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俄罗斯国家奥委会遭国际奥委会(IOC)暂停成员资格,导致很多无辜运动员无法参加平昌冬奥会,国际体育仲裁院(CAS)平昌冬奥会特别仲裁机构处理的数起案件均涉及俄罗斯运动员的参赛资格问题。俄罗斯运动员在仲裁程序中败诉的主要原因是《奥林匹克宪章》规定:奥运会是IOC的专属财产、任何人不拥有参加奥运会的所谓权利、IOC可以拒绝任何人参赛而无须出具理由。IOC运用对奥运会的专属权利,无正当合理理由拒绝符合参赛条件的俄罗斯清白运动员参赛,有构成垄断的嫌疑。符合参赛选拔条件、且不存在禁止性限制因素(如兴奋剂禁赛处罚在身)的清白运动员参加奥运会,是他们的权利,而不是IOC赋予他们的特权。切实保护运动员参赛权利是各国法院和国际体育仲裁院在处理体育参赛资格案件中的一贯立场,平昌冬奥会仲裁庭的实践过于保守。奥林匹克运动体育善治的改革,要求必须对《奥林匹克宪章》进行修改,最大限度地保护运动员的参赛权利,实现《运动员权利与义务宣言》的宗旨。  相似文献   
The biomechanical profile of high-level endurance runners may represent a useful model that could be used for developing training programmes designed to improve running style. This study, therefore, sought to compare the biomechanical characteristics of high-performance and recreational runners. Kinematic and kinetic measurements were taken during overground running from a cohort of 14 high-performance (8 male) and 14 recreational (8 male) runners, at four speeds ranging from 3.3 to 5.6?m?s?1. Two-way ANOVA analysis was then used to explore group and speed effects and principal component analysis used to explore the interdependence of the tested variables. The data showed the high-performance runners to have a gait style characterised by an increased vertical velocity of the centre of mass and a flight time that was 11% longer than the recreational group. The high-performance group were also observed to adopt a forefoot strike pattern, to contact the ground with their foot closer to their body and to have a larger ankle moment. Importantly, although observed group differences were mostly independent of speed, the tested variables showed a high degree of interdependence suggesting an underlying unitary phenomenon. This is the first study to compare high-performance and recreational runners across a full range of kinematic and kinetic variables. The results suggest that high-performance runners maintain stride length with a prolonged aerial phase, rather than by landing with a more extended knee. These findings motivate future intervention studies that should investigate whether recreational runners could benefit from instruction to decrease shank inclination at foot contact.  相似文献   
The quality of decision and assessment of risk are key determinants of successful sport performance. Athletes differ fundamentally in their decision-making ability according to their athletic expertise level. Moreover, given the influence of emotions on decision-making, it is likely that a trait reflecting emotional functioning, trait emotional intelligence, may also influence decision-making. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the respective contribution of athletic expertise and trait emotional intelligence to non-athletic decision-making. In total, 269 participants aged between 18 and 26 years with a range of athletic experience i.e. none (n?=?71), novice (n?=?54), amateur (n?=?55), elite (n?=?45) and super-elite (n?=?44), completed the Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Cambridge Gambling Task. Regression modelling indicated a significant positive relationship of athletic expertise and trait emotional intelligence with the quality of decision-making, and a negative relationship with deliberation time and risk-taking. Cognitive skills transfer may explain the higher decision-making scores associated with higher athletic expertise, while individuals with higher trait emotional intelligence may anticipate better the emotional consequences linked with a gambling task, which may help individuals make better decisions and take less risks.  相似文献   
