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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Achilles tendon properties and foot strike patterns in long-distance runners. Forty-one highly trained male long-distance runners participated in this study. Elongation of the Achilles tendon and aponeurosis of the medial gastrocnemius muscle were measured using ultrasonography, while the participants performed ramp isometric plantar flexion up to the voluntary maximum. The relationship between the estimated muscle force and tendon elongation during the ascending phase was fit to a linear regression, the slope of which was defined as stiffness. In addition, the cross-sectional area of the Achilles tendon was measured using ultrasonography. Foot strike patterns (forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot) during running were determined at submaximal velocity (18 km · h?1) on a treadmill. The number of each foot strike runner was 12 for the forefoot (29.3%), 12 for the midfoot (29.3%) and 17 for the rearfoot (41.5%). No significant differences were observed in the variables measured for the Achilles tendon among the three groups. These results suggested that the foot strike pattern during running did not affect the morphological or mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon in long-distance runners.  相似文献   
通过对短跑运动员和非运动员跟腱横截面积和弹性模量的研究后发现,短跑运动员和非运动员相比,跟腱的横截面积无显著性变化,弹性模量则明显增加,其差异有显著性,表明短跑训练后肌腱能够承受更大的应力可能是通过内部结构的改变而不是通过增粗、肥大来实现的.  相似文献   
目的:了解应用自体浓缩生长因子凝胶联合发泡表皮移植用于修复难愈性创面的可行性及其治疗效果。方法:选择16例难愈性创面的住院患者,共16处且持续6周以上未愈合的,进行浓缩生长因子凝胶膜联合自体发泡表皮移植修复,治疗方法为I期创面扩创,填塞凝浓缩生长因子凝胶,根据创面凝胶溶解情况,7~10天更换一次浓缩生长因子凝胶,3周后创面肉芽组织生长、新鲜。Ⅱ期手术,利用皮肤分离仪于腹壁发泡,取数个直径1cm2表皮并间隔覆盖于创面,浓缩生长因子凝胶膜覆盖。结果:16处难愈性创面患者中14处创面愈合良好,2处创面部分皮片成活欠佳、溶解,残余创面经换药后愈合。创面愈合后随访18个月,仅3例出现张力性水泡,部分色素沉着,均未见溃疡复发,无明显增生性瘢痕。腹壁发泡取皮区皮肤颜色正常,质软,未见瘢痕生长。结论:浓缩生长因子凝胶联合自体发泡表皮移植修复难愈性创面,因其取材方便,方法简单、供皮区损伤小、创面愈合质量高,宜在临床上推广,为难愈性创面的修复提供新的治疗方法。  相似文献   
[目的]为中长跑运动员在训练和比赛中制定有效的、创新的包扎方法.[方法]通过对36名中长跑运动员在训练和比赛中的跟腱损伤进行包扎处理和相关统计,并与传统方法进行对比分析,得出相应结论.[结果]与传统方法相比,创新的绷带包扎方法在运动员训练和比赛中对跟腱损伤的缓解和预防均十分有效.[结论]该方法提高了运动员的训练质量,有助于其提高运动成绩,有很高的实用价值.  相似文献   
男青少年部分下肢肌肉肌腱形态 和运动能力的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用日本产超声波断层扫描仪,对人体内最粗大的肌腱——跟腱及小腿三头肌,进行深入的无创性形态测量,并对青春期男性青少年部分下肢肌肉肌腱形态和反映速度及下肢爆发力等运动指标,进行相关分析。结果发现,跟腱长与运动能力相关不具显著性;跟腱测量的传统方法有待改进。  相似文献   
通过临床回顾性分析探讨了非专业运动员人群跟腱断裂的发生特点、病理生理变化、诊治中的问题及预防.对收治的15例非专业运动员运动性跟腱断裂患者的发病率、诊断、治疗、疗效进行总结、分析.非专业运动员运动性跟腱断裂的发病率为53.5%,6例术前误诊,占40%.经对端Bunell's缝合法直接缝合和Lindholm's修补法治疗,Arner-Lindholm疗效评定标准评判优12例,良1例,差2例,优良率86.6%.结论非专业运动员运动性跟腱断裂的发病率较专业运动员高,慢性跟腱退变是主因,病理生理具有显著特点,诊治中误诊率较高,疗效优良率不高,应积极做好预防工作.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of viscoelastic properties of human tendon structures during stretch?–?shortening cycle exercise. The elongation of tendon and aponeurosis of the medial gastrocnemius muscle of 26 participants was measured by ultrasonography while they performed ramp isometric plantar flexion up to the voluntary maximum, followed by a ramp relaxation. The relationship between estimated muscle force and tendon elongation during the ascending phase was fitted to a linear regression, the slope of which was defined as stiffness. The percentage of the area within the muscle force?