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激情教学是富有感染力的教学形式,是增强干部教育培训实效性的有效途径之一。确保激情教学的效果,选择好教学的载体是关键。通过教学实践与探索,我认为革命歌曲、革命遗址、现场一线等是重要的载体类型,应进行更加深入地研究,科学合理地选择,把这些载体蕴藏的激情教学功能充分发挥出来。  相似文献   
News mentions to academic papers has provided an important channel for research to yield impact on broad audience in the society, and is particularly useful in scholarly communication, scientific outreach and altmetrics. Unlike academic paper, news articles are often influenced by social factors such as culture, ideology and geography. It is therefore uncertain whether news mentions to academic paper is valid for evaluative purpose as expected by altmetrics studies. In response, this study has conducted large scale statistical analysis to explore country's preference over news mentions, based on the assumption that if news mentions to academic paper is not (or weakly) influenced by social factors, no obvious country's preference would be observed, and the vice versa. The major findings are: (1) From the macro perspective, overall distribution of news mentions is highly imbalanced, with several developed countries taking the dominant position. However, no obvious preference towards domestic papers was observed. (2) From the micro perspective, based on the ZINB test results, news from all countries have more positively mentioned domestic papers and simultaneously shown preference over papers from certain countries. (3) In terms of disciplinary comparison, disciplinary differences were observed in the impact strength and specific preference. These results suggest that in micro level country's preference exist for news mentions to academic papers, but in macro level, country's preference is insignificant. Therefore, it is suggested that news mentions can be used for assessing purpose in the macro level.  相似文献   
大学体育选项课发展前景的影响因素与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对江苏高校部分体育教师及学生作相关的问卷调查,并查阅相关资料就大学体育选项课及发展前景进行研究分析。结果显示,大学体育选项课的发展前景令人担忧。学校体育工作的领导和管理、学生体质健康状况、学校体育经费的投入和场馆设施条件、大学生体育自觉参与程度、学生专项运动技术水平、体育师资队伍建设是影响发展的重要因素。  相似文献   
睡美人与王子文献的识别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 研究睡美人与王子文献的识别方法。分析唤醒机制,为未来在学术交流体系中发现"王子"作者,发掘、唤醒低被引和零被引文献的潜在价值提供理论依据。[方法/过程] 采用被引速率指标和睡美人指数两种客观指标识别1970-2005年临床医学四大名刊上发表的睡美人文献;基于以下4个原则寻找唤醒睡美人的王子文献:①发表于被引突增的附近年份;②本身被引次数较高;③与睡美人文献的同被引次数高;④在年度被引次数曲线上,王子文献对睡美人文献的"牵引或拉动"作用非常显著,即至少在睡美人文献引用突增的附近年份,王子文献的年度被引次数应高于睡美人文献。[结果/结论] 由于考虑了全部引文窗的引文曲线,被引速率指标能够识别出那些被引生命周期长、至今仍持续不断高频被引的论文;睡美人指数能够快速识别出睡美人文献,但却无法反映年度被引次数达到峰值之后的引文曲线;将被引速率+发表最初5年年均被引次数两个指标结合起来能够更好地识别睡美人文献。分析发现,综述、指南、著作等"共识型"的文献对于引发那些提出了新思想但尚未被认可的睡美人文献的被引突增起到了关键作用。建议事后识别睡美人文献可采用客观指标与主观界定相结合的方法,事前预测睡美人文献要注意追踪其是否被"共识性"文献推荐和引用,学术评价要特别关注被引速率低的论文。  相似文献   
中文叙词表的语义化转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧石燕 《图书情报工作》2015,59(16):110-118
[目的/意义]随着语义网与关联数据的兴起与发展,采用SKOS语言对叙词表进行语义化描述成为主流,这为叙词表在网络上的发布、共享以及在网络环境下的应用提供新的契机。[方法/过程]以《汉语主题词表》为例,对中文叙词表的语义化表示、验证和关联数据发布进行探索。首先,制定基于SKOS、SKOS-XL和SKOS扩展的叙词表语义化表示方案, 实现对叙词表的无损语义描述, 开发基于N-Triples格式的词表语义化转换程序, 使大规模词表的语义化转换更加简单高效;其次,采用新兴的SPIN框架对语义化词表的完整性进行验证, 为SKOS词表的正确性与合法性提供保证;最后,采用“Jena TDB+Fuseki+Pubby”的组合将SKOS/RDF词表数据在网络上发布为关联数据,并开发词表关联数据检索界面。[结果/结论]实验结果表明,采用本文的方法能够实现整个《汉语主题词表》的高效语义化转换、验证与发布,促进中文叙词表在网络上的共享与应用。  相似文献   
自20世纪50年代诞生第一位世界冠军以来,乒乓球运动就逐渐成为我国的优势体育项目,尽管国际乒联一直在修改规则,海外兵团不断壮大,在奥运会、世锦赛等重大比赛中,中国队几乎总能包揽金牌。分析了中国乒乓球霸主地位形成对乒乓球运动发展的一些影响,并提出了一些建议与对策。  相似文献   
针对期刊编辑工作中常见的表格加工问题,利用Word VBA建立表格窗口,实现表格转置、求和校验、三位分节、单位提取以及表序与文中提及校验功能.实践工作表明,该窗口操作简便,可帮助编辑节省时间以及提升表格编校质量.  相似文献   
诗歌和现实世界常常是一种回忆关系。对当下生命境遇的反思,使诗人在今昔对照、因果思索和细节的串连中,逐渐将杂乱无章的往昔生活的影像,变成了一个完整的艺术整体。这个艺术整体其实早已经过了情感与想象的涵养,过去世界被偷偷地美化了,甚至已经变异衍生出新的艺术形象。这是伟大作品诞生的灵魂性的工程。  相似文献   
高校体育选项教学可持续发展的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、数理统计法、问卷调查法等,对高校体育选项教学情况进行调查研究,并就其持续发展的影响因素对江苏省高校体育教师及南京市部分高校大学生作了相关调查。结果显示,高校体育选项教学可持续发展令人担忧,经费、学生数量、体育意识、教师业务能力等是影响发展的主要因素。  相似文献   
Knowledge flow between scientific disciplines has commonly been measured based on citation data. Previous studies using citing relationships have mostly considered direct citations but have paid little attention to indirect citations (IDC) to indicate how knowledge diffusion from one discipline to another via one or more intermediaries. In this study, we measured knowledge flow between disciplines from two perspectives: direct citations (DC) and discipline potential energy (DPE), which is proposed to combine both direct and indirect citations. Data were collected from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Findings include: (1) DPE overshadows previous measures by considering not only direct citations but also indirect citations between disciplines which was usually ignored in previous measures, and revealed that the knowledge contribution of some disciplines had been underestimated by previous measures, such as Physics and Engineering. (2) The proportion of IDC contribution is close to that of direct knowledge contribution when the discipline scale is removed, which suggests that it is essential to consider IDC to distinguish the knowledge relationship (net-outflow/inflow) between disciplines. (3) Both measurements show that Biology & Biochemistry has always been the top discipline with the highest net outflow of knowledge, which is inconsistent with the history of science that Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry would be the highest net outflow disciplines. The results show that even considering IDC does not fully reveal the knowledge contribution and academic influence of disciplines. This paper also analyzes the potential reasons for citation bias in revealing the contribution of disciplinary knowledge from a citation perspective. Therefore, caution should be taken in the use of citations as a primary measure of knowledge flow.  相似文献   
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