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体育是“一带一路”倡议人文交流的重要依托,体育赛事对实现民心相通发挥积极作用。英联邦运动会的长期举办推动了英联邦国家的整体发展,是体育赛事交流的典型案例。通过对英联邦运动会与“一带一路”体育赛事的对比,分析其对“一带一路”体育赛事的借鉴作用,并探讨“一带一路”体育赛事交流的构想与策略。认为:开展“一带一路”体育赛事交流应建立“一带一路”体育组织,组建相应的工作机构,举办“一带一路”国家运动会;构建“多边体育合作机制”,不断扩大“一带一路”体育赛事的覆盖面,重视赛事风险并避免负面影响,鼓励、支持多国举办“一带一路”体育赛事。  相似文献   
Drawing on acculturation and social identity literatures, the present research extends on initial work on social group connectedness among older immigrants to examine in a quasi-experimental study the well-being benefits of participating in heritage culture groups. Older immigrant clients (N = 66) of six aged-care agencies in Australia were given diary booklets in which to complete a set of measures on selected days when they did or did not attend the agencies’ heritage culture group activities, over a 2-month period. Results showed that heritage group participation reduced loneliness and increased well-being. Future research should replicate and extend these findings to assist our understanding of how heritage culture group participation aids first-generation older immigrants with aging successfully in a foreign land.  相似文献   
重大体育赛事的举办在一定程度上能推动承办城市转型发展,但也可能对当地经济产生某种不良影响,这主要源于对重大体育赛事与城市经济发展的内在规律和作用机制认识不够清晰。以2000-2017年22项具有全国影响力的重大体育赛事为基础,利用中国70个大中城市面板数据,采用双重差分法,分析重大体育赛事对城市经济发展的影响。发现:全样本数据下重大体育赛事的举办会促进城市第一产业向第二、第三产业发展;对比国内和国际赛事,重大体育赛事对第三产业的促进作用均显著高于第二产业;以1 085家上市公司数据为样本,采用事件研究法进行分析,发现不同行业利用重大体育赛事的窗口期存在显著差异。  相似文献   
目的:探析短道速滑个人项目两届冬奥会及冬奥会与世锦赛体力分配策略规律差异。方法:收集整理索契、平昌冬奥会,以及2014—2017年世锦赛短道速滑个人项目相关数据,分析单圈用时、肯德尔相关系数。结果:(1)冬奥会各单项单圈用时不同程度地少于世锦赛,平昌不同程度地少于索契;(2)除2016世锦赛500 m,其他赛事均全程具有显著相关(P<0.05);(3)除索契冬奥会女子1 000 m,其他赛事均较早出现显著相关(P<0.05),平昌冬奥会男子与女子均在第7、8圈为高相关(r≥0.70);(4)平昌冬奥会1 500 m男子第12、13圈,女子第13圈为高相关(r≥0.70),两者均从第9圈开始出现显著相关(P<0.05)。结论:500 m出发位置尤为重要,高速滑行中稳固站位能力需求突出,冬奥会中对全程维持速度能力的要求逐步提高;冬奥会1 000 m与1 500 m比赛争夺有利位置战术的实施位置较以往更为靠后。  相似文献   
Administrators of color in predominantly White institutions (PWI) navigate from dual positions of privilege and marginalization. Within PWIs, administrators of color experience marginalization in terms of their racial/ethnic makeup. Specifically focusing on the administrative level, 95.8% of executive provosts and 86.2% of deans of academic colleges are White. At the faculty level, nearly 10% of full professors are people of color. However, even with such exclusionary practices, 87.7% of chief diversity officers are racial minorities. The current study seeks to understand how highly educated administrators of color work for diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives while navigating from their dual positions of marginalization and privilege. Using the theoretical lenses of co-cultural theory, dominant group theory, and intersectionality, the study seeks to understand how privilege and marginalization ebbs and flows depending on particular contexts. Findings indicate that optimizing privilege through co-cultural praxis and impeding through mentoring are two common strategies used by administrators of color.  相似文献   
随着高科技企业的成功、部分国家的崛起与创新理论的发展,创新生态系统成为适应当今环境的新研究范式,这与我国实行创新驱动发展战略、推进以科技创新为核心的全面创新的理念相符合。创新群体是我国基础研究前沿领域最具代表性的科技创新团队,其组织机制特征与动态演进内涵与创新生态系统相符合。从创新生态系统视角研究优秀创新群体的合作网络与时序演进,通过案例研究探析其过程与规律,具有丰富理论与实践参考的意义。  相似文献   
利用知网专利数据库检索三一重工的专利数据,采用数据统计分析、聚类分析等方法从专利申请趋势、申请区域分布、发明人合作网络、技术研发领域分布、专利类型分布、法律状态分布等方面对专利数据进行多维度的情报挖掘与分析,并基于分析结果和企业创新发展需求,从技术创新储备、技术创新合作、海外专利布局、专利战略管理环境建设、专利情报战略体系建设等方面提出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   
对服务型制造示范企业——SG集团进行深入研究,对其成功转型的战略、策略及关键做法做以总结,针对SG和其他企业服务型制造转型升级过程中存在的共性问题进行分析并从产业和企业两个层面提出措施建议,对未来企业向服务型制造转型升级提供实践指导。  相似文献   
This research aims to present proposals that can improve the transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Four focus groups were set up in three different cities in Spain, each comprising education and social work professionals, people with ID and family members. In total, 32 participants were included in the study. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic content analysis. Improvements proposed by participants were organised into six themes: coordination between services and professionals; curricular approaches; participation by young people with ID; peer-relationship networks; family and administration. Participants highlighted the need to make the curriculum more flexible and foster curricular experiences related to social and workplace inclusion, as well as establish more continuity in guidance processes throughout the different stages of education and especially at the end of secondary education. Participants also suggested the need for young people with ID to have a more prominent role in their educational process, and strengthening their social networks by promoting their participation in community activities.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]微信群内部会话交流过程存在着复杂的网络结构,探究微信群内部网络结构特征并划分成员角色对研究微信群中信息传播及成员角色关系具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以虚拟社区理论和会话分析理论为基础,以真实微信群内部的会话数据作为研究对象,通过构造成员活跃度划分微信群成员角色类型,基于成员相互回应行为与共同回应行为设计成员关联强度算法并构建会话交流网络,采用社会网络分析和内容分析方法对其静态结构特征及动态结构演化进行分析。[结果/结论]微信群内部成员角色及地位具有差异性,会话交流过程呈现出明显的中心性态势;微信群会话交流网络符合六度分割理论,具有小世界效应的特征;微信群会话交流网络具有动态演化性且核心成员具有时间依赖性。  相似文献   
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