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时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to investigate whether the Japanese government’s attempt to promote a ‘gender-equal’ society in recent decades and the improved status of women are reflected in patterns of gender representation in Japanese English as a foreign language textbooks. The study made an analysis of four popular series of English language textbooks published in 2011 for local Japanese students with corpus linguistic tools (e.g. concordancing, keyword in context) to investigate the ratio of female-to-male appearances, the extent of use of gender-neutral and gender-marked constructions, the common adjectives associated with women and men, the common address titles for reference to women, and the order of appearance of women and men. The findings revealed some evidence of gender equity, including common use of gender-inclusive vocabulary (e.g. salesclerk, waitperson) and the neutral address title Ms for women. The ‘male-first’ phenomenon, however, is still prevalent in contemporary Japanese textbooks, suggesting the secondary status of women. Variations were found in different series of textbooks pertaining to the representation of women and men in the domains of quantitative balance and gender stereotyping. It is suggested that specific guidelines be compiled by the education authorities to help textbook authors write educational materials that help promote a gender-fair society in Japan.  相似文献   

This article first examines the resurgence of popular, semi-academic nationalist discourses that solidify the figures of “Japan” and “Okinawa” within post-1945 U.S.-led formation of nation-states across the Asia-Pacific. It critiques two discourses that are symptomatic of such a return to the figure of the nation: developmental economist Matsushima Yasukatsu’s thesis of “Ryukyu’s independence” and philosopher Takahashi Tetsuya’s call to relocate the U.S. military bases from Okinawa to mainland Japan. These symptomatic instances of the mutually transferential nationalisms in Okinawa and mainland Japan rely upon crudely culturalist assumptions about the self and the others and are thus surprisingly oblivious to how the very nation-forms have been instituted as part of imperial modernity. Their implicit figurations of the exemplary national subjects partake in the biopolitical assumptions as to whose lives must be “made to live” and “made to die” within and outside the border of the national. Ultimately, such nationalist discourses about Japan and Okinawa engage in a zero-sum exchange of imperial shame and colonial shame, a process that further stabilizes the co-operative placement of local nation-forms within the U.S.-led inter-state regime of warfare and biopolitics. But insofar as these discourses require the images of the nations that they seek to represent, their (re)production of what Naoki Sakai calls “a schema of co-figurative” nationalities needs to be critiqued through an exploration of a radical aesthetics and affect that pertain to image production.

The second part of the article presents my interpretation of artist Nema Satoko’s recent book of photography titled Paradigm, a work in which both bodies and objects explore their potential transformations in the midst of their precarious exposure to one another. I argue that Nema’s images of fragile bodies and objects in the present landscape of Okinawa are poised on the cusp between the past that invokes a sense of shame and this past’s potential future that necessitates an ethical posture of humility. In the vicinity of Adorno’s notion of “art’s shame,” Nema’s photographic images illuminate an amorphous realm of fragile beings, whose linkage and exposure to one another opens a space of viability that is obscured by the biopolitical imaginaries of nation-forms.  相似文献   
