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The aim of this study was to assess if tactical and technical performance indicators (PIs) could be used in combination to model match outcomes in Australian Football (AF). A database of 101 technical PIs and 14 tactical PIs from every match in the 2009–2016 Australian Football League (AFL) seasons was merged. Two outcome measures Win-loss and Score margin were used as dependent variables. The top 45 ranked technical and tactical PIs from a feature selection process were used to model match outcome using decision tree and Generalised Linear Models (GLMs). Of the top 45 selected features, this included seven tactical PIs. The Win-loss-based Decision tree model achieved a classification accuracy of 89.0% and GLM 93.2%. A Score margin-based GLM achieved a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 6.9 points. A combined approach to the classification of match outcomes provided no improvement in model accuracy compared with previous literature. However, this study has established the relative importance of technical and tactical measures of performance in relation to successful team performance in AF.  相似文献   
为从根本缓解水资源对工业发展的束缚,反思现有环境规制政策能否有效实现节水效应。基于脱钩测度模型和面板门槛模型,分别验证正式环境规制与工业用水以及非正式环境规制与工业用水的关系,进一步引入正式与非正式环境规制的交互项进行分析。结果表明:环境规制与工业用水量处于从“震荡波动”到“持续脱钩”的状态,工业用水量随着环境规制的变化出现平稳或者减少的趋势。正式和非正式环境规制与工业用水量之间都呈倒U型曲线关系,用水库兹涅茨曲线存在。此外,正式环境规制与非正式环境规制之间存在双向传导路径,相互促进对方对工业用水的作用效果。因此,政府需要强化对非正式环境规制的重视,增强环境规制工具的节水效应,促进工业企业的转型升级。  相似文献   
基于复合系统协同度模型,实证分析了2000—2015年中国科技创新-产业升级相同基期和相邻基期协同度。结果表明:2001—2015年中国科技创新-产业升级相同基期协同度显著提升,但科技创新系统有序度一直低于产业升级系统有序度,是制约相同基期协同度提升的关键;2001—2015年中国科技创新-产业升级相邻基期协同度在[0.014,0.089]之间,处于低度协同演变状态;科技创新与产业升级平衡发展更能促进复合系统相同基期协同度提高,即发挥"2×23×1"的整体协同效应,也更能促进复合系统相邻基期协同度稳定演变。  相似文献   
To spur technology transfer, emerging market policymakers often require foreign firms to form joint ventures (JVs) with domestic firms. Through knowledge spillovers, JVs may reduce technology acquisition costs for domestic firms. Yet domestic firm rents from JVs could discourage innovation through a cannibalization effect. Which force dominates is an empirical question. I address it with novel data on China's auto sector. In response to fuel economy standards requiring firms to upgrade technology or sacrifice quality, firms with JVs reduced quality and price relative to their counterparts. Consistent with cannibalization, firms with JVs drive the negative effect.  相似文献   
根据新常态下国家中长期社会经济发展对科技创新的战略定位,立足宏观科技管理的基本规律,紧紧围绕科技与经济脱节的核心矛盾,具体阐述我国现行科技体制存在的问题及原因。在全面梳理党的十八大以来国家以转变政府职能和调整公共政策为抓手的系列关键举措及其成效基础上,从剖析现阶段科技体制改革深化的结构性本质入手,结合科技强国目标的实现,为后续工作的推进提出对策和建议。  相似文献   
In two experimentally-based and longitudinally-designed studies, secondary-level PE teachers were randomly assigned to participate or not in a new intervention to help them learn all of the following: support autonomy, provide structure, and provide structure in an autonomy-supportive way. In Study 1, teachers who participated in the intervention showed longitudinal gains in all five hypothesized teacher benefits (e.g., teaching efficacy, job satisfaction). In Study 2, students of teachers who participated in the intervention showed longitudinal gains in all four hypothesized student benefits (e.g., classroom engagement, skill development). Overall, teachers and students benefited after teachers provided structure in an autonomy-supportive way.  相似文献   
为了贯彻落实十八大"四化"精神,实施工业强省和城镇化带动战略,推动毕节试验区与全国全省同步小康进程,毕节市织金县结合自身实际,大力建设经济产业园区,努力发展民族特色产业。在政府政策的扶持下,小妥倮民营经济产业园发挥自身优势,突出民族特色,逐步建立发展壮大,在国际国内获得了诸多荣誉,不仅为群众增收致富搭建了平台,也拉动了当地经济的发展。小妥倮民营经济产业园的做法给人以五个方面的启示:选准方向是根本;组织领导是保障;外界帮扶是前提;民族特色是基础;强烈的致富愿望是内在动力。  相似文献   
利用山东与广东、江苏和全国的最新一次(2012年)投入产出表,从各产业感应度、影响度以及经济效益指标等多方面进行对比分析,重点研究山东省的产业结构特点和经济效益情况。山东省传统工业产业比重较大,产业间联系相对紧密,传统产业优势明显,但钢铁、有色金属、化工等高耗能、高污染排放产业比重大,产业结构层次较低,随着国家能源和碳排放总量控制以及大气污染治理越来越严格,传统产业增长潜力堪忧。山东省首先应该在传统产业的优化升级上下足功夫,更要在高新技术产业的发展方面加快步伐。山东省的第三产业结构水平整体较低,现代服务业发展缓慢,传统第三产业发展也不够充分。相对而言,第三产业的发展不受制于其他行业,可以加快发展。劳动力成本相对较低是山东省传统产业具有优势的重要条件,随着劳动力市场供求关系的改变,人口红利的消失,山东省传统产业的优势也面临很大挑战。  相似文献   
网络即时通讯系统是为了满足异地用户之间必要的网络通讯而设计的一套系统,是在通讯双方认可的条件下进行即时的文字交流和文件交流.本文从用户、已实现的应用程序源代码的角度分析系统的应用需求、功能模块、系统数据库、通讯机制设计和源代码的结构。  相似文献   
As an introduction to the special issue on “emerging nanotechnologies”, this paper puts in perspective contemporary debates and challenges about nanotechnology. It presents an overview of diverse analyses and expectations about this presumably revolutionary set of technological, scientific and industrial developments. Three main lines of argument can then be delineated: first of all, the degree of cumulativeness of science and technologies and the respective roles of newcomers and incumbents in the industrial dynamics; second the knowledge dynamics in nanotechnologies, especially the linkages by science and technology and third the role of institutions (network, geographic agglomeration and job market). It finally discusses methodologies to delineate the field of nanotechnologies and to collect data.  相似文献   
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