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微量元素与人体健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机体所含的元素种类很多。世界卫生组织指出目前已知十多种微量元素为人体所必需。大量的实验及临床实践表明,微量元素过多或过少都直接影响人体的健康,严重时甚至能导致癌症。所以,了解微量元素的功能、正常指标、缺乏症及主要来源是维持人体健康所必备的常识。  相似文献   
LED被公认为21世纪的绿色照明,是新能源发展的方向之一。LED以传统光源不可比拟的优势获得大力支持和发展,市场规模迅速提升,新的应用领域不断拓展,影响越来越广泛和深入。但当前的LED在发展的过程中存在关键技术的缺失和市场拓展方面的障碍,如何充分发挥和利用LED的优势,积极开拓一个全新的LED应用市场,成为摆在人们面前的严峻而极富挑战的课题。本文论述了LED的优越特性、主要的应用领域以及目前存在的技术难题与市场障碍,对未来发展进行了乐观展望。  相似文献   
中国通过普及食盐加碘(Universal SaltIodization,USI)消除碘缺乏病,并持续巩固了防治成果。随着碘缺乏病防治工作的顺利开展,高水碘问题也引起了关注。为了了解和掌握我国水源性高碘问题及干预状况,开展了相关调查。通过查阅有关文献资料和访谈,了解高水碘地区的分布状况、监测工作进展情况、采取的干预措施等;通过深入高碘县的高碘村,了解停供碘盐和改水措施的落实、群众的认知等情况;并请县级盐业部门人员参加,探讨供应不加碘食盐的措施和对策。本报告的主要内容包括:高水碘地区的分布状况,监测工作进展情况,采取的干预措施及其落实情况,存在问题和建议等。  相似文献   
社区教育在我国经过近三十的发展取得了一些成绩但也面临着诸多困难,要实现社区教育快速健康发展,一个重要方面就是要重视和加强社区教育中的政府行为。本文探究了我国社区教育发展中政府职能缺失的主要表征并指出社区教育发展中政府职能的应然路径选择。  相似文献   
Urinary iodine levels in children (5–11 years) and in adult males and females (15–44 years) of three ecological zones (hilly, flood-prone and plains) of Bangladesh were analyzed to determine the status of biochemical iodine deficiency in the country. Data indicated that a large majority of the population all over Bangladesh have biochemical iodine deficiency urinary iodine excretion (UIE) less than the accepted cut-off level of 10 μg/dl. Adults were deficient to comparable degrees, 31.3% severely iodine deficient. The flood-prone zone was less affected: 71.7% children had iodine deficiency and 25% were severely deficient. Adults of this zone were less affected than the children. Iodine deficiency was least severe in the plain zone: 59.8% children were biochemically iodine deficient and of them 23.4% had UIE less than 2.0 μg/dl. In the case of the adults of this zone, 60.8% were biochemically iodine deficient and 20.6% had severe iodine deficiency. The results indicate that Bangladesh as a whole is an iodine deficient region, with the hilly zone being the most severely affected. Children were slightly more affected than the adults, and females were more affected than the males.  相似文献   
对生活形式进行详细的探讨,发现生活形式理论虽然可以解释很多语言现象,但是缺少体验性,减少了对人的考虑。本文对这一理论进行体验性补充,以期增加这一理论的解释力。但是本文并不是否定这一理论,而是将这一理论进行延伸,结合体验哲学相关理论进行研究。  相似文献   
Concentrations of various trace elements are altered during pregnancy with changes in the mother’s physiology and the requirements of growing fetus. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to learn the changes of micronutrients Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn) Magnesium (Mg) and copper (Cu) of pregnant woman and their relations with newborns levels. Serum levels of iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and copper of 162 pregnant women and their newborns were determined by an inductively couple plasma mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). The results showed that majority (41 %) of pregnant women were in age group 26–36 years 55 % had high school and diploma levels of education and the total income ranged between 3 and 5 Rials million per month There was significant difference in iron levels during first, second and third trimesters, 76.0 ± 17.8, 63.5 ± 15.2 and 70.1 ± 14.4 μg/dl respectively. Significant difference was shown in zinc levels 79.5 ± 15, 74.5 ± 16.1, and 65.3 ± 14.9 μg/dl during three trimesters. Copper levels during pregnancy were significantly different (130.9 ± 43.5, 172.0 ± 38.94, 193.2 ± 28.5 μg/dl. The serum levels of calcium and magnesium during