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从历史演进视角对日本足球归化运动员进行研究,将归化演进历程分为业余足球主导期、职业足球改革探索期、职业足球稳定发展期3个阶段。归化运作逻辑体现:以技术足球理念为基准,合理实施归化行为;以填补位置短板为目的,提高国家队竞技水平;以保障职业角色转换为举措,营造良性发展氛围;以规避资源挤占矛盾为导向,逐步改变归化价值取向。启示:我国应厘清主体责任和发展理念,做好归化顶层设计;正视国家归化需求,消解文化融合与社会认同障碍;建立长效服务机制,扩大归化行为示范效应;把握足球运动规律,构建可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

The recruitment of athletes with limited resources is a global problem in professional sports. In US Major League Baseball, the experience of the Oakland Athletics’ general manager in the last decade turned his “Moneyball” model into a synonym of quantitative analysis in the transfer market of baseball players. His strategy focused on hiring players with outstanding technical skills but relatively low market value. This study adapted this model to the framework of a multiple criteria decision aid (MCDA), by selecting undervalued players who have complementary abilities. The novelty here refers to the joint use of four algorithms explored by the composition of probabilistic preferences (CPP) (i.e., ranking, classification, dynamic evaluation and regularity analysis) and their application to soccer player performance evaluation. The new model analysed the recent transfer of a left-back soccer player to Europe. The results indicated 12 opportunities for better investment, among 32 left and right-back players considered. Two years later, the value of the same player was considerably lower. He played only five matches in the 2018–2019 season, without scoring or providing any assists. On the other hand, the players better classified by the CPP-MB model presented higher performances and market values.  相似文献   
经文献整理与分析,新中国60年共有16部体育纪录电影、21部次、获得21项国内电影奖项,创造了杰出的成绩和荣誉。其获奖过程表现为起步、沉寂、辉煌、持续和再现几个阶段起伏,竞技体育重大事件成为获奖电影的重要题材。  相似文献   
BackgroundThere have been estimates that over 150,000 Haitian children are living in servitude. Child domestic servants who perform unpaid labor are referred to as “restavèks.” Restavèks are often stigmatized, prohibited from attending school, and isolated from family placing them at higher risk for experiencing violence. In the absence of national data on the experiences of restavèks in Haiti, the study objective was to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of restavèks in Haiti and to assess their experiences of violence in childhood.MethodsThe Violence Against Children Survey was a nationally representative, cross-sectional household survey of 13–24 year olds (n = 2916) conducted May–June 2012 in Haiti. A stratified three-stage cluster design was used to sample households and camps containing persons displaced by the 2010 earthquake. Respondents were interviewed to assess lifetime prevalence of physical, emotional, and sexual violence occurring before age 18. Chi-squared tests were used to assess the association between having been a restavèk and experiencing violence in childhood.FindingsIn this study 17.4% of females and 12.2% of males reported having been restavèks before age 18. Restavèks were more likely to have worked in childhood, have never attended school, and to have come from a household that did not have enough money for food in childhood. Females who had been restavèks in childhood had higher odds of reporting childhood physical (OR 2.04 [1.40–2.97]); emotional (OR 2.41 [1.80–3.23]); and sexual violence (OR 1.86 [95% CI 1.34–2.58]) compared to females who had never been restavèks. Similarly, males who had ever been restavèks in childhood had significantly increased odds of emotional violence (OR 3.06 [1.99–4.70]) and sexual violence (OR 1.85 [1.12–3.07]) compared to males who had never been restavèks, but there was no difference in childhood physical violence.InterpretationThis study demonstrates that child domestic servants in Haiti experience higher rates of childhood violence and have less access to education and financial resources than other Haitian children. These findings highlight the importance of addressing both the lack of human rights law enforcement and the poor economic circumstances that allow the practice of restavèk to continue in Haiti.  相似文献   
