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2022年冬奥会已进入北京时间。黑龙江省各高校应在习主席新时代中国特色社会主义思想引领下,深入贯彻党的教育方针,将立德树人根本任务深切落到实处,积极响应"带动3亿人参与冰雪运动"的伟大号召,加速发展高校冰雪运动。本文采用文献资料、逻辑分析、归纳等研究方法,对北京冬奥会背景下黑龙江省高校冰雪运动发展的现状及存在问题进行分析,并探寻一条符合新时代发展需要的黑龙江省高校冰雪运动发展路径,旨在全面振兴黑龙江省高校冰雪运动,为2022年北京冬奥会保驾护航。  相似文献   
This paper presents an optimal solution to asteroid soft landing problem, on the base of θ?D control technique and disturbance rejection mechanism. The control objective is to drive a probe to reach the surface of an asteroid with a desirable line-of-sight angle and zero velocity, eliminating the influence of external disturbance. Firstly, elementary θ?D technique is applied in the absence of disturbance to tackle the nonlinear optimal control problem. Secondly, the disturbance is estimated in the fast-estimation framework with explicitly bounded estimation error. Afterwards, an integrated control protocol is presented in a feed-forward structure by the aid of an additional variable-structure term to ensure stability under time-varying disturbance. Simulation results of the proposed approach compared with the results of elementary θ?D method and robust θ?D method are presented at the end of this paper, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed control protocol.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a quaternion-based finite-time cooperative attitude synchronization and tracking of multiple rigid spacecraft with a virtual leader subject to bounded external disturbances. Firstly, the communication network between followers is assumed to be an undirected graph and every follower can get a direct access to the virtual leader, by using two neighborhood attitude error signals, a novel chattering-free recursive full-order sliding mode control algorithm is proposed such that all follower spacecraft synchronize to the virtual leader in finite time. In the proposed algorithm, the sliding mode surface is constructed by two layers of sliding mode surfaces, which are called as the outer and the inner sliding mode surfaces. To achieve finite-time performance of sliding mode dynamics, the outer sliding mode surface is designed as a terminal sliding mode manifold, and the inner one is designed as a fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode manifold, respectively. Then, to reduce the heavy communication burden, a distributed recursive full-order sliding mode control law is designed by introducing a distributed finite-time sliding mode estimator such that only a subset of the group members has access to the virtual leader. Finally, a numerical example is illustrated to demonstrate the validity of the proposed results.  相似文献   
In recent years, a small but growing body of scholarship has emerged on the category of the Chinese art district, particularly its institutionalisation amidst twenty-first century creative industries polices. Such research presents important stories of Chinese artists’ negotiations with urban and political authority, thus nuancing paradigms for the comprehension of political work within contemporary China. This current article contributes to this growing research area by considering the spatial