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Scholars have extensively studied acculturation from different theoretical perspectives among immigrants across the societies of settlement. However, there is a dearth of knowledge about acculturation from a culture learning approach in Hong Kong. This article reports the acculturative challenges among sixteen (16) Pakistani students from six different secondary schools in Hong Kong. The phenomenographic data analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed four categories of everyday experiences in schools that hinder their acculturation. These are mainly related to inter-ethnic interactions, sensitivity towards diverse learning and sociocultural needs, and the Chinese language teaching curriculum for non-Chinese speaking students. Although the study reports Pakistani students' experiences, the findings may also translate the acculturative challenges among students with an immigrant or ethnic minority background in settlement societies. The article also discusses both the theoretical and practical implications for studying and helping immigrant young people in multicultural contexts.  相似文献   

Almost since its inception in 1955, taekwondo has been used as a form of soft diplomacy for the Republic of Korea (ROK) and then later by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Taekwondo demonstrations have been instrumental to bringing the ROK and DPRK back to the negotiating table, but how this has been possible has yet to be addressed. This research therefore addresses two questions: (1) What efforts early in taekwondo’s history facilitated its soft diplomacy efforts today? and (2) How do taekwondo organizing bodies teach and promote soft diplomacy today? Systematic literature reviews of taekwondo moral virtues, pedagogy, history, and organizing bodies’ constitutions as well as elite interviews were conducted with those directly involved with taekwondo diplomatic efforts to determine when and how taekwondo soft diplomacy tactics were initiated. This interdisciplinary, qualitative study elucidates that early taekwondo pioneers’ efforts were focussed on soft diplomacy and how their efforts play an ongoing role in ROK and DPRK rapprochement. Furthermore, taekwondo diplomacy has occurred at the governmental, organizational, and grassroots levels, indicating it may be the only sport used at all three levels of diplomacy.  相似文献   
“流空间”视角下粤港澳大湾区空间布局分级特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加快粤港澳大湾区区域一体化进程,基于“流空间”视角,以粤港澳大湾区11个核心城市为研究对象,从客运流、经济流、信息流三个维度建立数理统计模型,分析粤港澳大湾区的交通、物流和经济信息化水平,并综合运用Jenks自然断裂点法和Moran散点图对粤港澳大湾区进行空间布局分级特征研究。研究结果表明:粤港澳大湾区有两个增长极——广州和深圳;粤港澳大湾区以珠江为界,珠江东西两岸分级明显;港珠澳大桥的连通有助于加强流要素空间互动,发挥更强的区域辐射和带动作用,扩大H-H连绵区的分布范围。  相似文献   
CEPA与香港经济结构转型研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文在对香港经济面临的结构性问题进行分析的基础上,提出了香港经济转型的具体方向,并指出CEPA安排完全针对了香港当前的问题与需要,对重建香港制造业和拓宽金融服务业市场腹地提供了契机,给香港经济进行结构性调整提供了有利的条件,最后本文还探讨了配合CEPA落实所需要的政策措施。  相似文献   
潘成夫 《未来与发展》2007,28(7):37-40,36
自2004年2月香港正式开办人民币业务以来,由于仍受到较为严格的限制,内地与香港的人民币资产利率基本隔绝,各项业务总体规模仍比较小。近期,我国政府决定允许内地金融机构在香港发行人民币金融债券,这将首次使两地的人民币资产收益率具有一定的联动性。在回顾香港人民币业务发展情况的基础上,分析香港人民币债券市场的发展前景、潜在影响和风险,并据此提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
台港通俗文学作家的创作与市场经济的运作结合得比较成功 ,影响很大。台港通俗文学作家不但给读者展现了一幅幅台港地区发达、自由的商业社会光怪陆离的生活画面 ,而且还向我们提供了一种文学的生存方式。对台港文学畅销的原因和规律进行分析和研究 ,这对建立社会主义文化市场 ,促进文化产业化的形成和文学创作的繁荣发展 ,能够起到一定的借鉴作用  相似文献   
天京地区既有太平天国政权,又有清政府的地方政权,既有太平军,又有八旗兵、绿营兵、湘军、团练。在天京地区发生的军事斗争、政治斗争、经济斗争、外交斗争,犬牙交错,极其尖锐而复杂,是太平天国史的重要组成部分,是很值得我们认真进行研究的课题。  相似文献   
Liberal Studies was initially introduced as a non-statutory subject in Hong Kong in 1992. It then confronted intense opposition and a bumpy implementation path before securing mandatory status in the new senior secondary curriculum introduced in 2009. Recently, this core subject has been under review. Whilst it is considered to promote students’ socio-political participation, the subject has also been accused of triggering antagonism towards the government. In view of these concerns, this article probes teachers’ perceptions of the recent development of Liberal Studies and examines the dynamic interplay between the curriculum review and the potential political controversies surrounding the subject in post-colonial Hong Kong. Reporting the results of a study comprising questionnaire-based surveys and follow-up semi-structured interviews, it reveals that whilst teachers are worried about the proposed reduction of socio-political topics in the curriculum, they approve of incorporating additional China-related content. Furthermore, the participating teachers praised Liberal Studies for its notable impact on raising students’ social consciousness, which has motivated them to learn about community affairs and fight for justice. Finally, the article also explores the study’s profound implications for the further development of Liberal Studies and citizenship education in Hong Kong and beyond.  相似文献   
葛洪是我国东晋时期的一位思想家,他有着多方面的贡献。他在《抱朴子·外篇》中提出了"宏邈淫艳"的辞赋观,在中国文学理论的发展历程中为陆机和刘勰架设了一座重要的桥梁,对此应给予高度评价。但是,葛洪毕竟首先是一个哲学家。因此,我们必须坚持这样一个大前提,对他的辞赋观首先进行哲学探源,然后再进行文本分析。只有这样,才能对葛洪和他的辞赋观给予客观、合理的定位。  相似文献   
本文将香港社会流通的中文书面语归类为:标准中文、粤式中文、港式中文、中英混合文等四类,文中比较了上述各类书面语的不同,特别分析了在香港广泛流通的港式中文的特点,包括受粤语影响的港式中文,受英语影响的港式中文,受文言影响的港式中文以及多种形式混合的港式中文。笔者从社会语言学的角度阐述了港式中文产生的背景,并介绍了香港学界对港式中文的截然不同的评论。文章指出港式中文是香港中文书面语的一种客观存在,也反映出香港社区中语言文化多元化的现象,但仍希望改善港式中文,提高香港的中文水平。  相似文献   
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