Families with complex needs related to domestic violence, mental health, and substance use have some of the worst child protective services (CPS) outcomes. Although many of these families are identified during a CPS investigation and subsequently referred to home-based postinvestigation services (HBPS), many are re-reported to CPS, so it is important to understand the postinvestigation experiences of this vulnerable group. Therefore, this study compared families with and without complex needs to understand their uniquedemographics, needs, and postinvestigation outcomes.The sample consisted of 2008 caregivers who received HBPS following an initial CPS investigation. The Family Assessment Form (FAF) was used to measure family functioning in eight domains using a 1–5 scale with higher ratings representing worse functioning. Complex needs were indicated by a mean FAF score of 3 or higher for either domestic violence, mental health, or substance use. Using Pearson chi-square analyses and two-sample t-tests, comparisons were made between families with (n = 836) and without (n = 1172) complex needs. Half of caregivers with complex needs had a history of abuse, 25% had three to five needs, and nearly half had six to eight needs; 90% of caregivers without complex needs had zero to two needs. Furthermore, caregivers with complex needs had higher mean scores for concrete, educational, and clinical needs. These findings highlight the importance of recognizing variation among families referred to HBPS and accurate screening to ensure that families with complex needs are offered and receive services matched to their unique characteristics and needs.  相似文献   
我国在亚洲金融危机和打击通货膨胀的背景下发生通货紧缩,为了克服通货紧缩,我国把经济增长战略从促进出口转向扩大内需,并把扩大内需作为我国经济长期发展的战略方针和基本立足点,同时使用货币扩张政策和财政扩张政策,有效地刺激了消费,增加了需求,从而拉动了整个国民经济的持续发展。  相似文献   
利用SSR技术分析福建省家鸭地方良种金定鸭、山麻鸭、连城白鸭和野鸭绿头鸭、斑嘴鸭基因组DNA的多态性,在21个位点共扩增得到421条带,其中多态性条带213条,约占总数的50.6%.多态性位点比率在33.3%~84.6%之间.运用简单匹配系数法计算了品种(系)间的相似性系数和遗传距离,家鸭品种间的遗传距离在0.043~0.251范围内,绿头鸭、斑嘴鸭与家鸭品种(系)间的遗传距离分别在0.203(金定鸭Ⅰ系)~0.232(金定鸭Ⅱ系)和0.236(山麻鸭)~0.317(金定鸭Ⅱ系)范围内.连城白鸭与金定鸭3个品系间的遗传距离介于0.232至0.251之间,山麻鸭与金定鸭3品系间的遗传距离在0.239至0.248范围内,而连城白鸭与山麻鸭间的遗传距离为0.136.yh  相似文献   
为探讨母亲遭受家庭冷暴力与儿童早期多动行为的关系及亲子冲突与睡眠问题的链式中介作用,使用家庭冷暴力量表、长处与困难问卷、亲子关系量表和Achenbach儿童睡眠行为量表对2728名1-8岁儿童及其母亲进行测查,采用SPSS26和MPlus8.3对数据进行统计分析并建立结构方程模型。研究发现,在控制了母亲的受教育程度、儿童性别和年龄等变量后,母亲遭受家庭冷暴力、亲子冲突、儿童睡眠问题与儿童多动行为均显著正相关;多重中介模型中,母亲遭受家庭冷暴力对儿童早期的多动行为的直接预测作用不显著,主要是通过亲子冲突和睡眠问题的中介作用而间接影响多动行为,同时还会通过二者的链式中介作用影响多动行为。因此,改善儿童早期的多动行为应注重改善夫妻关系,提升婚姻质量,实施积极的教养方式,减少亲子冲突;同时关注儿童早期睡眠健康,营造良好的睡眠环境。  相似文献   
当前,世界正处于百年未有之大变局,国家教育发展正处于威胁国家安全的政治环境、“双循环”格局的数字经济环境、“老龄”和“少子”两极分化的不均衡社会环境、“卡脖子”的科技制约环境、“多极”文化入侵的文化环境,以及“教育脱钩”的国际化环境。同时我国教育发展也处于建设高质量教育体系,包括高质量的人才体系、师资体系、课程与教学体系,以及教育生态环境体系的宏观教育改革与发展环境。教育要服务国家重大战略,为应对复杂多样的国内外环境,我国“十四五”教育发展应实现六大战略目标:稳固国家安全、服务和引领经济发展、办人民满意的教育、创新教育创新人才、铸就文化自信的社会主义接班人、全面开放和参与全球教育治理。为实现教育发展六大战略目标,应围绕人才培养、师资队伍、课程与教学、生态环境建设四大教育改革与发展方面开展工作。  相似文献   
通过对粤东高校男子篮球赛中8支队运动员个性特征和赛中表现的测试评价,结果表明:粤东高校不同水平层次的运动员个性特点存在一定程度的差异,除恃强性有显著差异外,其余差异不显著;场上不同位置的运动员的F、G因素有显著差异,且存在其个性特点与该位置要求不相符的情况;在篮球运动的良好个性特征方面运动员与国家男篮运动员差距较大;某些人格因素与教练评价有显著的相关性.建议教练员要重视对运动员的心理选材,应不断完善、提高运动员的人格心理素质,以适应篮球运动发展的需要.  相似文献   
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