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Historic Japanese textiles from over 1000 years ago generally show marked deterioration and only very rare examples show their original forms and much information about textile reproduction has been lost. The replication of textile braids lacks systematic methodology and is still being practiced by only few individual braiding experts. The recreation of original braids as close as possible to original braids is a part of Japan’s intangible cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to clarify the decision-making procedure through which the braiding experts can decipher the original braiding structures. As a preliminary study of this project, interviews of a braid researcher and a replicating expert, Makiko Tada were performed regarding her working practices. It is important to clarify the braiding parameters for structural analysis such as the number of transits and the balance of ridges, and it became clear that the orientation of multiple colored threads plays an important role. The expert’s replicate works were also analyzed using a text-mining statistical technique to clarify the relationship of braiding parameters. The relationship between each braiding parameter and production method such as loop manipulation and Taka-dai became clear. As a result, the process of deciphering the original braid structure has been compiled in simplified workflows, which could contribute to the standardization and improvement in efficiency of replication of cultural property braids.  相似文献   
液滴撞击固体壁面现象常见于动力机械、喷雾冷却和薄膜材料沉积制备等工业生产中。将石墨烯和碳纳米管作为分散颗粒,应用超声波分散技术制备均匀性与稳定性良好的树脂基纳米流体。利用高速摄像技术,研究纳米流体液滴撞击固体壁面的动力学行为。基于有限元法,通过修正的幂律黏度模型耦合纳米流体的剪切变稀特性,采用水平集方法捕捉相界面的移动,建立纳米流体液滴撞击固体壁面的数值模型。模拟结果与实验结果较好一致,验证了数值模型的正确性与准确性。研究发现实验配制的纳米流体表现出非牛顿剪切变稀特性,纳米颗粒的加入抑制了液滴撞击固体壁面过程中的铺展和回缩行为。随着幂律指数m的减小,液滴撞击固体壁面后的铺展范围变大。随着表面张力的增大,液滴的无量纲直径在铺展阶段无明显变化,但在回缩阶段逐渐减小。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 知识产权是经济、科技和文化实力的重要体现,已经成为各国竞相争夺的战略性资源。在建设知识产权强国背景下,急需提升高校知识产权信息服务的能力和水平,支撑高校科技创新和"双一流"建设。[方法/过程] 通过对高校知识产权信息服务工作的现状进行分析,总结高校开展知识产权信息服务工作面临的问题,并提出解决对策。[结果/结论] 针对高校知识产权信息服务面临的困境,提出改变科研评价导向,加强知识产权信息资源建设,构建知识产权信息服务标准体系,加大人才培养力度,贯通产学研全链条,有效运用大数据、人工智能技术的建议。  相似文献   
BackgroundContemporary child protection systems in the UK need to be seen in light of the late nineteenth century child rescue movement, at a time of curbs in public spending, shifts in attitudes towards children’s welfare and the development of social work. There are similarities in the social, institutional and legal contexts, between the nineteenth century and today, centralising ‘deservedness’, that determined and determines children’s access to services.ObjectiveThe current article compares historical data and practices of children in care in the UK, encompassing 1881–1918, with contemporary data and practices, through the lens of the deserving/undeserving paradigm, inherited from the Poor Law of 1834.Participants and SettingDrawing on two data sets, namely historic children’s case files (N = 108), 1881–1918 from the Children’s Society (a philanthropic institution) highlighting the perception of custodians, doctors, professionals, as well as children and parents, and current data from interviews with young care leavers and safeguarding practitioners (N = 42), our research focuses on the most disadvantaged children with complex needs and damaging (pre)care experiences.MethodsData is analysed using thematic content analysis, framed within critical realist ontology, taking account of stratified non-linear dynamics of processes at different levels.Results and ConclusionIn both data sets the inability to support certain children is justified by referring to their complex needs and mental health and behavioural problems., Here, the child is held accountable and placed in the ‘undeserving’ category and consequently misses out on help and support, highlighting a need for awareness, and reflective and reflexive practice among practitioners/professionals.  相似文献   
