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BackgroundChildren exposed to substance use in their families are vulnerable to multiple risk factors in their development and at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems. The aims of the study were as follows 1) estimate the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems among children aged 6–11 years old, living with addicted family members in a low-income urban community of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil; 2) evaluate the children’s exposure to family psychosocial stressors and substance use; and 3) investigate the factors related to the increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems and substance use.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among 101 children aged 6–11 years old (M = 9.16 years, SD = 1.61). The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Psychosocial Stress Factors (PSF).ResultsHigh prevalence of problems was found for this sample: the CBCL showed 26.7% of clinical scores for Internalizing Problems, 40.6% for Externalizing Problems, and 40.6% for Total Problems. Exposure to family psychosocial stressors was also high, including severe disease (33%), physical aggression (28.9%), death (27.8%), psychiatric hospitalization (16.7%), suicide attempts (15.5%), and suicide (9.3%). Exposure to these family stressors was associated with an increase of two to four times in the prevalence of internalizing and externalizing problems.ConclusionsChildren exposed to substance abusers have more mental health problems than general population, even when compared to peers living in similar low-income areas. This is a group that should be target of a selective preventive intervention.  相似文献   
Families with complex needs related to domestic violence, mental health, and substance use have some of the worst child protective services (CPS) outcomes. Although many of these families are identified during a CPS investigation and subsequently referred to home-based postinvestigation services (HBPS), many are re-reported to CPS, so it is important to understand the postinvestigation experiences of this vulnerable group. Therefore, this study compared families with and without complex needs to understand their uniquedemographics, needs, and postinvestigation outcomes.The sample consisted of 2008 caregivers who received HBPS following an initial CPS investigation. The Family Assessment Form (FAF) was used to measure family functioning in eight domains using a 1–5 scale with higher ratings representing worse functioning. Complex needs were indicated by a mean FAF score of 3 or higher for either domestic violence, mental health, or substance use. Using Pearson chi-square analyses and two-sample t-tests, comparisons were made between families with (n = 836) and without (n = 1172) complex needs. Half of caregivers with complex needs had a history of abuse, 25% had three to five needs, and nearly half had six to eight needs; 90% of caregivers without complex needs had zero to two needs. Furthermore, caregivers with complex needs had higher mean scores for concrete, educational, and clinical needs. These findings highlight the importance of recognizing variation among families referred to HBPS and accurate screening to ensure that families with complex needs are offered and receive services matched to their unique characteristics and needs.  相似文献   
This study investigated the use of alcohol and other drugs among 193 Taiwanese female college students currently attending Tainan Women's College of Arts and Technology. Using the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, participants were asked to identify: (1) which substances they have used in the last year and during the past 30 days, (2) the frequency of substance use, and (3) the consequences associated with the use of alcohol and other substances. Results indicated that alcohol and tobacco were the most commonly used substances. Compared to a similar study, alcohol use in the last year was considerably higher among the participants in this study and tobacco use was considerably lower. During the past 30 days, the use of both alcohol and tobacco were relatively low. Implications for college counselors and college officials are discussed.  相似文献   
为增加高等学校辅导员工作的吸引力,教育部颁发了双线晋升政策,辅导员在职业晋升时可以同时申请职级和职称两个系列。使用扎根理论研究路径考察案例学校辅导员在双线晋升政策要求下如何应对职业晋升,发现名义上提供双重机会的双线晋升政策,因与辅导员的工作特征不相匹配,实质上变成了辅导员晋升的双重困境。尽管辅导员在不同的情境和干预条件下采取了不同的行动策略,但他们对晋升后的结果都不满意,以致这项意图良好的政策产生了预期外后果:在政策目标、手段和结果各方面都出现了名实分离的情况。之所以出现这种悖论,是因为辅导员晋升中存在政府逻辑、专业逻辑与市场逻辑的错位。此悖论不仅给辅导员的专业认同带来了巨大困惑,而且对辅导员的专业化提出了挑战。对那些为了在学术竞争中名列前茅而实施类似政策的学校而言,本研究结果具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
从节能、环保、保护自然资源、提高热能利用率的观点出发,吸纳了"双机联合循环热力机组"的高效节能的成功经验,将"双机"简化成"双工质"联合循环的透平机,将燃料的"多个梯阶"能量直接或间接地加以回收和利用,提高了热能的利用率。  相似文献   
通过对主要散见于<形而上学>各章节的亚里士多德哲学观的梳理与诠释,探讨了亚里士多德关于把哲学定位为研究某些本原和原因的思辨科学,是如何与实践科学、创制科学相区分的;产生哲学的两个条件"好奇"和"闲暇";哲学的自由、求真性质和崇高地位;哲学研究的对象--实体在亚里士多德那里的含义等构成其哲学观的基本观点.  相似文献   
中国传统哲学的现代化问题在起步时就为“中体西用”说“误导”,陷于“体用两撅论”的泥潭,在其后的发展中一直排斥西方哲学中的科学精神。中国哲学的现代化问题应该回到“科学与民主”的旗帜下,而不是传统儒学,以“拿来主义”精神,吸取中外历史上一切有用的思想资源,尤其是现代西方哲学中的科学精神。  相似文献   
论儒教伦理的缺陷及其与儒教天道观的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对儒教对天的崇拜的剖析,证明这个“天”是一种有抽象的绝对普遍性的自然实体,这种崇拜建立起一种普遍的道德意识,不是能为在血缘家族关系之外的社会领域建立超自然超血缘的普遍伦理,而是只能勉强建立一种不纯粹的父系血缘等级伦理,故春秋时汉民族的理智觉醒必然使其丧失真理性,战国后中国两千年的历史轮回缘由即在于此。  相似文献   
都市文学的演进存在着内在的文化逻辑 ,在其发展的两个阶段上 ,文学视点向城市的转移与商品理念的生成是其两个关键因素  相似文献   
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