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Surface engineering of synthetic carriers is an essential and important strategy for drug delivery in vivo. However, exogenous properties make synthetic nanosystems invaders that easily trigger the passive immune clearance mechanism, increasing the retention effect caused by the reticuloendothelial systems and bioadhesion, finally leading to low therapeutic efficacy and toxic effects. Recently, a cell membrane cloaking technique has been reported as a novel interfacing approach from the biological/immunological perspective, and has proved useful for improving the performance of synthetic nanocarriers in vivo. After cell membrane cloaking, nanoparticles not only acquire the physiochemical properties of natural cell membranes but also inherit unique biological functions due to the presence of membrane-anchored proteins, antigens, and immunological moieties. The derived biological properties and functions, such as immunosuppressive capability, long circulation time, and targeted recognition integrated in synthetic nanosystems, have enhanced their potential in biomedicine in the future. Here, we review the cell membrane-covered nanosystems, highlight their novelty, introduce relevant biomedical applications, and describe the future prospects for the use of this novel biomimetic system constructed from a combination of cell membranes and synthetic nanomaterials.  相似文献   
Most studies on O2O services have focused solely on the technological merits of mobile applications, overlooking the role of the value systems that underlie people’s lifestyles.In contrast, this research sheds light on how people’s value systems influence their decision to adopt food delivery applications. Particularly, it proposes that people’s moral obligation in meal preparation can change the mode of thinking that guides their adoption decision. Namely, moral obligation is assumed to restrict people from acting on their basic convenience orientation in meal preparation. Empirical results have supported this assumption by showing that people with a high moral obligation (or married people) are more reluctant to convert their basic convenience-seeking tendencies into actual adoption intention than those with a low moral obligation (or single people). The important theoretical and managerial implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   
根据高职专业人才培养的目标与要求,对PLC应用技术课程进行改革。在培养学生学习兴趣;引入"项目导入,现场教学"的方法;选用教学软件;改进实验、实训方式等方面作了积极探索,力争在教学过程中培养学生的实践动手能力和工程实际应用能力。  相似文献   
分析了目前师范生化学学生实验教学的现状和不足,论述了微格教学在师范生化学实验教学中应用的策略和优点。  相似文献   
《计算机应用基础》成了一门重要的基础课,本文从选择教学内容,确定教学大纲,改进教学手段,改革教学方法等几方面阐述了应如何加强《计算机应用基础》的课程建设。  相似文献   
为应对专业认证中复杂工程问题能力培养,研发了单元电路实验与系统实验于一体的电工电子工程应用实验平台,学生在完成基本单元电路实验的基础上,可进一步完成由其中大部分单元电路构成的电机调速系统实验。此实验平台在满足模拟电子技术基础单元实验要求的同时,也能开展综合性实验满足工程专业认证强调复杂工程问题能力培养的要求,从而满足了新工科建设对人才培养质量的更高要求。  相似文献   
在专业学习过程中,总是有一些概念或知识比较抽象难懂,课堂上老师费尽口舌,学生也难以全面掌握理解。总有一些技能需要学生反复操作,可离开了教学器械学生难以巩固。如何切实培养学生的操作技能,成为专业教学必须解决的问题。利用学生对网络课程资源的信息反馈及平台数据分析,对构建的在线教育综合平台学习资源进行优化,探讨开展“数据库技术基础”课程的线上线下混合式教学实践。指出以学生为主体的教学模式,把学生从被动接受者转变为主动学习者并加深知识内化,提高了学生的学习能动性,也加强了学生和教师之间的交流和沟通,有效提升了教学效率。  相似文献   
近年来,包括遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统在内的地理空间信息技术快速发展,为海岸带科学研究提供了非常有利的技术支撑和发展机遇,也在海岸带生产应用中发挥着越来越重要的作用。文章简要例举了地理空间信息技术在海岸带资源调查、生态环境监测、灾害管理和综合评估方面的应用,探讨了其应用现状与前景。基于目前我国雄厚的地理空间信息技术储备,建议开展地理空间大数据的基础研究,支撑海岸带科学研究的信息化、定量化和系统化,开展业务化和智能化应用,进一步直接体现地理空间信息技术的价值。  相似文献   
本文分析了医学研究领域科学基金申请项目数量持续增加的原因,探 讨了医学领域研究队伍创新能力状况,提出了推动我国医学研究的若干政策建议。  相似文献   
介绍了无棱镜全站仪测量技术的基本原理和优点,以拓普康GPT—3002LN无棱镜全站仪在城市规划测量中的应用为例,探讨了在无棱镜条件下数据采集的精度及注意事项。  相似文献   
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