近年来,日本有越来越多的图书馆开始尝试将馆藏珍贵文献资源进行数字化并在网上公开服务。但从数字人文学角度而言,这些资源存在着"使用范围与规范不明确""公开的数据格式不统一""数字资源的搜索手段不完善"等种种问题,因而可能无法为读者提供有效的服务。"京都府立图书馆珍贵文献收藏"项目是将京都府立图书馆馆藏珍贵文献进行数字化并在网上公开服务,于2019年3月推出第一期,内容为明治时期到战后期(第二次世界大战结束后联合国军占领时期)面向外国游客、以京都为主的城市观光指南。该项目采用了CC0协议(创作共用协议零权利协议)使用许可、DOI机制(数字对象唯一标识符)、IIIF(国际化图像互操作框架),均为世界标准,开创了日本图书馆领域的先河,今后将向全国推广。此次报告我将介绍本系统研发的过程、系统构建的细节。我们还询问了市民与人文学专家的实际使用感受、系统的使用效果与改善意见,也将一并向各位介绍。  相似文献   
This study aims to reconsider and re-evaluate the rapid circulation of global creative city policy from the viewpoint of its creative workforce by focusing on the case of Yokohama, Japan. To shed light on this workforce’s everyday experiences and labor subjectivity, this investigation draws ideas from recent research trends of “creative labor” from the field of media and cultural studies, sociology of work, and political economy of communication. Based on in-depth interviews and participant observations, this research focuses on how the ethical and moral dimensions of labor subjectivity in creative work are prominently important in explaining Yokohama workers’ everyday living and working experiences as creative labor. Unexpectedly, this study found that these moral and ethical sentiments and actions, which take on the role of retaining their labor motivation, actually limit the development of political subjects who can resist given precarious working conditions and thereby hinder them from building a collective solidarity as “workers.” Thus this investigation concludes that the creative worker’s subjectivity retreats to solely a moral dimension rather than to a political one. Through this finding, this study explores whether the articulation of moral-political and social values in the course of cultural work can evolve from creative workers’ moral and ethical sensitivities and actions.  相似文献   
在日本高等教育迈向普及化的进程中,其研究型大学面临社会问责、学生意识转变、大学急速"巨型化"三大危机。本文梳理了日本研究型大学发展的历史脉络。从构成上看,日本的研究型大学主要包括7所旧制帝国大学、11所单科性官立大学以及庆应、早稻田两所私立名校;从组织结构上看,日本的研究型大学经历了由单一的"讲座制"向"研究生院重点化"方向的转变,这个转变给其本科教育、人事制度、财政预算等方面造成了深刻影响。当前日本研究型大学最重要的课题是如何维持教学科研的卓越性,这将对日本大学的制度环境、组织结构等方面的改革提出新的挑战。  相似文献   
在中华民族的抗日战争中,国民党在组织正面战场的同时也开展了敌后游击战。国民党的敌后抗日游击战是以失败告终的。文章从乡村政权建设的视角分析了国民党敌后游击战走向失败的原因:国民党虽然在基层政府建构、基层政党建设、基层社团控制等方面加强了敌后乡村政权建设的力度,但其所采取的政策违背了敌后人民的利益,得不到敌后人民的支持,因而未能建立稳固的乡村政权。国民党乡村政权建设的失败是其敌后游击战难以长期坚持,最后走向失败的重要原因。  相似文献   
从民族文化心理透析日本的战争反省   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本社会从农业经济社会向工业经济社会转化过程中形成了独特的民族文化心理,其表现为以自我为中心的民族优越感、力量崇拜心理和集团主义倾向。这种独特的民族文化心理深深影响着当代日本社会,它从深层阻碍着日本社会确立正确的历史观,推动着日本社会不时掀起极端民族主义的波澜,从而影响着日本对战争的反省。  相似文献   
2012年岁末安倍晋三第二次出任日本首相之后,着力推动改革在社会各领域的开展,以“教育再生”作为教育领域改革的基本政策方向。“教育再生实行会议”在成立之后的6年多时间里共提出11份有关教育改革与发展的建议书,直接指向大学改革与发展的是第三份建议书“关于大学教育的应有发展态势”和第四份建议书“高中教育与大学教育衔接及大学入学者选拔的应有方式”。以建议书为依据,日本政府先后制定了多项大学教育再生政策,一方面以项目形式推动适应全球化趋势的人才培养与科学技术创新;另一方面通过立法,以法律的形式体现政府政策,推动大学改革的深入。同时,日本政府还将“大学教育再生”与高等教育的未来发展联系起来,中央教育审议会提出了到2040年日本高等教育走向的基本设想。  相似文献   
进入21世纪以后,日本的高校面对国际竞争出现种种困境。其中,学者的国际流动性差、研究成果的国际影响力低以及研究创新性不足的状况迫使日本政府和高校采取了各种措施,2014年推出“国际化研究人才培育项目”即是其中之一。该项目力图通过促进日本与海外的高校或研究机构间进行学者互派与交流,进而开展合作研究并发表相关研究成果,从而培养日本的年轻研究者使其达到世界顶尖水平,提升大学和国家的科研竞争力。以东京农工大学为例,实施该项目以后,在学者的国际交流、合作研究成果的发表以及开拓国际尖端研究等方面取得了一定成效,促进了年轻研究者的成长。但该项目也存在其局限性和不足,对我国有较好的启示意义。  相似文献   
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