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This study is an investigation of what happens to participants during their adventure education (AE) experiences and the meanings they ascribe to those experiences. These topics were explored through the qualitative framework of educational connoisseurship and criticism at three sites: a backpacking expedition, a challenge course and a multi-activity adventure programme. Through 183 hours of observation and 74 interviews with 41 participants, the qualities of AE as aesthetic experience were revealed. This conception of AE experience is characterised through sensory encounters, full attention and aesthetic paradox. Findings are supported with the voices of participants, and the significance of this conception of AE experience is discussed.  相似文献   
The new information technologies hold out the promise of instantaneous, 24/7 connection and co-presence. But to be everywhere at once is to be effectively nowhere; to be connected to everyone and everything is to be effectively disconnected. Why then do we long for faster connections and fuller connectivity? The answer this paper proposes is that we are trying to fill our existential lack, our radical sense of inadequacy and incompleteness as human beings. From such a perspective, our pursuit of speed and connectivity is doomed to failure insofar as it only exacerbates the condition we are fleeing. Rather than rushing faster, the Buddhist-inspired solution would have us slow down and directly investigate our sense of lack.  相似文献   
腐败是政府垄断租金的函数--兼论"发展-腐败悖论"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腐败是公务人员违反法定职责与社会其他人串谋瓜分政府经济租金的活动。政府控制经济产生租金,腐败是租金的函数:租金越大,腐败程度越高;公务人员的自由裁量权也加剧腐败的频率和严重程度;但他们的社会责任感则起相反作用;法律纪律的惩处可以抑制但不能消除腐败。腐败与经济快速发展并存的现象为一悖论。经济发展高速期与转型期腐败活动冲击“恶法”而有促进经济效率的倾向。  相似文献   
姜林  刘照德 《预测》2002,21(4):77-80,76
本文首先介绍了伯川德悖论,接着利用改进的霍特林模型,对著名的“伯川德悖论”进行了合理的解释,定义了寡头的成本优势,给出了具有不同成本优势的情况下,不同寡头的最优定位纯策略和各自的最优利润。  相似文献   
This paper explores selective literatures in the two fields of action learning and innovation, and seeks insights into the processes of, and connections between, innovation, engagement and implementation. We searched the action learning articles for references to innovation, beginning with the work of Revans, who highlights the innovation paradox, which becomes a key theme of this paper. We searched the very large innovation literature for references to innovation as a learning process and as a factor in organisational learning. The paper surveys the factors said to enable innovation, and briefly outlines some inhibitors, before considering Revans’ contribution to thinking about innovation. This is followed by a consideration of developments in action learning and innovation since Revans. The findings suggest that paradox theory is a useful way of thinking about innovation, conceived of as a practical problem involving resistances and frequent failures of implementation and adoption, and also propose action learning as a means of working with and addressing paradox. A limitation of this study is its lack of empirical data. Further research could usefully interrogate examples of innovation practices and ask such questions as to why innovation remains so elusive, and how innovative capacities and capabilities can be developed and enhanced.  相似文献   
高级英语是英语专业的学生在高年级阶段学习的一门课程,它着力于拓宽学生的知识面、培养学生能力。文学是文化的重要组成部分,黑人文学长期以来一直肩负着争取民族平等的重要使命,这丰富了黑人作家的创作题材,但也在一定程度上制约了其在文学道路上的进一步发展。进入20世纪后半期以后,黑人作家扩宽了视野,结合时代的发展,把黑人文学融入到一个更广阔的发展空间中,更容易为广大读者所认可。从美国非裔文化的角度来思考高级英语教学,从而帮助学生全方位地掌握美国文化。  相似文献   
道义悖论研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
道义逻辑是逻辑学发展的新分支,道义悖论也因此成为一个全新的研究领域。四种重要的道义悖论并不是严格意义上的逻辑悖论。其中影响最大的悖论是齐硕姆悖论,它主要涉及到如何可靠地表达条件义务的问题,因此,要想可靠地表达条件义务,必须建立二元道义系统。  相似文献   
为增加高等学校辅导员工作的吸引力,教育部颁发了双线晋升政策,辅导员在职业晋升时可以同时申请职级和职称两个系列。使用扎根理论研究路径考察案例学校辅导员在双线晋升政策要求下如何应对职业晋升,发现名义上提供双重机会的双线晋升政策,因与辅导员的工作特征不相匹配,实质上变成了辅导员晋升的双重困境。尽管辅导员在不同的情境和干预条件下采取了不同的行动策略,但他们对晋升后的结果都不满意,以致这项意图良好的政策产生了预期外后果:在政策目标、手段和结果各方面都出现了名实分离的情况。之所以出现这种悖论,是因为辅导员晋升中存在政府逻辑、专业逻辑与市场逻辑的错位。此悖论不仅给辅导员的专业认同带来了巨大困惑,而且对辅导员的专业化提出了挑战。对那些为了在学术竞争中名列前茅而实施类似政策的学校而言,本研究结果具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
本文用系统观点分析了我国西部大开发战略中存在的多种问题和争议,对中共中央在西部大开发战略实施过程中需遵循的步骤和西部地方政府应采取的对策方面提出了自已的见解。  相似文献   
关于道德悖论属性的思考——从逻辑的观点看   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
逻辑悖论有狭义和广义之分。狭义逻辑悖论是指其由以导出的背景知识都是日常进行合理思维的理性主体普遍承认的公共知识或预设,均可通过现代逻辑语形学、逻辑语义学和逻辑语用学的研究使之得到严格的形式塑述与刻画,其推导过程可达到无懈可击的逻辑严格性的悖论。广义逻辑悖论是人们把导致狭义逻辑悖论的"背景知识"的视域由日常合理思维领域拓展到哲学思维等其他领域而发现的悖论。道德悖论是人们在道德思维领域发现的一种广义的逻辑悖论。  相似文献   
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