pregnancy were constant (Ca: 8.96 ± 0.48, 8.86 ± 0.47, 8.91 ± 0.42 mg/dl and Mg: 2.10 ± 0.21, 2.08 ± 0.28, 2.09 ± 0.29 mg/dl). Results showed that 13 % of pregnant women had hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia. Thirty eight percent and 42 % of pregnant women had iron and zinc deficiency respectively. In this study, unlike zinc, no pregnant women were found deficient in serum copper levels. Calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium levels in the newborn’s cord blood were 8.93 ± 0.43, 106.0 ± 26.1, 85.35 ± 16.6, 57.04 ± 13.8 and 1.99 ± 0.27 mg/dl respectively. In the present study the levels of iron and zinc in cord blood were higher than the levels of iron and zinc in maternal serum. The mean level of copper in cord blood serum in the current study was lower than maternal values. The mean serum calcium and magnesium in the serum cord blood and in the serum of the pregnant women were similar.  相似文献   
玛丽悲剧的内在原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从造成玛丽悲剧的内在原因入手,提出父爱的缺失是玛丽悲剧的内在源头,个体意识对群体意识的屈从是其悲剧的开始,不幸的婚姻是其悲剧演绎的过程,而摩西的介入则像酵素一般加速了其悲剧的结束。  相似文献   
In order to see the pattern of changes in differential serum lipid and lipoprotein fractions as a risk marker of coronary complication in paired ‘maternal—neonate’ blood samples in an iodine deficient zone, 26 pregnant women and their corresponding new born infants at term delivery from the iodine deficient Bassa region of Plateau state, Nigeria were assessed and the results were compared with those seen in a similar 44 group of women and their newborns assessed in non lodine deficient region of Jos. The serum thyroid function and lipid and lipoprotein profiles were determined by ‘ELISA’ and ‘enzymatic’ methods respectively. Urinary iodide excretion level was also measured in 14 pregnant women in Bassa, 23 pregnant women in Jos and 16 non pregnant control from Jos. Results indicate that the pregnant women assessed in Bassa were iodine deficient (P<0.01) and their thyroid status was strikingly reduced as reflected by a drop in serum level of T4/TBG ratio (P<0.01) and a rise in TSH (P<0.005) in comparison to that seen in Jos. There was marked hypertriglyceridaemia and total hypercholesterolaemia (P<0.005), with differential significant rise in LDL cholestotol fraction (P<0.005) in the women assessed in Bassa as compared to Jos. The HDL cholesterol however dropped less significantly in the group (P<0.05) with a concurrent marked rise (P<0.001) in the serum ratio of LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol and triglycerides/HDL cholesterol in the lodine deficient group. A similar pattern of changes were seen in the corresponding neonates in the Bassa group as compared to Jos group. It is concluded that the pregnant women and their newborn offsprings living in a longstanding environmental iodine deficiency run a higher risk of developing coronary complications than those living in non endemic region. It is striking that such newborns surrounded by a continued state of lodine deficient may at a later adult-period of life develop marked risk of coronary complication and other features of hyperlipidaemias associated with varying thyroid insufficiency and accompanied iodine deficiency disorders. Prophylaxis measures as intervention has been highlighted.  相似文献   
本文通过对中国游泳队在五届奥运会上成绩的纵向发展及横向比较 ,试图描绘出中国竞技游泳近二十年发展轨迹。同时分析和总结了我国竞技游泳发展过程中出现的一些成功经验及不足方面 ,并试图提出自己的一些建议。  相似文献   
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