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介绍了基于89C52的GPS板电路设计与实现,基于GPS技术,利用89C52单片机实现卫星导航电文的接收与处理,将纬度、经度、高度、速度、日期、时间等导航信息存储在单片机固定单元中,并不断更新.详细介绍了GPS板电路的硬件设计和软件编程.该电路具有设计制造成本低、使用方便、测试简单等优点.  相似文献   
我国目前已有上千家上市公司,观其运行机制和实际治理水平,离法人治理的实质要求尚有很大差距.因此,近年来完善法人治理结构就成了关注的热点.在上市公司中引入独立董事、建立独立董事制度正是完善上市公司法人治理结构的有效举措.  相似文献   
为解决我国上市公司内部治理结构中存在的种种问题,管理层和专家学者们提出了许多改革方案,其中最主流的就是建立上市公司独立董事制度。但是,由于独立董事制度本身存在的不足,使它在公司治理结构中很难发挥应有的作用。而公司监事会是法人治理结构的重要组成部分,是公司职权部门间相互制衡的必然选择。尽管目前公司监事会职能存在某些问题和缺陷,但是通过改革和完善公司法中有关监事会的职能,使之与股东大会、董事会、经理层协调运转、有效制衡,充分完善和发挥监事会的监督职能,才能使具有中国特色的公司内部治理机制充分发挥作用。  相似文献   
本文依据模块教学及项目教学法理论,利用实验教学板,阐述了职校《机床线路》实验课程教学改革建议.  相似文献   
随着高等教育领域“管办评”“放管服”改革的深入,高校治理主体间的关系不断调整,社会参与高校治理的意识逐步增强,参与方式也逐渐多样化。通过分析湖北省民办高校中社会参与办学投资、质量评估、决策咨询和人才培养等现状,在借鉴国外私立高校治理经验的基础上,提出要从完善社会参与制度、拓宽学校收入渠道、发挥第三方教育评估机构功能,以及规范董事会运行机制等方面优化社会参与路径,促进民办高校治理现代化。  相似文献   
模板是注塑机的重要零件之一,模板结构设计影响机器的性能和制造成本,因此精确计算工作时模板的受力状况较为重要。运用有限元理论和方法对特定型号注塑机的前模板进行计算分析,为模板结构优化设计提供有用数据。  相似文献   
巴黎高师为使自然科学和人文科学两个部门在学校共处和竞争,在教育理念上仍追求自由和个性化教育,为使培养人才"菜单"是作为"跳板",而不是"模子",引进其他高校或国家科学研究中心的多种和经常更新的教学研究人员参加到高师学校队伍中.在专业领域,成立了"认识论学科部"、"环境学科平台"、"科学历史和哲学课题组",三个空间彼此互动.普遍开展法律教育,以使学生更好地服务于社会.以艺术为中介,要求师范生普遍涉猎多种艺术门类,以鼓励其在各个学科中的创造精神.  相似文献   
随着现代电子技术的发展以及芯片的高速化和集成化,各种电子设备系统内外的电磁环境更加复杂,因此在印制电路板的电路设计阶段考虑电磁兼容性(EMC)设计是非常重要的.以12层板为例讨论了多层PCB分层方法、布线的规则、地线和电源线布置以及电磁兼容性.  相似文献   
For a surface mounting machine(SMM)in printed circuit board(PCB)assembly line,there are four problems,e.g. CAD data conversion,nozzle selection,feeder assignment and placement sequence determination. A hierarchical planning for them to maximize the throughput rate of an SMM is presented here. To minimize set-up time,a CAD data conversion system was first applied that could automatically generate the data for machine placement from CAD design data files. Then an effective nozzle selection approach was implemented to minimize the time of nozzle changing. And then,to minimize picking time,an algorithm for feeder assignment was used to make picking multiple components simultaneously as much as possible. Finally,in order to shorten pick-and-place time,a heuristic algorithm was used to determine optimal component placement sequence according to the decided feeder positions. Experiments were conducted on a four head SMM.The experimental results were used to analyse the assembly line performance.  相似文献   

This article conceptualises the relationship between exam board insider research and the policy-making context in which they operate. Exam board researchers are constrained by commercial and political interests in disclosing their knowledge. and face pressures in disseminating research, butalso find themselves working in contexts where calls to ‘evidence-based policy-making’ are ubiquitous. This can deprofessionalise and disenfranchise the researcher.. This article will depict the context faced by exam board researchers attempting to influence policy before portraying possible responses, evaluating how these can be applied to exam board research, with reference to research on standard-setting. The article will build on a conceptualisation of successful exam board insider research as the creation of Habermasian ‘communicative spaces’, applying lessons from research–policy interface literature to that conceptualisation. Inapplying those lessons, the article will suggest possible solutions to the problems faced by that group in their attempts to influence policymakers.  相似文献   
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