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湖南和平文化可以作为两岸湘台促进往来、加深沟通的新载体和新渠道。在两岸和平发展的大背景下,双方可以从旅游这一简单易行的形式开始,通过主题定位和线路规划,集中展现湖南和平文化资源的内涵和价值;在加强文化产业建设的基础上,围绕经贸往来、政策试点试验、政治对话打造平台、拓展空间,和平文化有可能在湘台合作及国家统一大业进程中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   
1987-2000中国大陆高校就读的台湾学生状况分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过有关的调查资料,对从1987年至2000年间在中国大陆高等学校就读的台湾学生状况,进行一些比较全面系统的分析研究,希望能够对促进海峡两岸的学术文化交流,以及促进大陆高等教育事业的向前发展,特别是吸引更多的台湾学生到大陆高等学校学习的工作有所启示。  相似文献   
Background: Researchers have indicated that assessment practices and methods should support learners’ construction of meaningful understanding of knowledge. Understanding students’ conceptions of assessment will enable us to construct more realistic, valid and fair assessments. Learners’ conceptualization of assessment would be imperative to serve as an essential reference to evaluate their learning progress.

Purpose: This study evaluated and compared the Singaporean and Taiwanese middle school students’ conceptions of science assessment. Within-country gender comparisons were also explored.

Sample: 424 Taiwanese and 333 Singaporean eighth graders were invited for a cross-country comparison.

Design and methods: The participants completed a questionnaire named Conceptions of Science Assessment.

Results: The findings showed that the summative assessment dominates in the Taiwanese classrooms, while formative and summative assessment are usually perceived in Singaporean classrooms. The Singaporean students had a greater tendency than their Taiwanese counterparts to perceive the purpose of assessment as a way of reproducing knowledge, and the formative assessment as improving learning, problem-solving, and critical judgment. No gender differences were found among either the Singaporean or the Taiwanese students.

Conclusions: Educators in both countries should provide learners with more opportunities to experience process-oriented science assessment activities and de-emphasize the usage of examination-oriented practices to achieve the sophistication of conceptions.  相似文献   

至今所见,中原姓氏入闽迁台之相关研究,在海峡两岸先后出现三个研究视角。先是福建地方史研究中涉及的中原姓氏入闽问题,此类研究,最早可追溯到南宋著名史学家郑樵等闽籍学者对福建民间家族再造中关于"闽祖光州固始"的回应。再是20世纪二三十年代兴起的跨区域移民史研究,尤其是闽台学者对闽南、客家姓氏祖地及姓氏播迁的溯源研究。然后是20世纪80年代,随着两岸关系缓和及闽台同胞寻根活动之开展,由豫、闽、台三地学者共同推动的两岸关系视角下的中原姓氏入闽迁台研究。由福建地方史向跨区域移民史和两岸关系研究视角之转移,总体上呈现为历史向文化演进的趋势。  相似文献   
2005年夏在中国北京和德国格尔墨斯海姆市召开了第八届国际汉语教学讨论会和西方学习者汉字认知研讨会。这两次会议的讨论热点和与会论文的研究内容从四个方面集中反映了21世纪国际汉语第二语言教学的研究动向和发展前景:第一,汉语第二语言教学正在成为海峡两岸学者共同为之努力的事业;第二,汉语第二语言教学的研究在研究兴趣上正在走向国际化,在理论应用上正在实现本土化;第三,汉语第二语言教学与研究要根据汉语特点结合多学科的方法来进行,这正在成为大多数研究者的共识;第四,海内外汉语教学还存在较大差异,主要表现为海外汉语学习者的低龄化与国内汉语教材和师资的供需错位。  相似文献   
Leading developing countries have recently introduced some reforms in their national intellectual property regimes to harmonize them with international treaties and agreements. However, major differences remain in how these laws are applied to different information industries, and how they are enforced on the ground. While intellectual property law applies to a host of information products ranging from music to computer programs, governments have selectively enforced the law in some information industries, while neglecting to extend the same protection to others. Based on the comparative institutionalist approach, this article identifies two variables--state-industry linkages and level of innovative activity--that may explain the selective enforcement of intellectual property law. Intellectual property rights were expected to be better protected in information industries with strong state-industry linkages and higher levels of domestic innovation. This expectation was tested through a comparative study of four intellectual property industries from the Asian region. The results confirmed the expectation, but also demonstrated that strong state-industry linkages may independently correlate with high levels of intellectual property protection, even in industries where the current levels of innovative activity are low.  相似文献   
本文综述了我国台湾省数字化学位论文资源建设的历史和现状,并从用户角度讨论其建设和服务的若干特点。  相似文献   
论述了我国台湾地区大学评鉴的发展概况,分析了其评估主体中介化、评估方式灵活多样、评鉴结果采用合格认可制、评鉴行为的国际化、重视评鉴结果的应用五个特点。在此基础上对照了我国大陆本科教学评估的不足,认为大学评估是保障大学质量的重要手段,我国大陆要建立完善的本科教学评估体系,可学习台湾大学评鉴的评估主体中介化、分类分层次评估、评估与国际接轨、评估结果采用合格认可制等模式。  相似文献   
随着对台文化教育的交流日益频繁,人们对台湾地区的职业教育有了更多的了解,台湾地区职业教育体系、工学结合运行方式及师资素质要求等方面与大陆有不少差异,差异给了人们些启示,为两岸在职业教育领域进一步合作奠定基础。  相似文献   
抗战胜利后,台湾重新回到祖国怀抱,陪都各界功不可没。主要表现为国民政府适时地把收复台湾确定为重要国策,中共中央南方局热情帮助台湾同胞建立武装和统一组织,陪都台湾同胞踊跃参与国民政府接收台湾的各项具体准备事宜。除此之外,一些国际文化团体也竭尽所能让更多人知道中国政府和人民一定要收复台湾的意愿,一些重要媒体及时传出中国政府和人民决心收复台湾的强大声音。  相似文献   
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