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BackgroundAthletes tend to have better visuo-motor performance than do sedentary individuals. However, several basic visual-function and perceptual parameters remain unexplored to date. In this study, we investigated whether differences exist in visual function, performance, and processing between basketball players and individuals without a sport-involvement background.MethodsA total of 33 healthy men with no visual impairment or pathology were divided into 2 groups, depending on the involvement in sport (semi-professional basketball players and sedentary individuals). We tested their baseline heart-rate variability in the resting position apart from subjective questionnaires to determine their physical fitness level, and we checked their visual function, performance, and processing through an extended battery of optometric tests.ResultsThe 2 groups differed in resting heart-rate variability parameters (p < 0.001), confirming their dissimilarities in regular time practising sports per week. The basketball players showed a closer breakpoint and recovery nearpoint of convergence, a higher fusional-vergence rate, better discriminability halos, and better eye–hand coordination (all p values < 0.05).ConclusionThese results show evidence that athletes, basketball players in this case, exhibit better performance in several visual abilities in comparison to a group of individuals without sporting backgrounds, suggesting an improvement due to the systematic involvement of those skills during basketball practice.  相似文献   
就业是民生之本、安国之策。体育产业作为国家积极培育的新经济增长点和支柱性产业,不仅要在促进国民经济发展中有所建树,也应在促民生、稳就业方面积极作为。从文本分析入手,阐释和总结了发达国家体育产业就业的概况和共性经验。研究表明:发达国家体育产业主要通过促进产业成长释放更多就业岗位、响应社会需求扩充热门体育职业、利用赛事关照弱势群体锻造劳力、扶持中小企业提升就业吸纳水平等措施扩大了就业渠道,带动了社会就业。最后以此为关照,启发体育产业促进就业的本土实践新思路。  相似文献   
全球儿童青少年的肥胖发病率逐年增高,身体活动不足,每天参加足够量的身体活动是促进其身心健康发展的基本保障。我国儿童青少年面对繁重的学业和大量的家庭作业,课外体育活动参与的时间大大减少,体育课成为了唯一能促使学生参与中等到大强度身体活动的场所。通过SOFIT工具对上海市黄浦区5所小学的217节体育课的学生身体活动水平和教师教学行为进行了观测,分析发现:上海市小学生体育课中的身体活动水平偏低,能够达到50%以上时间进行中等到大强度身体活动(MVPA)的课时比率非常少。教师用于课堂管理和知识讲解的时间过多,且对促进学生进行MVPA的语言干预不够,这些均影响了学生的课内身体活动水平。建议除对学生的活动时间高度重视外,还应该重视学生课内身体活动强度;体育教师应做到“精讲多练”,推动学生积极的参与体育活动;注重开发优质的体育课程。  相似文献   
The relation between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction was investigated by applying a longitudinal design at a time interval of two years, and by comparing two different grade level cohorts of students. Participants comprised 1.225 Norwegian students divided by two subsamples (6th and 8th grade level/8th and 10th grade level). The results showed stationary effects of autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, respectively, from Time 1 to Time 2. There was also evidence of a causal effect from T1 to T2 between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, and reciprocal causation from basic need satisfaction T1 to autonomy support T2. These effects were grade level and gender specific. The present study provided support for longitudinal relations between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction. Autonomy support and basic need satisfaction are both antecedents to and consequences of themselves, also when measured at long term intervals.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]认知盈余的出现以及互联网技术的迅猛发展,使得网络舆论逐渐成为公众发声与评议过程中的一项重要议题。在新形势下,如何合理引导网络舆论演化,对破解重大舆情危机,疏导公众情绪,维护社会长治久安具有重要的理论与现实意义。[方法/过程]基于认知失调视角,将个体之间的亲和度纳入经典HK模型,形成改进HK模型,在此基础上,集中分析了初始观点坚持度,异质信任水平,个体亲和度,观点影响阈值对网络舆论演化的影响,并以2015年成都女司机被打事件为例,对上述研究进行了案例分析。[结果/结论]研究结果显示,观点坚持度在均值为0.5的正态分布条件下,观点会较快完成演化;较大的个体亲和度和观点影响阈值对舆论的演化具有加速效应。最后针对上述研究结果,提出了应对重大舆情危机的相关策略。  相似文献   
构建多元线性回归模型分析两个组织层级的技术转移绩效影响因素。研究表明,高校和技术转移办公室因组织层级不一致导致其绩效影响因素也不同;宏观类指标更能提升高校全局层面的技术转移绩效,而收益分配政策、组织特性等微观指标则对部门层面的绩效指标影响更大。主管部门制定绩效评估体系时应充分考虑组织层级引起的差异。  相似文献   
【目的】 针对学术期刊组合评价法可以实现优势互补,消除多方法评价结论非一致性的情况,提出一种新的基于CW算子的学术期刊组合评价模型。【方法】 首先,分别利用熵值法、GRA法、TOPSIS法、主成分分析法和DEMATEL法对学术期刊进行多属性综合评价,得到5种单一方法的综合评价值,在此基础上利用基于等级相关系数增量的分组方法对5种方法进行分组;然后,结合组合评价的特点和评价信息的疏密程度,确定组内重要性权重和组间密度权重;最后,利用CW算子进行信息集结,得出最终的评价结果。【结果】 该模型充分综合了不同机理方法和CW算子的优点,挖掘了更多评价数据的信息量,得到的期刊排名更加合理、客观。【结论】 基于CW算子的学术期刊组合评价模型是一种科学、有效的学术期刊评价模型。  相似文献   
Bioelectrical impedance vector-analysis (BIVA) describes cell-mass, cell function and hydration status of an individual or a group. The goal of the present investigation was to provide bioelectrical impedance data for 525 male road cyclists (155 professionals, 79 elite, 59 elite-youth, and 232 amateurs) at the time of their optimal performance level. Data were plotted on the resistance-reactance (R-Xc) graph to characterize cyclists group vectors using BIVA. Compared to the general male population, the mean vector position of the road cyclists indicates a higher body cell mass (BCM) and phase angle (p<0.001). The vector position of the high-performance, compared to the amateur cyclists showed similar patterns with higher BCM and phase angles and higher reactance values for the high-performance athletes (p<0.001). The bio-impedance data were used to calculate the 50%, 75%, and 95% tolerance ellipses of each group of cyclists. The characteristic vector positions of the road cyclists indicate normal hydration and greater muscle mass and function of the high-performance cyclists compared to amateur cyclists and the normal population. The cyclists specific tolerance ellipses, particularly the high-performance cyclists might be used for classifying a cyclist according to the individual vector position and to define target vector regions for lower level cyclists.  相似文献   
公司创业导向的诠释和研究维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了创业导向的三个分析层面,诠释了公司创业导向的内涵,并分别分析了创业导向的创新性、风险承担性、先动性、竞争积极性、自治性五个维度的特征,建议立足于公司层面,从五个维度对创业导向构念进行研究。  相似文献   
本文以2012年全国工商联第十次私营企业调查为样本,采用OLS回归模型实证检验了私营企业家获取不同级别政治关联对企业战略选择的影响,并探索了企业家人力资本和地区市场化程度在其中的影响作用。实证结果表明:企业家政治关联对企业选择短期投机行为和长期技术创新都有正向促进作用,且企业家人力资本和地区市场化程度这两个变量在其中有重要调节作用。具体而言,当企业家人力资本和地区市场化程度越高时,政治关联程度高的企业倾向于选择长期技术创新投入,而短期机会主义行为则会减弱,反之亦然。研究结论扩展了中国特定制度环境下政治关联对企业战略决策影响机制的分析框架。  相似文献   
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