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运用文献资料法对"健康中国2030"背景下全民健身与全民健康深度融合发展的基本态势进行梳理,剖析深度融合的薄弱环节及解决路径。全民健身与全民健康进行深度融合的发展趋势及态势集中体现在习近平总书记关于全民健身以及全民健康的一系列重要讲话、国家政策支撑、发展成果、成果转化与应用四个方面。深度融合存在协同体制机制障碍、法律法规缺失或不完善、供需矛盾协调障碍、交叉领域专业人才不足等薄弱环节。研究建议:需从部门融合和联合设置工作小组、部门和地方政策法规融合及保持延续性、资源融合与供需两端改革、专业融合和人才融合等四条路径进行改革,全方位推进全民健身与全民健康的深度融合发展。  相似文献   
运用文献研究法、饱和经验法、典型案例分析法对苏、浙、沪三省市地方足球协会进行实证研究,依据软法制定主体和实施主体的不同,提炼概括了当前地方足球协会的两种软法治理模式,即省级层面地方足球协会"政府主导型"软法治理模式和市级层面地方足球协会"多维互动型"软法治理模式,并对这两种模式的特征进行比较分析。继而归纳了当前地方足球协会软法治理"程序缺失、责任制度不规范、承诺滞后和权利救济缺失"的四个困境,从"内部法人治理结构、相关主体法治观念、软法的程序、监督问责机制"四个方面阐释了产生软法治理困境的原因,最后提出四项地方足协软法治理的对策建议。  相似文献   

The role and importance of peripheral vision have been discussed across various sports. Yet, its functionality remains unclear and the terms employed in the literature to characterize the use of peripheral vision are not well defined. We present a review of 29 studies focusing on the use of peripheral vision in sports. We focus on the methodological approaches employed to study its use and identify the mechanisms that may underlie the effective use of peripheral vision in sport. We define key differences between ‘gaze anchors’ and ‘visual pivots’ and introduce the concept of a ‘foveal spot’. All three gaze behaviors, while being characterized by a consistent, dynamically adjustable gaze location, have different functionalities. A gaze anchor is a cue-optimized position used for the monitoring of peripheral cues and avoiding the negative consequences of saccades (i.e. information suppression), especially under time pressure. A visual pivot is a distance-optimized location between relevant cues which allows athletes to optimally initiate saccades to those cues, especially if the costs of eye-movements are low. A foveal spot is primarily used for information processing via the fovea. Finally, we highlight suggestions for future research to improve our understanding of the functional differences between these gaze behaviors.  相似文献   
Soft robotics with new designs, fabrication technologies and control strategies inspired by nature have been totally changing our view on robotics. To fully exploit their potential in practical applications, untethered designs are preferred in implementation. However, hindered by the limited thermal/mechanical performance of soft materials, it has been always challenging for researchers to implement untethered solutions, which generally involve rigid forms of high energy-density power sources or high energy-density processes. A number of insects in nature, such as rove beetles, can gain a burst of kinetic energy from the induced surface-energy gradient on water to return to their familiar habitats, which is generally known as Marangoni propulsion. Inspired by such a behavior, we report the agile untethered mobility of a fully soft robot in liquid based on induced energy gradients and also develop corresponding fabrication and maneuvering strategies. The robot can reach a speed of 5.5 body lengths per second, which is 7-fold more than the best reported, 0.69 (body length per second), in the previous work on untethered soft robots in liquid by far. Further controlling the robots, we demonstrate a soft-robot swarm that can approach a target simultaneously to assure a hit with high accuracy. Without employing any high energy-density power sources or processes, our robot exhibits many attractive merits, such as quietness, no mechanical wear, no thermal fatigue, invisibility and ease of robot fabrication, which may potentially impact many fields in the future.  相似文献   
新时代单项体育协会的改革与发展,不仅需要硬法也需要构建完善的软法体系加以保障,这是现代体育治理的客观要求。通过探讨软法对单项体育协会自治发展的作用,梳理单项体育协会脱钩实体化后运用软法保障其权责利的理论与实践依据。研究提出,脱钩与实体化后的单项体育协会,需要通过制定软法完善和补充硬法鞭长莫及的问题,发挥软法在单项体育协会治理中柔性、灵活性及协商性约束的优势,使其成为平衡、协调、规制各主体利益的“内部法律”,促使软法与硬法相衔接,确保单项体育协会改革的有效性与实效性。  相似文献   
从应用型本科学生群体自身的特殊性、培养目标的定位来看,从事公益活动有助于学生规则意识的培养、综合能力的提升和良好思想道德、心理素质的培养,有助于应用型本科院校人才培养目标的实现。  相似文献   
大学生软技能水平对其职业发展有重要的影响。通过对大学生软技能自我评价的问卷调查,发现大学生在软技能的某些方面具有一定的优势,但也存在诸多问题和不足,如自信心不足、批判性思维能力、创新意识及能力、沟通交流能力和组织管理能力不强等。针对这些问题,文章从高校人才培养的视角,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
大学生创业已成为当今大学生的一种职业选择。针对大学生创业的环境影响因素进行分析,主要就软环境对大学生创业的影响加以探索,通过分析各种软环境因素的利与弊,探索出引导大学生顺利创业的正确方向和途径,从而提高创业的成功程度和比例。  相似文献   
我国智力外流的新特点及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘健  牛强  李国平 《科学学研究》2005,23(3):352-356
智力外流是高技能者基于“成就需求”内因和诸多外在因素的迁移,是人力资本循其自身流动规律而追求其价值和收益最大化的必然结果。20世纪90年代以来,日益激烈的国际人才争夺使发展中国家的智力外流现象日趋严重。本文在对智力外流进行理论剖析的基础上,系统地研究了我国智力外流的新特点,并结合国情提出了应对智力外流的适宜措施。  相似文献   
毛明海  温进化 《科技通报》2005,21(5):628-632
基于模糊综合评判法,对浙江省39个人工湖样本景区进行实证分析,考虑到人工湖景区的特殊性,构建了包括游乐价值、水质、植被景观、防汛发电等19个因素的浙江省人工湖景区模糊综合评价体系,计算评价指标的权重,分析评价结果,划分等级,提出不同等级人工湖景区优化利用对策,为人工湖景区可持续发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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