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A new approach in German innovation policy organizes contests of proposals for developing innovation networks. Based on an overview of the different programs, we investigate the advantages and problems of such an approach. We find that this type of policy may have a relatively large impact and can, therefore, be regarded as a rather efficient instrument of innovation policy. Compared to conventional policies, administration of the program is a much more critical issue. The contest approach may stimulate learning effects on the side of the administration but may also require a high degree of flexibility. The main disadvantage is the additional time that is required for conducting the contest. As a distinct ‘picking the winner’ approach, the contest approach is not suited as a means for achieving a leveling-out of regional welfare.  相似文献   
中国远征军第十一集团军是我国抗战时期一支功勋卓著的部队。1942年5月中国远征军入缅抗战失利,日军从地面和空中同时向我西南重镇保山发动袭击。危急时刻,第十一集团军受命奔赴前线组织抵抗,并在此后全力承担怒江防线的守卫和滇西大反攻的主要作战任务,前后历时两年零八个月之久,为夺取这场著名反帝爱国战争的胜利,作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
“9.11事件”之后美国高等教育国际化的四个趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"9.11事件"的发生,对美国高等教育产生了深远影响。在其后的几年时间中,美国高等教育国际化表现出对赴美留学国际学生签证和学科加以限制、学生赴海外留学目标国家多元化、划拨专款加强外语教学和围绕恐怖袭击开设敏感性区域研讨性课程等趋向。  相似文献   
Background: Though musli m females exclusion from physical activities and sports has concerned scholars for years, they are still being theorized out of context and out of history and not as agents in their own lives. Within the prevailing context of the ‘War on Terror,’ muslim females are becoming more racialized in sports and are unnecessarily constructed as needing protection and void of any agency. In 2010, a crisis emerged out of the International Federation of Association Football's (FIFA) erratic interpretation of Law 4 which excluded muslim females players with a head/cover gear deemed unsafe on the field. This crisis highlighted the importance of understanding not only the targeted exclusion of muslim female players but also the importance of working with muslim female national football players and the possibilities of them resisting the racializing and gendering logics of a mega-sport institution such as FIFA.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand how five women football players on the Jordanian national team negotiated FIFA's ‘hijab ban’ of 2011. Particularly, it seeks the perspectives of the players themselves – whether they are wearing the head and/or neck cover or not and whether their muslimness is visible or not – and their stories of how they negotiated FIFA's ‘hijab ban’ (2011–2012).

Methodology: This paper is part of a larger critical qualitative study based on (1) dialogical interviews with five football players on the Jordanian national team, (2) material the players crafted and used to campaign against FIFA's ‘hijab ban,’ (3) players’ journals, (4) email correspondence and (5) web-based campaigning material. I deploy arab-muslim feminist scholars’ more complicated understanding of the hijab and theorize of how muslim women's bodies are regulated by two interconnected hijabophobias, the Islamist and Western-Islamophobic.

Findings: The findings are organized in the following themes: (1) experiencing humiliation and injustice, (2) exposing FIFA's Islamophobic standpoint and (3) resisting through solidarity and activism. The results suggest that the muslim female football players on the Jordanian national team exposed the FIFA's Islamophobic hijabophobia in its interpretation of Law 4. They acted with resilience and political savviness to regain the right to play while being muslim female under FIFA's laws. This suggests that muslim females are active agents in their own lives and on a global level. They are able to counter the racializing injustices produced by very powerful sport institutions. Non-muslim/Western policy-makers, researchers, teachers and trainers working among muslim women and youth need to consider this example as a frame to their participatory research, critical pedagogies, and physical education (PE) and sport curricula. They need to recognize that we are living a moment in history in which muslim women's bodies are sites of both the Islamist and the colonialist anxieties in their struggles for power. Thus, they need to urgently be engaged in the theories and pedagogical approaches that challenge both the Islamist and the Islamophobic hijabophobias in sport and PE.  相似文献   
摘要:运用文献资料调研、观察及数理统计等方法,对第14-20届世界杯足球赛1051个进球的方式、射门区域、及进攻形式等特征进行研究,以探讨现代足球比赛特征与规律。研究结果表明:7届世界杯场均进球数呈逐届下降趋势;比赛下半场比上半场进球率高,反映出现代足球在重视攻守平衡的同时更加注重进攻效率。罚球区2区内外区域是现代足球比赛射门进球最佳区域。前锋进球数最多,前锋和攻击型中场球员区分不再明确,全能型的队员位置职能已成为现代足球位置特征发展规律。现代足球比赛中脚射是最主要得分方式,立体高空头顶球技战术也已成形。随着传球次数的增加而进球明显减少的趋势,“直接打法”战术已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主流趋势。中路进攻、定位球进攻已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主要方向。前场及中前场已成为现代足球最佳有效地发动进攻进球区域。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、、逻辑分析、网络信息分析等研究方法对国际足联的治理体系和治理能力进行研究,认为国际足联治理体系存在先天的缺陷。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、数理统计等方法,揭示第11届全运会各代表队在持拍隔网对抗类项目中获得奖牌和金牌的排名情况,并结合区域分布进行分析表明:1)羽毛球项目,东南部、沿海城市具有突出优势,江苏占据绝对优势;2)乒乓球项目,南北部实力相当,东部占据强势,北京占据绝对优势;3)网球项目,南北方实力相当,东、中、西部均有奖牌分布,以东部为主,且形成了以天津、江苏、上海为主要奖牌"高产地带"的三足鼎立局势。  相似文献   
文章介绍了中国石油和化学工业“十一五”取得的发展成就,分析了“十二五”时期中国石油和化学工业面临的形势,并提出了中国石油和化学工业的发展方向、重点任务和发展愿景。  相似文献   
运用现场拍摄与图像解析的方法,对第11届全运会田径比赛男子标枪决赛前8名运动员的技术动作进行解析研究。结果表明,男子标枪运动员在投掷步阶段下肢动作有3种不同的时间变化节奏模式;在标枪出手瞬间身体各环节(髋关节、肩关节、肘关节以及标枪出手的速度)变化基本相同;标枪出手瞬间所获得水平速度与垂直速度存在不同程度的差异;标枪的出手角度、初始攻角和初始偏航角度比理想值普遍偏大;在最后出手阶段,制动腿膝关节都在逐渐伸展,在出手瞬间的制动腿膝关节伸展角度大于最后用力阶段中的膝关节最大角度;在T1—T2阶段的肩轴与髋轴变化情况各不相同。同时,加速距离主要取决于试图达到最佳投掷效果的许多动作。  相似文献   
以第11届全国运动会男子跆拳道决赛阶段48场比赛为研究对象,通过全程录像回放,对运动员使用技术、得分、警告、交手和贴靠等方面进行统计分析,结果显示:横踢是核心技术和得分的主要手段;警告次数大级别高于小级别,以出界为主;小级别场均交手次数高于大级别;贴靠主要以交手后贴靠和无交手贴靠为主。  相似文献   
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