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This study examined whether defending and passive bystanding during peer victimization episodes were associated with individual- and classroom-level efficacy to stop peer victimization. Self-report survey data were analyzed from 1,467 Swedish fourth-grade students (mean age = 10.55) from 100 classrooms in 63 schools. Multilevel analyses revealed that, when witnessing peer victimization, students more often defended victims if they were high in defender self-efficacy and if they belonged to classrooms high in collective efficacy. In contrast, students were more likely to remain passive if they were low in defender self-efficacy and if they belonged to classrooms low in collective efficacy. Taken together, our findings suggest that efficacy beliefs both at the individual and at the classroom level contribute to explaining variability in students' bystander behaviors, which has potential implications for prevention and intervention work.  相似文献   
陈潭 《中国软科学》2003,(9):139-144
集体行动的困境是一种客观存在的社会现象。西方学者根据生活世界的反映。建构了集体行动困境的理论模型,并作出了若干理论阐释。这种非合作博弈下的集体行动逻辑反映在公共事务管理现实中可能会出现公共产品供给短缺、公共资源利用无度、公共秩序混沌无序、公共组织效率缺失、公共政策执行失范等诸多问题。为此,明晰产权、明确责任、沟通协调、自主治理、理性激励、合理监督等制度安排是解决公共管理危机或集体行动困境的可能.路径。  相似文献   
195 5年下半年发展高级社成了农业合作化运动的中心 ,195 6年底实现高级社化。高级社实践中出现了偏差 ,原因在于当时将合作制等同于集体制 ,在实践中背离了不参与政治和宗教活动、合作自愿原则 ,民主管理流于形式 ,合作经济理论不完善  相似文献   
数码钢琴集体课教学中的因材施教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数码钢琴集体课教学是我国高师正在推广和采用的新的教学模式;学生由于个人生活环境和内在音乐素质的不同,存在着很多差异在数码钢琴集体课教学中落实“因材施教”的比较有效的方法是:按学生钢琴程度进行分班;集体课与个别课相结合;提供补救措施;加大重奏合奏的比重。  相似文献   
文章的目的是看散文这个风格上侧重自由、随意、和真实的文学形式,怎样被数以千计的前知青运用来叙写他们上山下乡的经历,并探讨知青记忆叙写中,文化震惊的记忆与重构,从而审视知青文化震惊的现象及其历史反讽意义。  相似文献   
程金芝 《德州学院学报》2006,22(3):12-14,83
萧红在《呼兰河传》中通过描述集体无意识笼罩下呼兰河人的悲剧人生,深刻揭露出集体无意识这张无形大网就存在于呼兰河人陈腐的日常生活、落后的民俗传承、愚昧的习惯势力当中,集体无意识已成为一个民族沉重的历史精神枷锁,吞噬着人们的生命,阻碍着社会的进步。作品寄寓了她对这种集体无意识的讽刺与批判。  相似文献   

This self-study documents two teacher educators’ professional inquiry into the notions of critical friendship. Specifically, we asked: How does our interactive inquiry on the topic of critical friendship lead us to new understandings of critical friends? Three theoretical perspectives framed this study – More Knowledgeable Others, Thought Collective, and reflection. Data sources included (a) artifacts from the self-study scholarship/literature, (b) written and real-time (audio recorded) dialogue, and (c) critical friend response memos. We systematically analyzed our data, linking the initial themes to our theoretical frame. These themes led to three findings about critical friendship: flexible definitions, complex characteristics, and multiple learning phases. Based on these findings, we created two research tools useful for researchers enacting critical friendship – the Critical Friend Definition Continuum and the Critical Friend Guide for Quality Assurance. Ultimately, we assert that we, along with our colleagues, must be responsible brokers of critical friendship by explicitly explaining our purposes, definitions and uses of critical friendship within our work as self-study researchers.  相似文献   
陈玲玲 《成才之路》2021,(11):20-21
在当前新形势下,初中阶段学生的身心发展呈现出新的特点,班主任需要与时俱进,不断创新班级管理工作的方法。要想提高班级管理工作的质量和效率,班主任就要做到以下几点:善于发现学生的闪光点,真诚关爱每个学生,加强与学生的沟通交流,注重培养学生的集体荣誉感。  相似文献   
振动是直升机飞行中常发生的故障之一,严重影响直升机的飞行安全。某型直升机在试飞过程中,连续出现多架左座总桨距操纵杆振动偏大的故障,给正在开展的试飞工作带来了极大的困难。针对该故障通过测振分析、试验和对比其它同型号直升机,准确判断出导致问题发生的原因,从而采取相应的改进措施并进行试飞验证,最终使得直升机总桨距操纵杆振动水平大大降低,消除了质量安全隐患,确保了该型直升机的操纵可靠性,并为后续类似问题提供了解决思路。  相似文献   
洪波 《培训与研究》2006,23(11):73-74,79
对于我国各种社会组织的决策活动来说,集体决策可以说是一种具有保证决策活动的民主化和科学化,从而提高决策质量的重大意义,因而应该大力加以提倡和推行的决策方式。本文就社会组织实施集体决策的“决策会议”的三个阶段(即提出决策问题、组织决策问题协商讨论和达成决策方案一致意见)中应该注意加以运用的各种心理学方法问题进行探析。  相似文献   
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