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This paper positions the importance of frequency sensitivity in the development of orthographic knowledge throughout childhood and promotes learning to spell as a vehicle which may be used effectively to develop this sensitivity. It is suggested that orthographic knowledge is advanced via a process of ‘frequency sensitivity’ to ‘patterns and sequences’ and ‘rules and regularities’ particular to English orthography and that the process of sensitivity to these coarse grain orthographic patterns is influenced by consistency in sound and by morphological knowledge (knowledge of morphemes; words or word parts that form the smallest unit of meaning in language). A model highlighting the increasing importance of orthography and morphology as reading and spelling development progresses is presented. Discussion of the importance of considering phonology, orthography and morphology throughout literacy development and the relative importance of each is discussed. Distinctions are drawn between the processes involved in children who are good readers and good spellers, children who are good readers and poor spellers, and children who are poor readers and poor spellers. This paper outlines how considering these interrelated and developmentally sensitive contributors to literacy development can contribute to the practice of educational professionals in promoting the development of literacy skills throughout childhood.  相似文献   
分词不一致问题一直严重影响带标注语料库的标注质量,利用词库与词法知识,可以合理地阐释分词不一致产生的根源,并结合建立的规则库、组合型歧义库、固定词表和特殊单字词表,可以解决汉语分词语料库中相同结构类型的分词不一致问题。计算机利用这些知识较好地识别出了“大+动词(单字)”“动补结构”和“颜色词+物体名”,召回率在96%以上,精确率在95%以上,并能根据用户的要求统一处理成“分”或“合”的形式。  相似文献   
动物形态学实验教学的改革与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从“以专业为中心”的教学模式的影响、完整系统的知识被分割成诸多课程进行教与学和实验教学的投入与产生的效果不协调3个方面阐述了动物形态学实验教学改革的必要性。同时,从实验课程体系和实验课教学方法与手段两大方面论述了如何进行动物形态学实验教学的改革。实践的结果表明:学生学习的趣味性、主动性明显加强,学习收效大大提高;老师的教学质量也有明显的改善。  相似文献   
本文首先采用形态学对瞳孔进行定位,分割出瞳孔以后,对虹膜进行内外边缘的检测。对外边缘的定位首先采用梯度算子检测边缘,然后用Hough变换进行虹膜定位。由于上下眼皮会部分地遮挡虹膜顶端和底端,因此定位虹膜的时候,以瞳孔为中心,截取-π/4~π/4及3π/4~5π/4的虹膜区域作为研究对象。最后对图像归一化的方法用极坐标变换。实验结果证明该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
在"形态学"的视域下,可以把国家治理形态界定为实体形态、理论形态、制度形态、实践形态和价值形态等五种形态。针对各具体形态的内涵、特征、功能和相互关系进行系统研究,有利于我们理清对国家治理形态的认识,开拓国家治理研究的理论视野,提升国家治理理论的整体性研究和国家治理的实践能力。  相似文献   
研究执政党公信力,最根本最关键的是要把握其本质内涵、整体构成与变迁规律。执政党公信力的本质是一种"动态资源系统",对执政党公信力进行政治科学与政治哲学的理论解读的同时,运用系统结构分析的方法,分析构成执政党公信力的三大要素系统及其功能,并以历史唯物主义的宏观视野和跨学科的综合视角,提出"执政党公信力构建形态"的重要范畴与理论,分析政治文明发展中三类执政公信力形态的变迁规律与历史走向,可作为执政党公信力研究的一种新的研究范式与分析工具。  相似文献   
This study assessed the effect of the course cycle on theoretical knowledge of dental morphology and the dental carving ability of dental students. Thirty-two dental students from the third semester (initial cycle) and 30 students from the eighth and tenth semesters of the dental course (end cycle) had their theoretical knowledge on dental morphology assessed using a questionnaire with ten closed questions. Their dental carving ability was also assessed using wax carvings in macro models of plaster (for the third [S3] and eight [S8] semesters) and natural-sized artificial teeth (for the tenth [S10] semester). The teeth chosen for the dental carving activity were #16 and #47. The scores were statistically analyzed using the t-test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Mann–Whitney test (α = 0.05). Students from the initial cycle presented better theoretical knowledge than the other groups did (P < 0.007). No significant differences in carving score were found between the initial and end cycles (P > 0.05), although S10 students obtained a higher score for teeth #16 and #47 (P < 0.05). Natural-sized artificial teeth received a higher evaluation score in dental carvings than the macro models (P < 0.001). Within the limits of this study, it was possible to conclude that students from the initial cycle (S3) presented higher theoretical knowledge, whereas no difference in carving ability was observed between the initial and end cycles. The tenth semester (S10) students performed dental carvings with better quality. Furthermore, carvings in natural-sized artificial teeth presented better quality compared with the macro models.  相似文献   
This paper emphasizes the productive aspect of morphological processingand the effect on spelling proficiency in 226 grades 4, 5 and 6 children. Two convergent studies using reaction time measures aimed at exploring ten- to twelve-year old spellers' sensitivity to, and knowledge of, derivational morphology with lexical items varying in orthographic and phonological transparency and opacity. There is some evidence, from the accurate and rapid vocal production of base forms or derived forms of source words in sentential contexts, that the depth of segmentation to base morphology and the converse process of derived morphology of words, plays a role in spelling performance of these children. There are complex orthographic, phonological and semantic factors affecting morphological processing.  相似文献   
首次报道了兰科的手参属Gymnadenia国产5种植物花粉形态的研究结果,并与邻近的兜被兰属 Neottianthem 花粉进行了对比研究。前者花粉小块形状大多不规则,少数为三棱锥体形;而后者花粉小块大多形状为三棱锥体形,少数形状不规则。手参属花粉外壁表面具很细微的小穿孔、皱波状,小穴和小穿孔与沟渠状纹饰共存,或沟渠状等;而兜被兰属外壁表面纹饰明显,具有5种类型: (1)小穿孔,(2)表面近光滑,(3)沟渠状,(4)拟网状,(5)典型的网状纹饰。手参属花粉表面具粘丝,而兜被兰属花粉表面没有发现粘丝。此外,本文还探讨了手参属和兜被兰属两属花粉在分类学上的意义。  相似文献   
歌德的植物形变论蕴含了关于植物个体形态发育和变异的学说,其核心就是他在研究植物形态变化的过程中形成的生物形态学思想。其基本概念"形变"后来成为歌德描述自然界一切形态生成与变化过程的专用术语,成为他解读自然界里一切现象的锁钥。他在随后各种自然研究中不断充实了自己的形态学思想:"形变"和"类型"蕴含着事物变化的可能性,而"极性"和"升华"意味着变化的动力和方向。作为思想家的歌德善于将自己的自然研究结论普遍化,用于解释和理解一切生物特别是包括艺术问题在内的人自身的种种现象;从而歌德的生物学思想也可以视为一种发展观。  相似文献   
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