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在国际化趋势的带动下,人类命运共同体的构建延伸渗透到了各个领域中。体育文化作为中西方存在明显差异的一个部分,如何在新的时代背景下打破原有区隔,树立新的定位和方向,并进一步实现融合是当前发展的关键。为此,文章采用文献资料法等,将围绕命运共同体的构建对中西方体育文化从区隔到融合展开探讨。  相似文献   
The present study investigates the relationship between CEO’s information literacy and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Even if information literacy’s business value has been recognized in recent literature, its impact on organizational innovation, a critical and strongly information intensive process, has never been studied before. Structural equation modeling based analysis of data collected from 184 company CEOs in Finland revealed that CEOs’ information literacy has a positive impact on the development of exploratory and exploitative innovations in SMEs. Additionally, opportunity recognition mediates the relationship between information literacy and innovation. Overall, the influence of information literacy is slightly stronger on exploitation than exploration. Nevertheless, the mutual positive effect suggests that information literacy enhances innovation ambidexterity in organizations. Based on these findings, we discuss theoretical and practical implications as well as future research opportunities in workplace information literacy research.  相似文献   
高职院校视唱练耳教学追求课堂活动的生动性、教学内容的丰富性以及教学效果的实用性。笔者结合教学实践,从在系统的音乐分析中强化识谱训练、在旋律背唱中加强音高的准确性训练、在音乐旋律的听写中加强节奏训练、在多声部音乐中加强色彩性听辩训练4个方面,对高职院校视唱练耳教学进行了新的诠释,以期推进视唱练耳教学的创新发展。  相似文献   
Semantic knowledge accumulates through explicit means and productive processes (e.g., analogy). These means work in concert when information explicitly acquired in separate episodes is integrated, and the integrated representation is used to self-derive new knowledge. We tested whether (a) self-derivation through memory integration extends beyond general information to science content, (b) self-derived information is retained, and (c) details of explicit learning episodes are retained. Testing was in second-grade classrooms (children 7–9 years). Children self-derived new knowledge; performance did not differ for general knowledge (Experiment 1) and science curriculum facts (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, children retained self-derived knowledge over one week. In Experiment 2, children remembered details of the learning episodes that gave rise to self-derived knowledge; performance suggests that memory integration is dependent on explicit prompts. The findings support nomination of self-derivation through memory integration as a model for accumulation of semantic knowledge and inform the processes involved.  相似文献   
Within policy discourses, teachers are positioned as objects of reform who enact policies under rational systems of observation and accountability and are, therefore, situated as de-professionalized actors lacking expert knowledge. This research project asks relatively straight-forward questions: If practicing teachers were given a voice in political debates over urban education policy and reform, what would they say? What macro-level policy problems would they identify as being important? Findings indicate the primary policy problems include Systemic Inequity and Bad Policy. The primary policy solutions include, Schools as a Community Resource; Shared Decision-Making; Contextual Goals; and Time, Space and Resources.  相似文献   
公共文化服务大数据集成架构设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 针对当前各图书馆、文化馆等公共文化服务机构的多源异构数据,设计出一套行之有效的集成架构。[方法/过程] 在充分分析公共文化大数据资源的基础上,对公共文化服务大数据的类型与分布进行分析,结合公共文化服务大数据的应用场景,设计公共文化大数据集成的架构。[结果/结论] 提出一个由数据来源层、系统集成层、数据融合层、存储层、应用层五个层次构成的公共文化服务大数据集成架构,并对其中的采集、存储等关键技术进行研究。  相似文献   
红色旅游演艺是文旅融合的重要形式。本文从红色旅游与文旅结合的角度,分析了山西省红色旅游演艺现状,指出了在其发展中存在的问题,认为山西红色旅游演艺主要的问题是:总接待量不高、演艺产品转化率低、不同演艺产品接待量差异较大的结论。并提出从5个方面进行山西红色旅游演艺产品的提升:做好顶层设计、产品开发设计、客源市场拓展、营销宣传策略和人员管理。  相似文献   
经过采用Nvivo质性分析软件对某教育集团下属应用型高校经管类专业培养方案进行词频分析,并将统计结果与案例教学法教学效果进行比较分析,可得出,案例教学法同样能有力支持应用型人才的培养。根据高校学生阅读素养调研数据反映的能力特征和教学案例的规范模式,设计适用的决策型教学案例正文创作模式,可以课程知识点为决策点,在高校所在区域选取案例企业,以及参照纪录片创作模式进行写作。教师能够发挥创作模式的最佳效能,教学案例创作亦可畅通教师“教研融合”的专业发展路径。  相似文献   
摘要:习近平总书记在十九大报告中出要广泛开展全民健身活动,加快推进体育强国建设。随着“健康中国”上升为国家战略、居民消费升级需求日益加深,我国运动休闲特色小镇的发展路径显得尤为重要。在此背景下,专家学者和业界名流齐聚北京大学,集思广益、畅所欲言,为特色小镇献计献策,共商特色小镇建设合作大计。此次中国体育产业高峰论坛分论坛以“运动休闲特色小镇”为主题,对运动休闲特色小镇这个概念进行了全方位、系统性的深刻剖析,并结合运动休闲特色小镇相关成功实践经验,从前期策划、设计、投资到后期的建设、运营,再到内容为王、跨界融合、聚集建构效应,多层次、多角度阐释了运动休闲特色小镇建构的内在机理和方法,为建设运动休闲特色小镇事业,开创全新体育文化产业格局提供了切实可行的路径。  相似文献   
体医融合是获得健康的根本法则之一,是民族健康强盛的必然要求。探索我国体医融合之路,必须基于文化自信,紧跟时代主旋律,借鉴传统体育和中医融合的历史经验及其启示。仔细体会传统体育中武术、养身体操等运动对体医融合的贡献,在学习借鉴传统体育和传统医学的基础上,探讨如何走出一条政府主导、社会协同、学校先行、法制健全的协同发展道路。研究认为体医融合试点践行中,可以在以下四个方面加大力度:制度保障,法规护航;培养人才,科学指导;学校为主,三教合一;媒介传播,课程参与。  相似文献   
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