俄罗斯国家奥委会遭国际奥委会(IOC)暂停成员资格,导致很多无辜运动员无法参加平昌冬奥会,国际体育仲裁院(CAS)平昌冬奥会特别仲裁机构处理的数起案件均涉及俄罗斯运动员的参赛资格问题。俄罗斯运动员在仲裁程序中败诉的主要原因是《奥林匹克宪章》规定:奥运会是IOC的专属财产、任何人不拥有参加奥运会的所谓权利、IOC可以拒绝任何人参赛而无须出具理由。IOC运用对奥运会的专属权利,无正当合理理由拒绝符合参赛条件的俄罗斯清白运动员参赛,有构成垄断的嫌疑。符合参赛选拔条件、且不存在禁止性限制因素(如兴奋剂禁赛处罚在身)的清白运动员参加奥运会,是他们的权利,而不是IOC赋予他们的特权。切实保护运动员参赛权利是各国法院和国际体育仲裁院在处理体育参赛资格案件中的一贯立场,平昌冬奥会仲裁庭的实践过于保守。奥林匹克运动体育善治的改革,要求必须对《奥林匹克宪章》进行修改,最大限度地保护运动员的参赛权利,实现《运动员权利与义务宣言》的宗旨。  相似文献   
Problem-based learning (PBL) emerged during the 1970s in response to demands for active learning methods capable of developing transferable knowledge and skills in the training of doctors. Over succeeding decades, PBL was gradually adopted in other fields of education. This systematic review aimed to identify key streams of theory and empirical research that have emerged over time in PBL research and practice. The review sourced 12,036 Scopus-indexed documents published between 1974 and 2019. Science mapping was used to reveal the ‘intellectual structure’ or key research themes that have evolved in this literature over the past 45 years. The science mapping tool used in this review was author co-citation analysis conducted in VOSviewer software. Author co-citation analysis identified three schools of thought that together describe the intellectual structure of the PBL knowledge base: Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction; PBL Effectiveness; Theory and Practice in Active Learning. In addition to portraying the intellectual structure of the literature as a whole, the review also conducted longitudinal analyses aimed at highlighting structural changes in this field over time. These analyses found that although the size and impact of schools of thought associated with Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction and PBL Effectiveness increased over time, they remained stable in terms of theoretical foci. However, the Active Learning school evolved from a small school of authors associated with Cognitive Learning Theories prior to 2000 into the largest school of thought during the most recent decades. These findings both reaffirm the theoretical underpinnings of the PBL knowledge base and highlight its increasing integration with other forms of active learning.  相似文献   
欧盟数据保护官制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]欧盟数据保护新规(GDPR)中的数据保护官(DPO)制度颇受关注。追溯DPO制度演进路径,剖析DPO的设置与具体职责,考察欧盟DPO制度实施与影响,不止关乎中国企业对欧贸易,更是我国相关规则体系构建的重要参考。[方法/过程]通过梳理GDPR中有关DPO的条款及相关过程文本,发现在GDPR规定的3种情形下,数据控制者/处理者应设置数据保护官。DPO的职责包括对数据控制者相关工作人员的告知和建议、监督数据处理的合规性、联络数据主体、同监管机构合作、数据处理活动的记录与归档、培训以及保密等。[结果/结论]设置DPO对于确保数据控制者的合规、减轻监管机构负担影响深远。欧盟DPO制度对中国企业/机构的启示在于:应按GDPR的规定设置DPO,并设计完整的数据保护监督流程;对中国数据保护监督及机制建设的启示包括:明确规定数据控制者应设置数据保护专门岗位和专业人员、对不合规的数据控制者给予相应的责任追究和惩罚、加强数据监管机构的建设。  相似文献   
体育赛事转播权是一种新兴的复合型权利,是指电视台、视频网站、直播平台等转播机构就其制作的体育赛事节目和提供的转播信号享有的著作权或者录音录像制品权、广播组织权,同时也是指赛事组织者就体育赛事享有的"转播许可权"。对其不同层次的内容应当分别予以解读,而不宜笼统地在"体育赛事转播权"这一概念下进行讨论。对赛事组织者的权利保护,有赖于体育法对其权利予以法定化;对相应的著作权人和邻接权人的保护,需要在完善著作权法的基础上,坚持作品独创性判断标准,并提升邻接权的保护水平。  相似文献   
近年来,性侵运动员的犯罪行为频发,成为国际社会聚焦的热点。以此审视我国运动员性法益的保护,虽有强奸罪、强制猥亵罪的刑事立法,却缺乏对该犯罪行为特殊性的深入思考,既不能在惩治犯罪人方面达到理想效果,亦不能在预防犯罪方面发挥良好功能。同时,司法中的“以纪代法”、针对性缺乏、未回应被害人需求等诸多问题,亦使该犯罪行为的刑事规制效果大打折扣。所以,在该犯罪立法上应有针对性采用附属刑法进行修正,完善犯罪的特别预防与一般预防制度;司法上,积极回应被害人的诉求,努力克服刑事规制过程中的各种困境,让运动员的性法益得到全面而充分的保护。  相似文献   
中国城市发展已步入存量提升阶段,城市保护与更新工作愈发重要。城市形态类型学是一门分析城市物质要素形态特征、总结城市形态发展内在规律的学科,对指导城市保护与更新具有理论与现实意义。通过对城市形态类型学理论的剖析,构建可用于传统城市形态类型分析的8个研究要素:区域、城镇、三维空间、街道网络和街道、街区、地块、公共空间、建筑。以赣州南市街历史文化街区为例,发现其街道网络呈鱼骨状,街道分为街道、巷道、现代街道3种类型,地块分布为点线状结合与混合拼接,形状大体呈横向和纵向矩形,公共空间由广场、街巷组成,建筑代表性类型为天井式,形态体量共3种,功能涵盖居住、公共服务、商业等,布局形式为沿街式、院落式、行列式以及后两者的混合式,并将其用于指导街区相应的保护与更新。  相似文献   
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