–?tendon elongation loop relative to the area beneath the curve during the ascending phase was defined as hysteresis. In addition, maximal voluntary concentric contractions at 2.09 and 3.14 rad?·?s?1 with and without prior eccentric contractions were performed. The difference in the concentric torque at equivalent joint angles with and without prior eccentric contractions (i.e. pre-stretch augmentation) was negatively correlated with stiffness (P <?0.05) and hysteresis (P <?0.05). Furthermore, there was a higher correlation between the pre-stretch augmentation and the viscoelastic properties index – that is, the sum of normalized score values of stiffness and hysteresis (P <?0.01) – than with either stiffness or hysteresis alone. The results of this study suggest that performance during stretch?–?shortening cycle exercise is significantly affected by the viscoelastic properties of the tendon structures.  相似文献   

Though clinical observations and laboratory data provide some support for the neuromuscular imbalance theory of the genesis of exercise-associated muscle cramps, no direct evidence has been published. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of local muscle fatigue on the threshold frequency of an electrically induced muscle cramp. To determine baseline threshold frequency, a cramp was electrically induced in the flexor hallucis brevis of 16 apparently healthy participants (7 males, 9 females; age 25.1 ± 4.8 years). The testing order of control and fatigue conditions was counterbalanced. In the control condition, participants rested in a supine position for 30 min followed by another cramp induction to determine post-threshold frequency. In the fatigue condition, participants performed five bouts of great toe curls at 60% one-repetition maximum to failure with 1 min rest between bouts followed immediately by a post-threshold frequency measurement. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and simple main effects testing showed post-fatigue threshold frequency (32.9 ± 11.7 Hz) was greater (P < 0.001) than pre-fatigue threshold frequency (20.0 ± 7.7 Hz). An increase in threshold frequency seems to demonstrate a decrease in one's propensity to cramp following the fatigue exercise regimen used. These results contradict the proposed theory that suggests cramp propensity should increase following fatigue. However, differences in laboratory versus clinical fatiguing exercise and contributions from other sources, as well as the notion of a graded response to fatiguing exercise, on exercise-associated muscle cramp and electrically induced muscle cramp should be considered.  相似文献   
为了对慢跑鞋的舒适性进行评价以及对不足进行改进提供参考.通过问卷调查法对测试鞋的舒适性进行主观评价,并借助红外光点运动分析系统和足底压力测试系统等生物力学测试方法,分别对在自然行走和慢跑两种状态下下肢步态的一些运动力学指标进行测试与研究.结果表明:测试鞋宽度和长度的合脚性较好;测试鞋的缓冲支持性能稍差;男女测试鞋在弓部舒适性及足底压强的表现存在差异.  相似文献   
张林  李敏 《体育科研》2013,34(2):28-31
腱病主要是因为过度使用所导致的疲劳性损伤,明确重复负载下肌腱中分子反应不仅有利于理解腱病发展,而且有利于发现新的预防、治疗和康复措施。本文综述了运动后和疲劳负载下,肌腱中胶原的合成和生长因子的作用,以探讨肌腱疲劳性损伤早期的分子机制、资料研究表明,不同运动和疲劳负载下肌睫中胶原亚型表达不同,并具有载荷剂量依赖性;在这些机械刺激下一些生长因子如生长因子(TGFβ-1)、胰岛素生长因子(IGF-Ⅰ)、白介素-6(IL-6)等可能起到重要的调节作用。  相似文献   
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