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图书馆建设是高等院校一项极为重要的基础性工程。在电子技术迅猛发展的信息时代,高校应始终坚持把图书馆规范化建设作为"拓展教育资源,增强发展后劲"的一项重要工作来抓,以规范化建设为契机,以信息化管理为依托,坚持"统一、标准,全面、客观、真实、可靠"的原则,不断强化措施,扎实推进。  相似文献   
通过对代际阅读推广的概念与社会价值的深入挖掘,探索当代图书馆开展代际阅读推广的基本路径,尝试提出建立完善代际阅读推广的法制安排、组织形态与激励机制,营建支持代际阅读推广活动的适宜场所或空间,开发支持代际阅读推广的开放智能传媒平台,创建支持学校、社区和家庭代际阅读推广的微服务社会网格,联结整合社会力量在更大范围实施常态化代际阅读推广,精心设计代际阅读推广特色服务项目,策划实施可持续发展的代际阅读推广常规活动,重点提升老年和青少年的核心信息素养等若干较为可行的实施策略。  相似文献   
【目的】提高期刊制图的效果和工作效率,促进期刊制图规范化。【方法】 在制图工作中,应结合期刊版面的特点,制定完善的制图规范,从而统一期刊的制图风格,在工作中应注意总结CorelDRAW的应用技巧、积累图例样本,也应掌握其他制图软件的使用方法,做到协同运用多种制图软件制图,通过对制图软件功能的深入研究,提高工作效率和质量。【结果】 期刊制图规范得到统一,工作质量和效率得到提升。【结论】 CorelDRAW在期刊制图工作中存在很多需要掌握的功能技巧,需要制图编辑不断发掘。  相似文献   
刘丽君 《闽江学院学报》2003,24(3):66-69,74
20世纪50、60年代,在战后特定的历史条件下,中国采取“民间先行,以民促官”的对日方针,以发展中日民间贸易开路,为促使中日邦交正常化的实现创造了有利的条件。  相似文献   
李行健主编的《现代汉语规范词典》一书,按照国家的语文政策、法规、标准,具有较高的规范性:词典标注了词性,按词义的发展脉络排列义项,具有较强的实用性和科学性,是辞书编纂的一大进步。  相似文献   
晋冀鲁豫边区税收制度服务于战时经济建设,始终遵循正规化和科学化的行政方向。为使合理负担更加公平合理,边区政府致力于清查田亩工作,科学划分经济区,在评议工作中积极贯彻群众路线,旨在追求税收工作的科学化。在宣布取消田赋的基础上,边区政府积极推进试行累进税制。关税对调节边区贸易,促进生产意义重大。税务部门通过科学调查营业额确定税负使商业税征收更加科学。边区各种杂税征收,也对经济建设和商业贸易具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   
电子健康档案是个人健康管理、医疗诊断、临床治疗的重要依据,其规范建设是推动我国国民健康和医疗卫生发展的重要手段之一。通过阐释电子健康档案内涵,梳理国内外个人电子健康档案建设概况,揭示常态化疫情防控背景下个人电子健康档案建设的意义及存在问题,提出加强制度保障、宣传教育、技术维护、自我管理等常态化措施,为实现健康中国战略提供信息基石。  相似文献   
要努力提高高校学报编辑规范水平 ,以适应标准化、规范化的要求。要进一步做好高校学报文稿的编校工作 ,大力提高高校学报的总体质量。应防止以讲稿充论文 ,慎发“浅淡”类稿件 ,认真做好审稿选稿工作 ,积极办好重点专栏。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of electromyography (EMG) normalization methods for a high-speed 20-m sprint. Comparisons were based on intra-individual reliability and magnitude of normalized EMG signals from three repeat sessions separated by 1 day (between days) and 1 week (between weeks) from the initial test. Surface EMGs were recorded (n=16) from the medial and lateral gastrocnemius and soleus during the normalization methods (isometric: maximum/sub-maximum/body weight; isotonic: maximum/sub-maximum/body weight; isokinetic: 1.05 rad · s–1, 1.31 rad · s–1, 1.83 rad · s–1; squat jump). The EMG data from the 20-m sprint were normalized using each method and using the within-sprint peak EMG (sprint peak). Intra-individual reliability of the EMG was assessed using typical error of measurement as a percentage of intra-individual coefficient of variance (TEMCV%). Sprint peak normalization improved intra-individual reliability of EMG (soleus: <4.91CV%; medial gastrocnemius: <6.2CV%; lateral gastrocnemius: <7.1CV%) compared with un-normalized EMG (soleus: <13.3CV%; medial gastrocnemius: <16.5CV%; lateral gastrocnemius: <16.3CV%) both between days and between weeks. Squat jump normalization improved the soleus (<11.2CV%) and medial gastrocnemius (<15.7CV%) reliability between days and weeks and provided a representative measure of triceps surae muscle activation. The intra-individual reliability of the medial gastrocnemius EMG data was improved both between days and weeks when using isotonic normalization. Isometric and isokinetic normalization showed no improvement in intra-individual reliability either between days or weeks for any muscle. The method of normalization influenced the between-stride muscle interaction during the 20-m sprint. The results of this study suggest that peak normalization can be used to normalize high-speed muscle actions, while normalizing EMG to a squat jump may provide an alternative method to represent relative muscle activation.  相似文献   
What does it mean to promote girls' participation in sports and which girls are seen as needing support? In this article we focus a government-financed sports venture and scrutinize the frames governing what is possible to say about girls and their participation in sports. By analyzing project applications from local sport clubs we investigate how the category of girls is discursively constructed in projects designed to promote girls' sports participation. The study employs the Foucauldian concepts of governmentality, power, biopower and normalization. The analyses show that teenage girls in particular are in focus and a number of ideas are presented about what becoming a teenage girl means. We consider the projects as part of governmentality. Framing girls as both ‘capable’ and ‘at risk’ is reasonable in liberal governing, where they become subjects of scrutiny, regulation and productivity.  相似文献   
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