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创新驱动战略是进一步激发我国创新的动力,是推动经济社会科学发展的核心战略:是加快产业转型升级步伐,促进战略性新兴产业发展的重要举措;是促进区域间竞争协同发展,完善现代化建设总体战略布局的内在要求:是发挥比较优势提升国家竞争力。切实保障国家安全的战略途径。迈克尔.波特首次将创新驱动作为一国取得竞争优势的重要战略予以系统地研究.认为产业发展只有从自然禀赋推动和资本推动阶段跃升到创新驱动阶段,才能使价值链从低层次跃升为高层次,只有创新驱动才是保持经济社会可持续发展的唯一有效战略途径。该文立足于创新驱动战略提出的时代背景.解析对实施和研究创新驱动战略的价值。  相似文献   
基于灰度图像的边缘检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了基于微分、形态学和小波变换等多种图像边缘检测的方法。在微分算子中分析了传统算子的特点和缺陷并讨论了几种具有良好边缘检测的算子。此外,还对新的边缘检测的理论和方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   
The perception of acoustic information by humans is based on the detailed temporal and spectral analysis provided by the auditory processing of the received signal. The incorporation of this process in psychoacoustical computational models has contributed significantly both in the development of highly efficient audio compression schemes as well as in effective audio watermarking methods. In this paper, we present an approach based on the discrete wavelet packet transform, which closely mimics the multi-resolution properties of the human ear and also includes simultaneous and temporal auditory masking. Experimental results show that the proposed technique offers better masking capabilities and it reduces the signal-to-masking ratio when compared to related approaches, without introducing audible distortion. Those results have implications that are important both for audio compression by permitting further bit rate reduction, and for watermarking by providing greater signal space for information hiding.  相似文献   
从最基本的概念出发,介绍了MPEG-7中的可伸缩颜色描述符出现的背景、描述符分量的语义、位平面、Haar 变换等详细情况及其匹配算法。最后,对于可伸缩颜色描述符的应用范围作了说明,这些对于将使用可伸缩颜色描述符的读者大有帮助。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to compute the Hankel transform Fn(y) of order n of a function f(x) and its inverse transform using rationalized Haar wavelets. The integrand is replaced by its wavelet decomposition. Thus representing Fn(y) as a Fourier-Bessel series with coefficients depending strongly on the local behavior of the function , thereby getting an efficient algorithm for their numerical evaluation. Numerical evaluations of test functions with known analytical Hankel transforms illustrate the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
基于中心类型DFT矩阵特征分解的MA-CDFRFT(Multiangle Centered Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform)算法在计算一组离散分数阶傅立叶变换DFRFT(Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform)时充分利用FFT运算来减小运算量。结合偶数点离散傅立叶变换DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform)运算的对称性原理,通过数学推导将MA-CDFRFT算法中的一维对称性扩展到频率和变换阶数的二维平面上。利用这个二维对称性原理,改进算法将原算法的主要计算量减小了一半左右。仿真测试结果证明了改进算法的正确性。  相似文献   
多时相AVHRR数据的傅立叶分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
傅立叶分析(FourierAnalysis)是一种常用的信号处理方法.将中国全年 36旬的NOAA AVHRR的 1km数据采用最大值合成法获得 1 2个月的NDVI时间序列数据,然后运用离散傅立叶变换检测该时间信号的频率分布状况.结果各频率分量与NDVI的累加值及不同周期的季节性变化等生物学特征相关.其中零频率分量为均值NDVI,而 1/1 2频率分量最大程度概括了中国地表覆盖类型的全年季节性变化模式.将提取出的这些生物学特征引入到地表覆盖分类的特征空间中,提高了类别间的可分性.这些研究表明了傅立叶变换是分析多时相AVHRR数据及提取植被的生物学特征的有用工具  相似文献   
In this paper, an algorithm is developed to apply Hann, Hamming, Blackman and related windows directly in the transform domain for the discrete cosine transform and discrete sine transform. These algorithms are useful in applications where windowing is required in order to minimize edge effects caused by implicit symmetries in the transform domain that are not replicated in the real-world data. Examples of such applications include data communication, adaptive system identification and filtering, real-time analysis of financial market data, etc. Software implementations in C language are also given.  相似文献   
科技成果转化测评探微   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对特定科技成果的转化进行测评,应明确坚持分类测评的原则,在此基础上设计了测评指标体系,并以几种典型的科技成果转化为例进行了简单的分析,提出科技成果转化的测评在新时期应注意的问题。  相似文献   
小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障时,电路中产生零序电流和零序电压,利用MATLAB自带的小波工具箱对零序电流进行分析,可以准确地选出故障线路。  相似文献   
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