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路云亭 《体育科研》2017,(5):31-38,44
足球是一种极易传播的游戏文化,足球在世界各地的传播大多体现出同质性,却在巴西获得了一种异质性的因素。巴西足球的特质异性来自人种的多元化,也和巴西人逍遥的文化精神相关联,又与巴西的气候及生态情况难脱干系。巴西足球给全世界民众都带来了一种超凡的技术,还展示出了热带国家特有的朝气、自由感以及灵透气质。巴西足球就此成为国家的主体精神,其品牌影响力超越了这个国家其他所有的文化类型。巴西文化只有桑巴舞和足球是世界级的,巴西文化具有单一突进的功能。巴西人没有受过战争创伤,其足球中的自由主义精神显得纯色而富有原始性。当巴西足球失去了诸多的国家威权符号的附加值后,其内在的戏剧性与游戏性就得以激活,这是巴西足球带给全世界民众的一种启示。  相似文献   
博物馆APP是新媒体时代博物馆教育的新载体,具有广阔应用前景,但其设计规律尚有待探讨。本文通过对故宫博物院《皇帝的一天》APP中沉浸元素、扮演元素、任务元素、动作元素、益智元素等游戏元素的分析,总结出博物馆APP设计中情境导入、角色扮演、任务驱动、激发动机、问题导向等方法的应用,提出游戏元素与教育学、传播学方法相结合的设计思路,为博物馆开发科普APP提供借鉴。  相似文献   
论教育游戏任务系统及其设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育游戏作为新兴的学习工具和学习平台,因其能充分调动学习者的学习动机而日益受到关注。从教育游戏游戏性和教育性的平衡入手,分析教育游戏系统中的任务系统,并从游戏性和教育性两个方面给出了教育游戏任务系统的设计策略。  相似文献   
基于支持思维建模的系统动力学Stella技术,构建了把系统内部的问题空间外显化的游戏性虚拟实验系统动力学模型。生成的可视化思维模型模拟了游戏性虚拟实验系统的多重、非线性复杂的系统行为,清晰地揭示了游戏性元素对虚拟实验情境、交互和监控三大组成部分以及学习者在实验过程中心理和行为两个层面的影响作用,游戏性虚拟实验系统动力学模型为虚拟实验未来发展的趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   
阅读教学是语文教学中的一个重点同时也是一个难点。游戏是人一生的活动,在游戏中,人们体验到自由、愉悦、表演、体验,得到生命的关怀与引领。因此,可以把游戏引入阅读教学中,充分发挥学生主动性,促进学生自我体验与个性发展,培养学生高尚的审美情趣。  相似文献   
胡南 《美育学刊》2022,13(1):81-87
文人音乐作为中国传统音乐的重要分支,自古秉承着"德成而上,艺成而下"的艺术精神。在这样的艺术观念下,魏晋时期文人音乐活动具有"游戏性"的外在表现,更深的层面上,则具有一种"伦理性"框架及"审美性"原动力。因此,这一时期的音乐话语就具有游戏性、伦理性和审美性的内涵。  相似文献   
儿童文化,是指在儿童生活中显示出来的心灵特质,属于精神文化的范畴.儿童是“本能的缪斯”,儿童文化具有艺术性特质;以游戏为生活的儿童的文化,还具有游戏性;而作为“完整自然的生物”,儿童使自己拥有的文化获得了生态性.艺术性、游戏性、生态性是具有深度联系的,这三个方面有机地构成了儿童文化的整体.如果艺术性、游戏性、生态性这一描述,不是对儿童文化的一种主观臆测,就应该考虑修正成人社会对儿童“成长”的诠释.  相似文献   
This essay describes current research in player studies, focusing on how play is a social activity, and how sociality is mediated and performed in a variety of settings. It starts by explaining the concept of tandem play and then moves to an exploration of gameplay that is performed for differently sized audiences via the Twitch.tv platform. Our research finds that even single-player gameplay can very often be a social activity. Additionally, how we perform gameplay is contingent on multiple factors, including where we and others are physically located, whether play is professional or amateur, and how particular play platforms shape our expectations for play and spectatorship actions.  相似文献   
This article explores children's imaginative interaction with Internet games in the belief that an understanding of children's life experiences is essential to effective teaching and learning within the classroom. It is underpinned by the idea that imaginative play is, at least in some part, the work of children undertaking identity practice. It focuses on a small group case study of 8‐ and 9‐year‐old children, from diverse cultural backgrounds, who were regular players on free‐access commercial Internet games. As children frequently perform imaginative narrative play both privately and in groups triggered from experiences with novels, films and television, the research initially focused on whether similar activities resulted from experiences with commercially sponsored free Internet game sites. If so, to what extent might these texts also influence children's creative output? To explore this, the children attended a weekly after‐school computer club during which they played on Internet games. During the course of the club sessions, each child was observed and interviewed about the experiences they had resulting from the gameplay. Through consideration of the children's play and opinions, the teacher researcher developed valuable insights into her students and their worlds to the benefit of her practice.  相似文献   
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