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Magnetic-inertial measurement units (MIMUs) are becoming more prevalent in sports biomechanics and may be a viable tool to evaluate kinematic parameters. This study examined the accuracy of a MIMU to estimate orientation angles under static conditions and dynamically from a squash racket during a forehand drive shot. A MIMU was mounted onto a goniometer and moved through 0–90°, with static data collected at 10° increments during 10 repetitions of all three axes. Typical error analyses showed the MIMU to be very reliable (TE ≤ 0.03°). MIMU accuracy was determined via intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) (r > 0.999, p < 0.001). An ordinary least products regression showed no proportional bias and minimal fixed bias for all axes. Dynamic accuracy was assessed by comparing MIMU and optical motion capture data of squash racket swing kinematics. A MIMU was fixed onto a racket and 10 participants each hit 10 forehand shots. Mean orientation angle error at ball impact was <0.50° and ICC showed very high correlations (r ≥ 0.988, p < 0.001) for all orientations. Swing phase root mean squared errors were ≤2.20°. These results indicate that a MIMU could be used to accurately and reliably estimate selected racket swing kinematics.  相似文献   
综合运用文献研究与考古文物资料分析相结合的方法,辅以射箭运动的基本训练学规律与传统弓箭制作之田野实证,对新疆地区两种出土角弓进行考释。得出如下结论:弓弰翻卷的连弧蛇形角弓是斯基泰人基于骑马游牧的传统、野兽崇拜的心理、便利的北山羊角取材,在继承了亚述三角弓“翻卷的弓弰”设计理念后的革故鼎新;弓渊宽阔,弓弣微凹的插接型长弰角弓起源于公元前2世纪的帕提亚帝国。随着丝绸之路的贯通,交流频度与交流速度的激增使该器形迅速为整个欧亚大陆的民族所复刻。其中,中华文明赋予了其最重要的文化内涵,使原本用于战争的武器有了超越物态的“礼”的象征意义。  相似文献   
准确高效的太阳位置计算在遥感辐射定标、太阳能获取等多个领域具有重要应用价值。针对传统太阳赤纬角算法对不同年份数据差异考虑不足的问题,采用数值拟合法提出适用于不同年份的改进公式。根据误差曲线所呈现的周期性,采用傅里叶展开法提出以4年为周期的赤纬角改进算法,并推导出地球椭球模型下的太阳高度角公式。蒙气差影响太阳位置观测与计算。针对传统蒙气差算法在低仰角下误差较大的问题,提出0°~30°仰角下蒙气差的改进公式。把改进算法与相应的传统算法进行误差对比,结果表明,改进算法在太阳赤纬角、太阳高度角、低仰角下蒙气差计算的误差均明显降低,计算过程简单高效,符合相关工程项目应用需求。  相似文献   
针对工科院校车刀几何角度测量实验中存在的问题,从教学目标出发分析了车刀几何角度测量仪应具有的目标功能,在此基础上研制了多功能车刀几何角度测量仪,并进行了实验验证。该测量仪具有参考坐标系的建立、车刀几何角度测量和车刀纵横方向进给等多种功能,便于学生对金属切削刀具知识的学习、理解和掌握。  相似文献   
利用全国人口普查福建省数据和福建省公开发布的有关资料数据,分析福建省出生性别比失衡现象的现状,在此基础上,从社会性别视角分析得出出生性别比失衡的根源为性别不平等。应从转变传统观念、充分发挥社会化主体的作用以及借鉴韩国有效的经验三个方面采取有效措施,才能更好地解决出生性别比问题。  相似文献   
在直角坐标平面xoy内,对于两定点P1,P2及定直线l,将平面xoy沿直线l折成大小为θ的二面角,本文给出了折叠后P1,P2的距离公式.  相似文献   
Learning progressions are theoretical models that describe learning of scientific ideas and practices over time. These hypothetical progressions need to be tested and refined in order to productively inform instruction and assessment. In this paper, we report our attempts to revise a learning progression in genetics. In particular, we focused on two constructs that embody core ideas in classical genetics and one molecular construct. The revisions are based on analysis of pre‐ and postinterview data obtained from sixty 11th grade students before and after they engaged in a 10‐week unit that addressed these concepts. We found that while many of the students held ideas that aligned with the progression, there were several distinct dimensions of student reasoning that were not captured and led to substantial revisions of the constructs including: (a) the splitting of the construct dealing with meiosis (E) into two subconstructs (E1‐physical passage of genetic information and E2 – the role of sex cells), (b) the addition of new levels to constructs dealing with the universal nature and organization of the genetic code (A) and construct (F). For Construct A, the lower levels were expanded to include ideas about the localization of DNA in cells and to include ideas about the composition of DNA that were not captured in the progression. Revisions to Construct F included the expansion of existing levels and the addition of modes of inheritance such as codominance and incomplete dominance. The research we present offers insights about a methodological approach that can be used to test and refine progressions, as well as insights about student learning in genetics as we further describe and expand the stepping‐stone ideas in the progression and discuss further the multidimensional nature of learning progressions.  相似文献   
石宝峰  程砚秋  王静 《科研管理》2016,37(5):122-131
通过R聚类剔除反映信息重复的指标,利用因子分析遴选对科技评价影响较大的指标,构建了能够反映科学发展观内涵的科技评价指标体系。在此基础上,利用变异系数对主观G1权重、客观余弦夹角权重进行组合加权,建立了基于变异系数加权的组合赋权模型,并对中国14个典型的省份科技评价数据进行了实证。创新与特色:一是通过变异系数对主观G1权重、客观余弦夹角权重进行加权,构建了变异系数加权后组合权重最大的目标函数,进而确定了主、客观权重的组合系数θ_1、θ_2,反映了组合赋权中主、客观权重分布变异性越大、权重越大的赋权思路。弥补了现有组合赋权中主、客观权系数相等,无法有效反映专家知识经验和客观数据差异的不足。二是实证研究表明:科技投入不足是制约江西、广西两省科技发展较差的主要因素;科技对经济与社会的影响偏弱是制约四川省科技发展的关键因素;科技产出不足是制约黑龙江、山东、河南三省科技发展的瓶颈因素。  相似文献   
保藏温度、时间及代次对蛹虫草菌种质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索不同保藏温度、时间及菌种代次对蛹虫草菌种质量的影响。方法:以4℃、10℃、20℃等不同保藏温度,以30 d、60 d、90 d、180 d及360 d等不同保藏时间,以F1、F2、F3、F4等不同代次母种,以F0为对照组,对比菌种质量情况。结果:菌种质量由高到低依次为:10℃保藏1个月、4℃保藏1个月、20℃保藏1个月、4℃保藏2个月、4℃保藏3个月、10℃保藏2个月,其他基本无菌种价值;F1〉F2〉F3,F4基本无菌种价值。结论:4℃保藏1~2个月为佳,10℃保藏1个月为佳,菌种传代以3代以内为佳。  相似文献   
通过对移动从动件凸轮轮廓曲线的几何分析,运用三心定理得出凸轮压力角的计算公式,用Excel准确计算出凸轮轮廓曲线上各点的压力角后运用图表分析不同运动规律、不同升程及不同偏心距的情况下凸轮轮廓曲线上各点压力角的变化规律。  相似文献   
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