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肺动脉高压(pulmonary arterial hypertension,PAH)是一类以肺动脉渐进性闭塞导致肺血管阻力逐渐升高继而诱发右心室衰竭的一种恶性肺血管疾病。PAH病理发生、发展的机制包括炎症反应诱发的内质网应激(endoplasmic reticulum stress,ERS),继而促使血管平滑肌细胞过度增殖和迁移;以及线粒体自噬相关蛋白PINK1和Parkin以及LC3的表达增加,使血管平滑肌呈现抗凋亡表型,并伴随有氧氧化功能损伤,无氧酵解依赖性增加等问题。PAH进一步发展会诱发多种并发症,包括低氧血症、肺纤维化以及右心肥大,可直接引起肺动脉压增加,继而增加心脏压力导致心力衰竭,这是病理发展的主要方向。作为可能治疗PAH的手段之一,有氧运动可从调控ERS、线粒体自噬、改善机体代谢3个方面抑制PAH病理进程。研究综述了近年来关于PAH发生、发展的分子机制的研究进展,进一步论述了有氧运动对PAH改善的分子机制。  相似文献   
袁德高  薄治仁 《科技通报》1993,9(2):108-111
选择46岁以上的高血压(HBP)、冠心病(CHD)、卒中及其它内科住院病人共140名进行了血浆纤维蛋白原(FG)、血压、甘油三酯(TG)和吸烟等因素的观察.结果表明高血压、冠心病和车中患者FG值升高,逐步回归分析看出吸烟,HBP和TG水平升高明显影响FG的含量,提示FG水平升高同HBP,CHD和年中存在着紧密的联系。  相似文献   
The present study comprised 100 patients of essential hypertension who were screened for fasting hyperinsulinemia, which was detected in 77% cases. Twenty such hyperinsulinemic cases were subjected to 4 weeks of dietary control phase followed by 6 weeks of omega-3 fatty acids substitution [either 0.6 g/d (group 1) or 1.2 g/d (group 2)]. The mean basal fasting plasma insulin levels were significantly higher (p<0.001) in patients of hypertension when compared to normal controls (126.51±80.36 and 19.35±12.61 μU/ml respectively). At the end of 4 weeks of diet control only, no significant change was observed in any parameter. After substitution of omega-3 fatty acid, a significant reduction of fasting plasma insulin levels in both group 1 (29%) and group 2 (22.8%) was observed (p<0.001). Significant reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (16.4% and 25% respectively), serum cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoprotein was also noted in both groups (p<0.001), while high density lipoprotein increased by ∼8 mg% in both groups. Thus omega-3 fatty acid substituion in low dose along-with curtailment of dietary omega-6 fatty acid may be used as an adjunctive measure in the management of essential hypertension.  相似文献   
摘要:研究目的:探讨中等强度有氧运动对原发性高血压患者血压、焦虑状况的影响及相关机制。研究方法:筛选社区高血压病患者20人(男3名、女17名),平均年龄为62.50±2.82岁;施以1h/天、6天/周中等强度运动;在运动16周前中后分别填写心理焦虑量表,检测身高、体重、腰围、血压、体脂百分比以及血管紧张素Ⅱ、肾上腺素、皮质醇。研究结果:1)与运动前相比,16周运动后维持抗压药正常量的人数从90%下降至45%,35%受试者服药量减半,不服药的人数增长了10%;2)运动16周末受试者SBP、DBP均出现非常显著性的降低(p<0.01),且脉压差也有显著性的降低(p<0.05);3)运动16周后焦虑水平有显著性的下降(p<0.01),且近69%高血压患者的焦虑状况得到明显的改善;4)运动16周后血清AngⅡ、E以及COR的含量均有非常显著性降低(p<0.01)。研究结论:1)中等强度运动能有效降低高血压患者的血压;2)中等强度运动能明显改善高血压患者的焦虑水平,且情绪向良性发展;3)中等强度运动能够显著降低高血压患者血清AngⅡ、E以及COR的含量,这可能是中等强度运动有效改善高血压患者焦虑状况及降低血压的生理生化基础。  相似文献   
近二三十年来,随着翻译研究的“文化转向”,国内外翻译学者不断拓宽边界,积极探索翻译学的新发展,但在这一过程中有时却走向了极端,摒弃了独立思考的学术传统,无意之中混淆了翻译的概念,扩大了翻译的外延,缩小甚至改变了翻译的内涵。在这种含混不清的概念的引导下,翻译标准开始错位,进而又导致对译者的地位定位不准,虚夸译者的作用。所有这些都将对翻译理论的发展和翻译实践的进行产生不良影响,因此我们有必要找准根源,以冷静、求实的态度看待“文化转向”,明确翻译概念,抓住翻译的本质属性。  相似文献   
