.28% in F1 score under low-resource conditions compared with fine-tuning.  相似文献   
利用文本分类、情感分析等自然语言处理手段,开发基于互联网文本信息的地区环境形象评价方法。为满足生态环境大数据的分析需求,划分了环境形象类别,分别从文体来源、情感极性和环境要素这三种角度评价地区环境形象。人工标注环境文本语料,对比支持向量机、朴素贝叶斯和卷积神经网络三种算法,最终构建了以卷积神经网络为核心算法的地区环境形象评价模型。方法的分类效果较好,三种分类的F1值均满足分析需求,环境要素的F1值在0.8~0.9之间,情感分析的F1值在0.8以上,文体来源的F1值在0.9左右。该方法应用在长三角城市,可实时处理地区热点环境舆情,分析地区环境形象,提供精准直观的环境形象评估结果,为区域环境管理提供基础信息支持。  相似文献   
新闻新词的识别在中英文翻译、手机应用推送等方面有着重要作用.通过对网络新闻新词的使用情况、新闻新词的来源和特点的分析,提出一种基于混合策略的高精度长术语抽取技术新闻新词发现的方案.在通过预处理的网络新闻语料中,计算基于词汇NC-value值的互信息以确定词汇内部结构的结合性,通过新闻新词规则处理进行新闻新词发现。  相似文献   
本文论述了张育瑄在采写《艺惊西非的友好使者》时进行的新闻探索,新闻作品要想富有生命力,必须站在时代前沿,厚积薄发,并善于捕捉现场细节,增强作品感染力。  相似文献   
深度报道将是门户网站体育传播中的一个发展方向,分析了体育深度报道中存的问题及原因:浅阅读的盛行;体育信息更新频率的加快;网站缺乏必要的体育信息积累;体育新闻从业者对于深度报道的认知及专业素养有待进一步提高.提出促进我国大型门户网站体育深度报道的对策:坚持原创、独创,打造品牌栏目,做到深度和速度的有机结合;充分利用新媒体传播手段,利用好大数据;处理好主观评论与客观报道的关系;坚持专业性,注重一般性体育新闻资讯与体育深度报道的平衡.  相似文献   
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