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本文应用文献资料法、数据分析法,以欧洲足球五大联赛2017/18赛季经营状况为载体,从职业足球俱乐部内部经营和市场环境两方面讨论和研究治理做法和经验,从而指出五大联赛市场平稳有序和职业足球俱乐部可持续发展的经验。从我国足球国情出发,结合五大联赛市场治理经验,探索中超联赛市场治理创新,研究认为:创新治理主体结构,形成“三位一体”的治理格局,明确中超治理主体责任;创新职业足球市场治理体制,提高中超市场自治能力和水平;创新职业俱乐部内部治理体系,创造职业足球俱乐部健康可持续发展生态;创新治理价值体系,打造足球产业经营全产业链,创造中超市场盈利模式。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从非均衡国家治理角度对我国职业足球改革面临的困境进行研究。通过梳理相关文献提出,当前国家治理模式具有非均衡性,存在各主体参与失范、治理权责分配失衡的问题,市场、社会、个人主体话语权较弱、参与性不足,形成了较强的政府依赖路径。对职业足球改革各主体之间的关系进行阐述,认为政府和足协是改革话语权的掌握者和资源的分配者,其他主体参与改革作用较小。指出,尚未明确职业足球的发展动机、足协组织能力与管理效能不足、各主体缺乏有效联系与合作是非均衡国家治理模式的具体表现;政府的非市场手段治理、市场失灵与第三部门失灵、个体意识与自我治理不足是其深层次原因。在此基础上提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
企业赞助大型体育赛事目的是为了提升企业的市场价值,针对多家中国企业赞助2018年俄罗斯世界杯的事件,用事件研究方法考察了企业签约赞助和开赛日2个阶段股票价格的异常收益波动,并用百度指数研究了网络关注度对异常收益的影响关系。研究发现,中国企业赞助俄罗斯世界杯,在签约事件窗口内企业获得正向的市场绩效,而在开赛日事件窗口内企业获得负向的市场绩效。百度指数与股票异常收益的关系,说明网络关注度对事件影响产生催化剂的作用。研究结果表明,企业赞助大型赛事需要注重短期和长期的效果,注意防止过度炒作,并要积极采用营销组合的手段扩大赞助带来的影响和收益。  相似文献   
Science has greatly contributed to the advancement of technology and to the innovation of production processes and their applications. Cleaning products have become indispensable in today’s world, as personal and environmental hygiene is important to all societies worldwide. Such products are used in the home, in most work environments and in the industrial sectors. Most of the detergents on the market are synthesised from petrochemical products. However, the interest in reducing the use of products harmful to human health and the environment has led to the search for detergents formulated with natural, biodegradable surfactant components of biological (plant or microbiological) origin or chemically synthesised from natural raw materials usually referred to as green surfactants. This review addresses the different types, properties, and uses of surfactants, with a focus on green surfactants, and describes the current scenario as well as the projections for the future market economy related to the production of the different types of green surfactants marketed in the world.How to cite: Farias CBB, Almeida FCG, Silva IA, et al. Production of green surfactants: Market prospects. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.02.002  相似文献   
基于产品市场视角,本文采用多元回归分析方法,考察企业社会责任(CSR)负面事件对产品市场竞争力的影响,以及高管团队社会资本的缓解效应。研究发现:CSR负面事件会显著降低企业产品市场竞争力;道德型负面事件比能力型负面事件对企业产品市场竞争力的消极影响更强;CSR负面事件对竞争行业企业产品市场的消极影响比垄断行业企业更为明显;高管团队社会资本可以显著缓解CSR负面事件对企业产品市场竞争力的冲击。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国体育产业从无到有一路发展,在成为受国家重视的重要产业的今天,相比国际体育产业发达国家,我们仍然处于明显的劣势,即便是国内的中、高端体育消费市场也几乎被国外大品牌企业占据大半,更不用说我们的企业走出国门了。然而我们的体育产业依然有着潜在的核心竞争力,为了将这种竞争力变成现实的力量,我们必须积极营造成熟、规范的体育消费市场;积极发挥竞技体育发展水平的优势;积极与国际知名企业合作,实现互利共赢。  相似文献   
信用度是衡量市场主体信用等级的重要指标,它是政府监管和建设市场主体从业的重要依据。由于我国现行的建设市场信用度评价体系还不够成熟,评价标准、评价方法以及数据采集等的科学性与合理性等方面存在不足,如何检验政府部门公布的建设市场主体信用度和建设市场主体信用度评价体系是目前亟待解决的问题。本文根据中心极限定理,提供对A地区政府公布的房建类企业、市政类企业、园林类企业以及装饰类企业等四类市场主体的信用度进行检验,进而判断政府公布的四类企业的信用度的科学性与合理性,同时也对评价标准、评价方法、数据采集等的科学性和合理性等进行检验,并据此提出相关建议。本文的研究成果对于政府公布建设市场主体的信用等级具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This article explores how parents choose childcare settings for their pre-school children within a context of complex policy on eligibility for free provision and a developing market. Using data from interviews with 17 mainly middle-class parents in England, we explore in detail how parents go about choosing a childcare setting and the different phases of this process. This adds further nuance to the existing literature on choosing practices and the dysfunction and inequalities of a neoliberal childcare market, and also updates the discussion to include recent policy developments such as the provision of ‘30 hours free childcare’ for 3 and 4-year-olds. We conclude that parental choosing involves a series of decisions in two or three phases, which start from practical considerations, followed by quality comparison and then back to practical constraints if a decision has not been made. The options open to parents are split between not only those able to accommodate shorter ‘free’ provision and those that require longer periods of childcare to work, but also between those with children under three and above. Contrary to previous findings in this area, this split may work to the disadvantage of some middle-class families, whose children attend lower-quality settings as a result.  相似文献   
在校大学生作为消费日趋独立,个体意志日益成熟,对新事物新形态接受能力较强的体育消费群体,是现在和未来支撑体育消费市场的重要群体,具有一定的代表性和前瞻性。通过对安徽省全日制本科院校在校大学生体育消费水平、体育消费支出比重、体育消费方式及体育消费满意度等现状进行调查分析,有助于对经济新常态背景下安徽省体育消费市场现状进行分析并提供有效的发展建议。本文通过问卷调查,对数据整理分析,结合安徽省体育消费市场现状,提出应提高消费水平、优化消费结构、加快互联网经济建设等建议。  相似文献   
This article explores consequences for children’s education in custodial institutions in a contemporary market society, England and Wales. It finds that policy decision-making designed to ‘transform’ prison education for children is primarily influenced by a desire to limit the cost to the public purse of custodial placements. This paper argues that market values influence decision-making in the youth custody sector and shape the nature and quality of provision that children are permitted to access. The consequences associated with this include further fragmentation of prison provision for children, an imbalance in the types of custodial place made available, (with children disproportionately contained in the cheapest type of provision), geographical discrepancies and persistent high re-offending rates. The concern with the costs of custody is particularly prominent in a society subject to ‘austerity’ measures across a wide range of public services, particularly in the criminal justice sector (Ismail, 2020). However, it is inconsistent with contemporary knowledge and understanding of children in custody, their needs and their vulnerabilities. The transformation supposedly sought is unlikely to materialize while annual cost-per-child place is a dominant driving force. Instead, we need to start with an understanding of what individual support children in prison need in order to be ‘education ready’.  相似文献   
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