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Divergent Thinking is a domain-general mental attribute closely associated with creativity that can be quantified through the use of text-mining algorithms. Past research has shown that students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable in response to relatively simple contextual prompts. In addition, there is substantial variance in the degree to which individual students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable, suggesting the presence of a student-specific zone-of-proximal-development in relation to creativity. Here, we adopted a dynamic assessment paradigm that included multiple conditions under which student Divergent Thinking was measured and fit a latent profile analysis model to that dynamic assessment data. We found that, although on average the Originality of student responses can be augmented through a prompt to generate surprising or unusual ideas, three latent classes emerged that differed significantly on their patterns of augmentation. These three latent classes were termed: (a) Conventional Thinkers (7.80% of the sample), whose response to the Divergent Thinking task were highly constrained and unoriginal across all conditions (b) Prompted Shifters (66.56%), whose Originality significantly increased across conditions, and (c) Idea Generators (25.64%), whose responses were highly original across all conditions. These latent profiles were validated in regard to personality characteristics and domain-specific creative activities, with Idea Generators reporting significantly more Openness and Intellect, less Industriousness, and more creative activities across the domains of Literature, Music, Sports, Visual Art, Science, and Cooking than did the other latent classes.  相似文献   
在新时期环境下,国民对体育事业的发展十分关注,这也促进了教育体系对体育课程的广泛重视。为了更好实现体育教育,高校需要根据时代发展的情况,做好对体育课程的有效改革。而互联网技术是现阶段应用的先进信息技术,有着显著的特点和价值,为高校体育课程改革提供了良好的条件,本文就针对互联网技术在高校体育课程改革中的应用进行探析,希望对高校体育教育发展提供帮助。  相似文献   
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies due to the social distancing norms and nationwide lockdowns. People and organizations all over the world have had to adjust to new ways of work and life. We explore possible scenarios of the digital surge and the research issues that arise.An increase in digitalization is leading firms and educational institutions to shift to work-from-home (WFH). Blockchain technology will become important and will entail research on design and regulations. Gig workers and the gig economy is likely to increase in scale, raising questions of work allocation, collaboration, motivation, and aspects of work overload and presenteeism. Workplace monitoring and technostress issues will become prominent with an increase in digital presence. Online fraud is likely to grow, along with research on managing security. The regulation of the internet, a key resource, will be crucial post-pandemic.Research may address the consequences and causes of the digital divide. Further, the issues of net neutrality and zero-rating plans will merit scrutiny. A key research issue will also be the impact and consequences of internet shutdowns, frequently resorted to by countries. Digital money, too, assumes importance in crisis situations and research will address their adoption, consequences, and mode. Aspects of surveillance and privacy gain importance with increased digital usage.  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,以信息技术为手段,以微课与高校大学武术课堂教学为研究对象,在界定微课的定义、典型特征的基础上,探讨开发武术微课必要性,明确开发制作高质量微课的五大要点(确定武术微课的选题,高精尖的设备和制作技术,教师的专业水平,素材的收集整合,微课设计微而全),并对实现微课与大学武术课堂相融合进行了理论分析并得出结论。本研究旨在为武术课程资源的新开发以及武术教学质量的提高提供可操作性的新思路。  相似文献   
形意拳历来以刚猛粗扩、实战性强著称,随着时代发展,形意大师布学宽提出的形意拳柔化教学思想被逐漸认同。本文从现代教育学的角度,结合形意拳自身特点及现代教育教学理论,探讨形意拳柔性思想下的教学理念,为形意拳由竞技拳转变为健身拳、文化拳的柔性思想教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
基于产业融合理论,运用文献法、逻辑分析法,探讨中国“互联网+足球”的理论依据与现实发展,构建足球产业的转型升级之路。“互联网+”的技术边界和足球产业的时空约束具有逻辑契合点,“互联网+足球”经过技术融合、业务融合、市场融合3个阶段。目前产业上游围绕赛事、版权形成寡头垄断市场,产业中下游形成垄断竞争市场。构建“互联网+足球”的创新发展,未来需要朝着纵向一体化打造产业生态,细分市场做到局部垄断,技术创新建立大数据资产等路径前进。  相似文献   
随着产业升级步伐的加快,新产业新技术的不断出现,同时对人才培养提出了新的挑战,化工专业作为一个传统的学科,更应该适应传统化工转型升级的需要,加快培养模式的转变,使高校化工教育与社会需求更好地衔接。  相似文献   
通过文献资料的梳理与归纳、类比与分析,从发展脉络、前沿议题与演进趋势三个视角切入阐释"互联网+体育产业"融合研究,以期为我国互联网与体育产业的融合发展给予理论支撑和实践指导。结果显示,自1996年就萌发了互联网与体育产业融合研究的端倪,此后研究视角逐渐拓展,涉及前沿议题主要包括发展前景及策略研究、体育类APP开发与应用研究、"互联网+体育营销"研究、"互联网+体育旅游"研究、"互联网+体育产业各业态"研究,"互联网+运动项目"研究,但仍存在着研究内容结构单一、方法缺乏创新、理论匮乏等问题。今后研究呈现细化研究对象,拓展研究视角;创新研究方法,深化研究内容;借鉴相关学科,丰富研究理论;紧随时代步伐,开拓"互联网+运动项目产业"等演进趋势。  相似文献   
Learners may increasingly encounter conflicting expert reports. However, little is known about how they deal with this challenge. We examined how learners' familiarity with a controversial historical topic affects their epistemic judgments of conflicting expert claims and sources, the interplay of their claim and source evaluation strategies, and their meta-epistemic understanding of the legitimacy of the disagreement (absolutist, multiplist, and evaluativist perspectives). In two studies, topic familiarity increased agreement with belief-consistent expert claims and the perceived trustworthiness of the expert who presented these claims. Topic familiarity also impacted the coordination of evaluation strategies and led to greater reliance on knowledge-based validation. However, topic familiarity did not affect meta-epistemic understanding of the legitimacy of the controversy. In the second study, reading an explanation about reasons for disagreements between historians resulted in higher evaluativism. Teaching about expert disagreement may be a productive approach for promoting appreciation of the diversity of knowledge.  相似文献   
针对高职院校微课教学在实践中存在的重比赛、轻应用,重形式、轻实效,重讲授、轻互动,重技术、轻内容等方面的问题,提出通过采取坚持和发挥学生的主体作用,探索基于“互联网+”的混合教学模式,完善对微课教学的激励制度等措施,以进一步规范微课教学,优化其在高职教学中的作用和效果。  相似文献   
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