为备战2010年温哥华冬奥会,加拿大联邦政府设计了“登上领奖台”战略,委托OTP组织负责财政援助的划拨和绩效管理。OTP组织采用“决策层—执行层”的双层治理架构,以“奖牌至上”为原则,创建了由“项目文化”“以往成绩”“夺牌潜力”“领先优势的可持续性”4个一级指标的协会分层分类资助制度,邀请国家奥委会和残奥委、国家运动项目协会、体育科研院所等利益相关者组成协同治理网络。通过梳理加拿大治理经验,建议我国当前的备战2022年北京冬奥工作,应重视“一臂之距”理念,明确政府在冬奥备战中的职责;尊重专业自治准则,锻炼社会力量成为竞技体育治理主体;改进绩效管理模式,优化冬奥备战财政资金的申请和使用程序;重视科学创新,促进体育智库组织网络化。  相似文献   
运用双框架模型对中美竞技体育国际竞争力进行比较研究。认为:①从显现性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力一直稳定处于高位,而中国则呈现以2008年为峰顶的倒“U”型发展特征,且与美国还存在一定差距;②从解释性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力已趋于顶峰,而中国稳步提升;③中国竞技体育发展潜力巨大,但短时间内难以赶超美国;④“举国体制”有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升,但与美国社会办竞技体育的发展模式相比,市场、社会在竞技体育发展中的作用发挥不足,不利于高经济性项目、高欣赏性项目的发展;⑤坚持“举国体制”、承办2022年冬奥会有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升和冬季项目的发展,但同样存在竞技体育项目布局转型的困难和群众体育基础薄弱的困境。  相似文献   
运动员人格权的商品化是广告代言的法律基础,运动员通过将人格权的某些权能依法转让或者授权他人使用,使精神性人格利益转化为物质性财产收益。人格权的行使有其合理边界,运动员从事广告代言应遵循真实陈述义务、信息披露义务、负面清单禁止义务,义务的违反将引发法律责任。运动员虚假广告代言的法律责任在本质上并非合同责任,而是侵权责任,承担责任的法理基础在于利益与风险的有效匹配,以及对消费者合理信赖的保护。单一的规制结构难以解决运动员虚假广告代言之乱象,应以新《广告法》为基础,构建由民事赔偿、行政处罚、刑事制裁共同组成的多元治理体系。  相似文献   
为定量解释精英运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态显性和隐性影响因素间相互关系,运用文献资料、层次分析、模糊评价、数理统计等研究方法,基于国家队、省市运动队295名网球教练员、运动员调研数据,提出精英网球运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态影响因素假设命题,再引入SEM概念模型,对假设命题进行验证。结果表明:(1)竞技状态SEM概念模型中,体能训练整合度、技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、适应度与保障度可作为隐性自变量,且均对竞技状态因变量有正向影响作用,H1、H2、H3、H4假设命题得到验证;(2)经SEM检验,依影响因素权重,精英网球运动员赛间竞技状态调控依次表现为技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、体能训练整合度、适应度与保障度;(3)精英网球运动员的参赛表现,虽主要取决于竞技训练因子,但对于适应度与保障度中自然环境、社会环境和规程规则等非训练因子,同样不容忽视。  相似文献   
从人力资本和社会资本的视角出发,以316名中国退役运动员为研究对象,探讨这2种资本对退役运动员收入的影响,结果显示:①中国退役运动员的收入差异较大,平均收入状况不容乐观;②在人力资本的各观测变量中,运动等级、受教育程度、身体健康状况和职业技能培训依次对退役运动员收入产生影响;③在社会资本各观测变量中,弱关系和网络异质性对退役运动员收入影响显著;④人力资本有助于退役运动员进入中等收入群体,社会资本有助于其进入高收入群体;⑤人力资本和社会资本对退役运动员的收入提升作用显著,且人力资本作用高于社会资本。基于此,从政府和个体层面提出提升退役运动员人力资本和社会资本的建议。  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to identify, synthesize and evaluate the results of randomized controlled trials examining the effects of resistance training on performance indicators in previously trained endurance runners. A database search was carried out in PubMed, Science Direct, OvidSPMedLine, Wiley, Web of Science, ProQuest and Google Scholar. In accordance with the PRISMA checklist, 18 published articles dated prior to May 2016 involving 321 endurance runners were reviewed using the PEDro scale. Resistance training led to general improvements in muscular strength, running economy, muscle power factors, and direct performance in distances between 1,500 and 10,000 m. Such improvements were not accompanied by a significant increase in body mass or signs of overtraining. However, improvements did not occur in all cases, suggesting that they might depend on the specific characteristics of the resistance training applied. Although current evidence supports the effectiveness of resistance training to improve performance in already trained endurance runners, the methodological inconsistencies identified suggest that the results should be interpreted with caution. Future studies ought to investigate the benefits of resistance training in endurance runners while considering the existence of possible differentiated effects based on the specific characteristics of the resistance training carried out.  相似文献   
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