Renewed interest in natural materials as food flavors and preservatives has led to the search for suitable essential oils. Moringa oleifera seed essential oil was extracted by solvent-free microwave and hydrodistillation. This study assessed its chemical constituents. Cytotoxicity of the oils was investigated using hatchability and lethality tests on brine shrimps. A total of 16 and 26 compounds were isolated from the hydrodistillation extraction (HDE) and solvent-free microwave extraction (SME) oils, respectively, which accounted for 97.515% and 97.816% of total identifiable constituents, respectively. At 24 h when the most eggs had hatched, values of the SME (56.7%) and HDE (60.0%) oils were significantly different (P<0.05) from those of sea water (63.3%) and chloramphenicol (15.0%). Larva lethality was different significantly (P<0.05) between HDE and SME oils at different concentrations and incubation periods. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of the oils was >1000 mg/ml recommended as an index for non-toxicity, which gives the oil advantage over some antioxidant, antimicrobial, therapeutic, and preservative chemicals.  相似文献   
标准必要专利FRAND许可承诺是一个具有多重目标和协调多方利益的私人规制治理制度,对FRAND做一般的原则性规定并以基于良好意愿的私人谈判为基础是治理有效的内在要求。FRAND承诺本质上是一个有约束力的合约承诺,大多情况下的FRAND许可费争议属于合同法问题,只在特殊情况下其才违反反垄断法。因此,对FRAND许可费纠纷应坚持合同法优先,采用“合同法+反垄断法”的混合实施路径。政府行政执法机关应避免对FRAND许可费实行价格监管,法院和执法机关在具体案件执法中对FRAND许可费的确定应重在坚持“事前递增价值”基准并基于个案来裁定。  相似文献   
In the field of compatibility standards, an increasing number of companies claim to own so-called essential patents (i.e. those patents that are indispensable for designing and manufacturing products conforming to the standard). It is widely believed that the ownership of such patents is a very valuable bargaining tool in cross-license negotiations, while for non-producing firms such patents may result in a substantial stream of licensing revenues. In this paper we study the determinants of essential patent claims in compatibility standards. In particular, we assess the role of two main factors: the significance of the technological solution contained in the patent and the involvement of the applicant of the patent in the standardisation process. We examine the case of W-CDMA, one of the most successful standards in mobile telecommunications. We compare the patents claimed essential for this standard with a control group of randomly selected, unclaimed patents covering the same time period and technology classes. We find empirical evidence that both factors have significant impact on the probability that a patent is claimed as essential, but the involvement in the standardisation process is a stronger determinant than the technical value (‘merit’) of the patent. On the basis of our findings, we offer policy recommendations.  相似文献   
采用案例研究的方法,依据资源基础理论和生态位理论,对华为公司与无线星球公司、美国数字交互公司的标准必要专利诉讼案件进行研究,从企业生存力、发展力和竞争力三方面出发,对涉案企业在专利诉讼中采取的诉讼策略进行分析,最后为标准必要专利企业的专利诉讼提供策略和启示。  相似文献   
周艳 《出版科学》2011,19(3):33-36
基本构图要素是与符号不同且更为基本的封面视觉传达要素,对于读者的封面阅读审美过程具有重要作用。封面阅读的审美过程与读者的文化传统有着深厚的关联,创作者在进行封面设计时必须考虑中国读者的独特审美倾向:欣赏"平衡"之美,追求"中和"之美,偏爱"飞动"之美,崇尚"清新"之美。  相似文献   
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