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2001年 四种图书馆情报学核心期刊自引情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献计量学方法,对2001年四种图书馆情报学核心期刊的自引情况进行了定量分析,并提供了有关项目研究指标的统计数据和测试结果,为期刊及其载文情况的评价提供了客观、真实的依据和有价值的参考。  相似文献   
基于CSSCI对我国图书馆学、情报学期刊自引情况分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章依据南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心研制的《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)数据库(1998),对我国图书馆学、情报学的主要期刊的自引情况进行统计分析和评价。  相似文献   
《现代图书情报技术》自引分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对《现代图书情报技术》1993—2002年的语种自引、著者自引、学科自引和期刊自引进行统计分析研究。  相似文献   
Previous studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the relevance of a citing document is related to the number of times with which the source document is cited. Despite the ease with which electronic documents would permit the incorporation of this information into citation-based document search and retrieval systems, the possibilities of repeated citations remain untapped. Part of this under-utilization may be due to the fact that very little is known regarding the pattern of repeated citations in scholarly literature or how this pattern may vary as a function of journal, academic discipline or self-citation. The current research addresses these unanswered questions in order to facilitate the future incorporation of repeated citation information into document search and retrieval systems. Using data mining of electronic texts, the citation characteristics of nine different journals, covering the three different academic fields (economics, computing, and medicine & biology), were characterized. It was found that the frequency (f) with which a reference is cited N or more times within a document is consistent across the sampled journals and academic fields. Self-citation causes an increase in frequency, and this effect becomes more pronounced for large N. The objectivity, automatability, and insensitivity of repeated citations to journal and discipline, present powerful opportunities for improving citation-based document search.  相似文献   
科学研究的目的在于创造知识,并应用理论成果解决我国社会、经济、文化等发展中的实际问题。将论文发表在国际期刊上可以让更多的国际同行了解我国最新的科研成果,为我国获得更多的国际影响力,所以在过去二十多年里SCI论文成为我国科研考核的一个重要指标。在这种科研评价导向下,我国学者发表的国际论文数量已居世界第一位,而大量来自国内同行的引用使得我国国际论文的被引量排名世界第二。本文提取1990至2015年Web of Science论文及其引文的数据,分析不同国家、不同学科在国家层次的自引情况,并在不同国家、不同学科之间进行比较。研究发现,在排除国内同行的自引后,我国国际论文的真实国际影响力仍然有限,除了临床医学和物理等少数学科外,其他学科仍然低于全球平均水平。  相似文献   
【目的】 分析《湖泊科学》近10年的自引行为变化规律,剖析产生原因,思考期刊非正常自引现象,引导期刊自引的客观认识,更好地办好学术期刊。【方法】 根据《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》的数据以及《湖泊科学》2006—2015年载文的参考文献,得到《湖泊科学》近10年的自引率(RSC),总被引频次(FTC),总自引频次(FSC),对影响因子(IF)有贡献的总被引频次(FTCIF)、自引频次(FSCIF),自引率(RSCIF),载文数量,平均引文数量以及IF等评价指标,分析各指标的变化趋势以及相互之间的关系。【结果】 在无人为操控的前提下,《湖泊科学》近10年RSC变化较小,FTCFSCFSCIF以及载文数量均有升高趋势,RSCIF略高于RSC,但是自引对IF无显著影响。【结论】 RSC与学科大小和研究范围有关。增加科研投入、提升期刊内容质量、应用数字化手段以及加大推广力度等因素导致了FTCFSCFSCIF等指标升高。期刊出现RSC过高或突然大幅度升高、FSCIF与IF有很强的相关性、RSCIF大大高于RSC等现象时,很可能是人为操控所致。中国科技期刊编辑只有自律自强,才能够使得中国科技期刊的学术质量真正获得国内科技工作者的认同并且在国际舞台上占有一席之地。  相似文献   
The present study investigates the self-citations of the most productive semiconductor journals by synchronous (self-citing rate) and diachronous (self-cited rate) approaches. Journal’s productivity of 100 most productive semiconductor journals was gathered from INSPEC database, 1978–1997 through OVID. Data of citation frequency were obtained from the Science Citation Index (SCI), Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2001 CDROM edition by the title-by-title search. The self-citing and self-cited data were drawn from the Citing Journal Listing and the Cited Journal Listing of the JCR CDROM version 1990–2001. Self-citing and self-cited rates were determined by the method suggested by the JCR. Eighty-seven journals common to INSPEC and JCR in semiconductor were selected as the object of this study and were listed for statistical tests. The results of the present study demonstrate that high self-citing journals are usually older than low self-citing journals. In contrast to the self-citing data, the journal self-cited rate is not closely related to the publication year but reflects the characteristics of various journals. Journals with a short time interval of publication are more possible with high self-citing and self-cited rates. Journals with higher self-citing rate tend to be more productive and receive more citation than journals with lower self-citing rate. The journal self-cited rate has no association with the number of articles that a journal published and the citation it received. A journal with a higher self-citing rate tends to be cited more by itself. The mean self-citing rate is 9.59% and the mean self-cited rate is 15.03%. There is a significant difference between self-citing and self-cited rates within the same set of journals.  相似文献   
【目的】 为了厘清加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断“专业期刊的自引率应在20%左右”中的自引率是自引证率还是自被引率,消除加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断的引用混乱现象。【方法】 分析了国内研究人员引用加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断的混乱现象,采用追溯法和直接法等文献检索方法来寻找原始文献,并直接和间接地考证了原始文献。【结果】在1975年的《期刊引证报告》的前言中找到了加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断的英文语句,经初步考证,认为加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断中所说的自引率应为自被引率。【结论】 在进行期刊自引率研究时,只能用期刊的自被引率与加菲尔德的期刊自引率论断相比较,由此得出的结论对期刊的编辑出版策略具有参考价值。  相似文献   
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