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This article reports a 3-year case study of a primary school in England, in which a recently appointed principal attempted to build ‘collegial professional autonomy’ (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2 , 2015, 20) within a push to improve students’ progress and attainment. The research examined the tensions between staff who embraced the principal's agenda for collegially agreed change, and whose students’ academic progress and performance improved over a 3-year consecutive period when measured in terms of students’ entry-level attainment and socio-economic factors, and staff who asserted their right to ‘individual professional autonomy’ and whose students’ academic progress and attainment declined. The research: (i) challenges claims that reform necessarily results in school cultures of compliancy, de-professionalisation and the technicisation of teaching; (ii) raises issues concerning the pedagogical leadership of principals in a devolved, ‘self-governing’ school system; and (iii) questions teachers’ entitlements to individual professional autonomy where this is associated with students’ continuing academic underperformance.  相似文献   
目的考察适应性完美主义、自主动机对青少年锻炼坚持性的综合影响,检验父母自主支持的调节效应。方法修订父母社会背景调查问卷(家长报告)的自主支持分量表、中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷的个人标准和条理性分量表、因果控制点知觉量表和青少年户外运动坚持性量表,对2230名12~18岁青少年及其家长进行调查,分析适应性完美主义对青少年锻炼坚持性的间接影响。结果父母自主支持、青少年的适应性完美主义和自主动机对锻炼坚持性正向影响皆显著,分别解释了3.7%、30.3%和38.3%的变异;在适应性完美主义与青少年锻炼坚持性的影响链条上,自主动机的中介效应、父母自主支持的中介调节效应、性别的调节中介效应皆显著,三者共同的间接效应值为0.426,占总效应的77.45%。结论适应性完美主义既能直接影响青少年的锻炼坚持性,又能通过自主动机的中介而间接作用于锻炼坚持性;父母对青少年体育锻炼的自主支持能够对青少年的适应性完美主义和锻炼自主动机产生积极的调节作用;相较于女性青少年,男性青少年的锻炼自主动机更强烈、锻炼亦更具坚持性。  相似文献   
自治、法治、德治“三治合一”的乡村治理体系,为探索民间武术组织服务于乡村治理提供了新思路。在传统社会,民间武术组织以武德传承强化乡村德治机制,以门规戒约规范乡村法治秩序,以家长制参与乡村自治实践。而进入现代社会,民间武术组织服务于乡村治理面临着传统德治弱化、法治建设不完善、参与自治机制不健全三方面的困境。提出,民间武术组织要建立新的道德体系,营造乡村治理的德治氛围;加强组织治理,强化乡村治理的法治理念;深化自治实践,主动承担乡村治理职责功能,旨在为更好促进民间武术组织有效治理、推动乡村发展提供参考。  相似文献   
找到促进员工创新行为产生的方法,激发员工的创造力,为员工创新创造有利条件,这已成为企业创新的重要前提条件。通过对446名企业员工的问卷调查,研究发现:员工的工作自主性对创新行为有显著的正效应;差错学习在工作自主性与创新行为之间起中介作用;心理所有权对创新行为有显著正向影响,并且在工作自主性与创新行为之间起调节作用。  相似文献   
试论中外高校学生自治权的来源与依据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中外高校学生自治权可以从历史_来源与法理或法律依据两个维度,运用经验推定与超验推定这两种权利推定方式来进行考察、分析.高校学生自治权从中世纪走来,高歌之后渐趋沉寂,现代以来,又开始登上高校历史舞台.公平与正义、平等、民主与自由、受教育权是分析与推定高校学生自主权的法理基础.在我国,学生自治历史并不悠久,法律也并没有明确赋予高校学生自治权,但依据我国高校学生自治的历史及相关法律条款可以间接推定我国高校学生拥有一定的自治权.弄清楚这些问题,对于我国<高等教育法>的修改和完善有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
John Baldacchino's discussion of the concept of autonomy in this article runs on the dual track of the arts and education. His aim is to engage with the notion of autonomy in terms of what human beings invent (through art) and know (through education) by what they share as free and intelligent beings who live convivially. Following Luigi Pareyson's argument that by form one means a living organism endowed by its own legality (and thereby its own autonomy), Baldacchino offers an analysis of Elio Petri's film La classe operaia va in Paradiso (The Working Class Goes to Heaven) as context for this discussion, which adds a third dimension to the notion of autonomy: that of the political. Here, autonomy is presented as a triangulation of sorts, where what we mean by the autonomous stands for our artistic, educational, and political dispositions (and abilities) to mediate and represent a number of immediate questions with yet-to-be-found answers.  相似文献   
Teacher job satisfaction is a heated topic worldwide. Among the possible factors influencing teacher job satisfaction, distributed leadership is very important one. Given very few studies have investigated the effects of distributed leadership on teacher job satisfaction through teacher autonomy and teacher collaboration, this paper is important. It is expected to provide international readers with a better understanding of how these variables are practised in the Chinese context. Specifically, we aim to achieve two goals. The first goal is to investigate the direct impact of distributed leadership on teacher job satisfaction and the second one is to explore how distributed leadership indirectly affects teacher job satisfaction through teacher autonomy and teacher collaboration. The data are from the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) (n = 3976). Structural equation modeling revealed statistically significant positive effects of distributed leadership on teacher autonomy, teacher collaboration, and teacher job satisfaction, respectively. The further analyses indicated that the indirect effects of distributed leadership on teacher job satisfaction through teacher autonomy and professional collaboration were statistically significant. However, distributed leadership had no indirect effect on job satisfaction via exchange and co-ordination. Based on the findings, we propose some suggestions to improve teacher job satisfaction, such as strengthening communications between school leaders and teachers, and providing adequate autonomy to teachers. The detailed relationships among these variables are discussed in connection with Chinese educational context.  相似文献   
学生自治作为西南联大学生的管理方式,既是联大民主精神的重要体现,也是影响联大学生生活与学校发展的一条重要脉络。西南联大学生自治会是最能代表该校学生自治面貌的学生组织之一,其内部结构主要由权力机关、执行机关、监察机关构成。通过对联大学生自治会的分析可以看出,联大学生自治具有组织性、自发性、相对独立性、发展性和兼顾性的特点。同时,其自治在服务学生学习和生活、促进学生个体发展、协助学校发展建设、维系联大民主精神、改良当地社会风气方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
孔维红 《学会》2011,(3):31-34
伴随公民治理主体的日益多元化,中国NGO越来越多地承担了提供准公共物品的职能,因此有必要对中国NGO进行问责。文章就中国NGO问责中的"问"与"责"进行分析,并在此基础上从问责主体出发,以捐赠者为视角,对中国NGO问责的路径进行了探讨。捐赠者对中国NGO的问责属外部监督,是他律。中国NGO的健康发展,不仅需要他律,而且更需要自律,他律与自律的相互结合,促进中国NGO的良性运行,公益使命得到更好的倡导。  相似文献   
村民自治中的民主监督环节关系到农村基层民主建设的发展进程,是维护农村广大村民利益的天然屏障。在当前基层治理实践中,民主监督面临着双重困境:一方面表现为监督机构的虚化,另一方面表现为监督效用的弱化。基于这一逻辑,未来突破民主监督困境的路径在于:一方面从实化监督机构入手,推进村民和村民代表监督、村务监督机构的监督、党组织监督和上级政府绩效监督;另一方面从强化监督效用入手,推进村民信访监督和新闻舆论监督。  相似文献   
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