conditions for these socio-spatial categories’ emergence, namely, the urban structures in which they first took shape in 1990s Beijing. First occupying traditional villages (cunzi) and later ex-socialist work units (danwei), these arts colonies appropriated existing communal architecture, and turned their designs and physical buildings to their own communal ends. Importantly, these sites were made available by the dramatic reconstruction of the city, and in this sense these occupations were limited to the temporal realm. To describe the nature of occupations, and their eventual impact upon the shape of the city, this paper proposes the category of “the temporal pocket”: a cellular and temporary inhabitance, defined by the shared investments of its participants, and one that is both discrete (in the sense of its spaces) and discreet (in the sense that this can be understood as a non-oppositional politics). The article is informed by spatial and cultural theory, literature on Chinese urban planning and art history, as well as primary documents (such as documentaries, art works and archival material) and interviews conducted by the researcher in Beijing.  相似文献   
在对客运交通碳减排技术政策研究的基础上,构建北京市客运交通碳减排核算模型。采用带有情景分析的核算模型分析车辆和燃料改善的技术政策对于北京市客运交通碳减排的影响效果。研究结果表明,更新新能源和清洁能源车辆、执行更加严格的燃油消耗限值标准这两种技术政策均能在一定程度上降低CO2排放量。虽然提高燃油消耗限值标准政策在短期具有很好的减排效果,但长期来看不如更新新能源和清洁能源车辆减排作用明显。最后,对北京公交集团实现有效的碳减排提出应对策略和建议。  相似文献   
北京冬奥会雪上项目将在张家口市崇礼区进行,冬奥会筹备工作的重点也就集中在了这个过去名不见经传的小镇上了。虽然距冬奥会开幕还有近2年的时间,但崇礼区作为滑雪运动圣地已蜚声海内外,国外专业滑雪运动队将它作为训练基地外,国内业余滑雪运动者也从全国各地涌向这里。如今,张家口市整个经济被冬奥会激活了,其产业结构也已因崇礼区滑雪运动休闲基地实现了从农业经济向资源旅游经济的转型。虽然冬奥会筹备是国家级的大事,但张家口崇礼区的建设筹备仍然对全国休闲运动基地建设具有示范指导意义。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对冬季项目跨界跨项选材问题进行辩证分析。认为,2022年北京冬奥会、政府专项政策导向及国内外成功的跨界经验,为我国开展冬季项目跨界跨项选材工作提供了重要的机遇和支持,但跨界跨项选材任务艰巨、冬季项目人才缺口大、运动员培养时间不足、跨界跨项风险大等问题也不容忽视。为进一步做好跨界跨项选材工作,为我国冬季项目持续发展提供充足的人力支持,应积极落实国家政策,做到科学跨选;依托同项群项目选材,跨用传统优势项目人才;抓住冬奥发展机遇,尽快建立完善的人才培养体系。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、实地考察法、数理统计法和对比分析法,对我国奥运选手和世界优秀选手的一号木数据进行分析。发现,在实地考察的球洞中,世界优秀选手全四轮均使用一号木开球,而我国男子选手则是一号木、三号木交替开球,可能是由于对自身一号木开球技术不够自信;我国男子选手的一号木平均开球距离、上球道率较世界优秀选手均差距较大;我国女子选手的一号木平均开球距离与世界优秀选手较为接近,但上球道率有待提高。建议,男子选手加强开球距离和上球道率的训练,女子选手加强上球道率的训练;冯珊珊进一步提升开球距离;在比赛前要对场地进行多次熟悉,找到合适的开球策略。  相似文献   
摘要:新时代是我国发展新的历史方位,体育强国、教育强国、健康中国三大战略为世界一流体育大学提出了新的更高要求。为此,北京体育大学提出了“三个转型”综合改革,以推进世界一流体育大学建设和高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地建设,为国家培养勇担新时代体育事业发展重任的优秀人才。为实现上述目标,应在深刻认识“三个转型”改革提出的背景基础上,深入理解“三个转型”的内涵与目标,全面推进“三个转型”综合改革,为新时代体育、教育事业贡献北京体育大学的力量。研究背景包括:1)新时代是“三个转型”的历史坐标,2)强国战略是“三个转型”的现实依据,3)创新模式是“三个转型”的客观需要;“三个转型”分别是:1)全面推进从传统经验型体育大学向现代科技型体育大学转型,2)从以夏季项目为主的体育大学向夏季冬季项目全面发展的体育大学转型,3)从本土化体育大学向国际化体育大学转型,其目的是实现两大办学目标:1)把北京体育大学建成中国高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地,2)把北京体育大学建设成为世界一流体育大学;为了实现“三个转型”转型及其目标,必须准确把握“办大学与建基地、文化传承与科技创新、立足中国与放眼世界”三个维度及其核心关键问题。  相似文献   
半个多世纪以来 ,简帛佚籍不断出土问世 ,其中包含有不少重要的教育史料 ,这些史料给中国教育史研究提供了新的内容和领域 :第一 ,有望促成《老子》一书现其历史真面目 ,并使先秦黄老道家学派的著作与思想体系渐趋明朗 ,从而极大地推动关于先秦道家教育思想体系的确立与完善 ;第二 ,极大地丰富了研究孔子及其后学八派教育思想的史料 ,使加深对孔子教育思想的认识 ,弥补从孔子到孟子之间儒家教育思想长期存在的研究空白成为可能 ;第三 ,对于明确先秦两汉经学教育的细节有着举足轻重的作用 ;第四 ,重要字书《仓颉篇》的出土 ,为研究秦汉语文教育提供了极其重要的文献  相似文献   
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