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The shifting constitution of journalists as humanitarian actors has profound implications for changing forms of journalism practice, as well as for the normative models through which journalists understand and reflect on that practice. In an effort to develop a more empirically-grounded engagement with change, this article explores the interview testimonies of Australian journalists who cover international and humanitarian issues. It argues that frameworks reliant on stark oppositions (between past and present, optimism and pessimism, or moral agency and material structure) are both empirically and practically problematic, and seeks to move beyond these. Engagement with data from semi-structured interviews offers insight into how journalists’ perceptions of and responses to change are shaped by the historical and shifting institutional relations in which they are implicated.  相似文献   
实质损害原则——美国信息隐私保护利益平衡原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘建珊 《情报科学》2007,25(11):1723-1728
欧盟平衡个人信息隐私权和公共利益的原则是充分利益原则,只有在证明公共利益是充分必要时,才能适当减损个人信息隐私权;美国则更为重视信息自由流动的价值意义,在平衡个人信息隐私权与公共利益的冲突时,采取实质损害原则,保护个人信息隐私免于披露必须证明披露信息对个人造成实质损害或实质损害的威胁。本文在分析我国建设征信体系时所处的背景及所面临的主要矛盾后,建议借鉴美国信息隐私保护的利益平衡观,在个人信用信息的采集和利用方面,采取“宽进严出”的方式。  相似文献   
解析一款舞台视效设备联动控制系统,可实现对舞台灯光、LED屏、投影等视效设备的联动控制,根据应用特点设计软件结构,并在实现中加以优化。  相似文献   
Adolescents exposed to maltreatment have an elevated risk of deliberate self-harm (DSH). The aim of this study was to investigate longitudinally the effects of the number, timing, and type of maltreatment allegations on adolescent risk of having a DSH-related hospital admission, using linked data in Western Australia. A total of 351,372 children born between 1986 and 2000 were followed from birth up to the year 2010. Cox regression models were utilized, while controlling for a range of psychosocial covariates. Compared to children without allegations of maltreatment, children with unsubstantiated allegations only (aHR = 1.04, 95%CI: 1.00–1.08, p < .01) and children with a substantiated allegation (aHR = 1.10, 95%CI: 1.06–1.15, p < .001) all had significantly increased risk of DSH in adolescence. Among children with a substantiated allegation of maltreatment, the greater the number of allegations, the longer the exposure to maltreatment, and the more types of maltreatment experienced by a child, the higher the child's risk of DSH. However, this dose–response pattern was not found among children with unsubstantiated allegations only. This study calls for the early identification of children who are vulnerable to maltreatment, the better identification of the duration and severity of maltreatment experiences, and the provision of continued care and support, to reduce the child's DSH risk in adolescence.  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下,高校全面开展在线教学,尽力保证疫情防控期间的教学进度和教学质量,实现"停课不停教、停课不停学"的目标。但线上教学不同于教室课堂,教务学工如何联动做好疫情特殊时期线上教学的日常管理是当前形势下值得思考的课题。以浙江大学宁波理工学院为例,结合在线教学运行实际,分析了在此背景下在线教学存在的问题,并提出了几点教务学工有效联动策略。  相似文献   
根据连杆曲线生成的数学模型,建立了连杆曲线图谱库。该图谱库具有显示轨迹复演和不同连杆点连杆曲线的轮廓形状、变化规律、形成过程及机构各构件的相对运动情况,并可用于机构的尺度综合。  相似文献   
课堂提问历来是教学论的研究热点。从教学论的视域出发,我们看到提问作为一种有效教学的形式承担着课堂教学的重任,提问的好坏直接影响到课堂教学的质量。现今的课堂教学中大多呈现着一种"泛问题化、纯问答式"的现象,在搭建课堂提问层次性、程序性的通道中,缺乏科学性、艺术性的开发思维的问题链。课堂提问需根据教学和学生实际,精心设计、灵巧筑构,文本中的重难点和关键点要设置实、精、深、新的问题重锤夯实。只有这样,一堂好课才能由教师设置的一连串有价值的问题来实现。  相似文献   
现行法律关于立案监督的规定存在逻辑意义上的矛盾,公民的"人权"难以得到有力保障,不利于立案监督工作的正常开展,"不应当立案而立案"违法行为未能得到有效遏制.必须明确赋予检察机关对侦查机关"不应当立案而立案"违法行为进行监督的职权,并实行侦查机关立案报备制度.  相似文献   
目前在英语系高年级学生中开设的剑桥商务英语,使用由剑桥大学考试委员会和教育部考试中心推荐,经济科学出版社出版的《新编剑桥商务英语》教材。这套教材是以现代商务活动为素材,为考试而编写的,内容与考试联系紧密。本文是作者在使用过程中对教材及考试相关内容作了一些分析,感到商务英语的考试是对考生商务知识及语言能力的双重考察,深刻体会到它同其他商科之间的紧密联系和在教学过程中补充相关背景知识的重要性。  相似文献   
媒体作为社会公器 ,真实、公正、准确是不二的法则。在伊拉克战争中 ,由于交战双方为了战争目的充分利用媒体 ,对媒体新闻报道实行诸多管制 ,加上新闻与战争本身的不可调和性 ,媒体在夹缝里求生存。美英联军在战争中依靠信息传播优势 ,通过杜撰与封锁消息操控新闻媒体 ,在某种程度上 ,美英一些媒体及记者在“国家利益”这面大旗下已沦为五角大楼的传声筒。  相似文献   
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